Chapter 31

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I wake up all sweaty. My legs wrapped up in the sheets and my body all sweaty. It's been 5 days since I last seen Luca and I've been having wet dreams. It's terrible that he has this effect on me just from telling me he likes me. I don't think this is healthy and I need to see him.

I get up out of the bed and head straight for the shower. I've been eating lately but being in a room all alone has made me realize that my parents were really gone. My mother won't be there anymore to say good morning to me and make me breakfast. Once I start living alone I won't have my mother and father there to help me decorate.

I'll miss out on most of the things that are very important to do with parents.

Once I'm out of the shower I handle my other business then leave the bathroom. I throw on some clothes and walk to the door. I've been avoiding going out because I don't know these people and if their apart of a gang won't they hurt me. Today though I will face my fears and head out. I need to buy some clothes since I left them all and I also need to get used to this place.

I open the door to the very quiet hallways. Large houses have always scared me that why my parents got a smaller house. I walk down the hall the floor squeaking under my feet as I walk. Could this house get any creepier?

I walk down the stairway revealing a large white living room next to the living room is a bathroom and a kitchen. There were about 3 more stairways that go up but I decided against trying to kill my legs.

In the kitchen is Emmet and a girl who looks a year younger than me. She has the same black hair as Emmet but dark brown eyes. This must be Lucas's sister.

"U-Um Emmet I need to go shopping," I say looking down at the breakfast they are eating. "Ok ill take you in a minute." he smiles. "You must be Lucas's girlfriend." the girl I think is Faith says. "W-we aren't together," I say and she inspects me. Man is she intimidating. I start sweating under her stare. "Is it because he's a future gang leader?" she asks. How could she tell just from looking at me? "That's part of it," I add and she smiles. "Well, Luca is a good person no matter what his destiny is. she smiles then turn back towards the food.

"You can take her now Emmet I got this." she pats her brother on the back. He rolls his eyes. "You know I hate when you do that." he moves her hand and then walks up to me. "Lets go Delaney." he smiles and I follow after him.

We walk out of the house and he unlocks a very nice looking car. I get in as he starts it up then he pulls off.


Once we get to the store I grab a few pairs of clothes, underwear, and necessities I need. Emmet kept a close eye me so I couldn't grab a dildo immediately. I eventually got him to look away and quickly paid for everything. It felt nice to get out and breathe some fresh breezy wind.

I loved it when my hair blew In the wind while I walked down the street.

Once we finally got back a lady walked up to me. "Excuse me, miss Mr. Simmons would like to see you." she says nodding to Emmet. "Oh..O-Okay." I say following Emmet up two flights of stairs. We stop in front of a door and Emmet motions for me to go inside. "Do you want me to take your bag to the room?" Emmet asks.

I can't let him see the toy that I bought for myself. "No I'll take it with me." I smile and he nods. I open the door and head inside.

Luca is sitting at his desk pinching the bridge of his nose. I bite my lip at how sexy he looks working. He's frustrated though, a side I've never seen. I probably don't even know Luca as much as I thought. "C'mere kitten." he doesn't look up and I make my way over to him. He stands up from his seat and his eyes bore into mine. I hide my bag behind my back. Can't let him see my dildo.

He pulls me into his chest and into a hug. "I missed you kitten," he whispered in my ear and my face goes red. "How long have you been out of that doctors office?" I ask "I got out today and went to your room but you weren't there. I heard you went to the store." he reaches behind my back to grab my bag but I drop it.

"There are things in there I don't want you to see." I state but he has a smirk on his face. I look to where he's looking and see my dildo on the floor. Fuck.

He looks at me with lustful eyes. "Have you been touching yourself without me?" he asks and I shake my head. "N-No I just I."

"What baby?" he smiles

His arms slip around my waist. "Tell me baby why did you buy it?"

"I-I um I haven't had sex for a while." I look down as my entire face goes red. "I don't like the idea of you coming without me baby but if you want to have sex I can't stop you."

His thumbs make circles around my upper thighs. I love his touch. "Can we?" I ask "I have work to do right now kitten but I'll go to your room later. If you have any questions you can ask them right now" he let's me go and I follow him over to his desk. "So what do you want to know?".....

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