Chapter 11

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I opened the door and there stood Daniel with a cute grin. "Hey," he says looking good in his black shirt and ripped jeans. "Hey, come in," I say moving to the side to let him in. As he walks in Luca is heading down the stairs. I see both Daniel and Luca glare at each other. I close the door and Lead Daniel towards the kitchen where my mother and father were talking at. "Who was at the door sweetie." my mother asks before seeing Daniel walk into the kitchen. "Oh H-hi." my mother stuttered a little.

"Nice to meet you I'm Daniel," Daniel says shaking my mother's hand. "Nice to meet you, Daniel." My mother and father say in sync. Luca stands in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. "Mom I'm going out with him and I want to go without Luca," I say glaring at Luca as I say this. He smirks that annoying smirk at me. "I don't know honey," she says in deep thought. "You really shouldn't go anywhere without Luca." My father says looking at my mother.

"I'll be with Daniel and I have known him for years mother. Please." I beg her. "Okay fine you can go without him." my mother smiles at me. I internally squealed and turn back towards Daniel. "Okay let's go, Daniel," I say grabbing his hand and walking towards the door.

Once we get outside and into his car he pulls off. "So where do you want to go?" he asks "Anywhere with good food." I giggled. "Okay I know just the place," he smirks.

20 minutes later

We pulled up in front of this cute little restaurant and both got out. When we walked inside it was a beautifully lit. There were lights everywhere to glow up each booth and the booths were a pretty tan color.

"This is beautiful." I smiled. He took my hand and let me to a booth. "Just wait until you try the food," he says as we sit down. I was nervous just sitting next to him, he's so perfect.

"So how long is that guy going to be staying at your house?" he asks "Only a week, and then he's leaving" I lied. I don't know if it would be right to throw Lucas business out there. "Well hopefully he won't stop you from continuing these dates with me." he teased "He's not that bad." I laughed "But we aren't here to talk about him." I say.

" Your right. I really wanted to ask you more about you but I think I already know everything." he joked "Not everything." I said "Well tell me more about you." he says "As you know I moved to this town when I was 12. I came from a small town called Striverdale. I didn't really want to leave all my friends but I did. I moved here and since then my life hasn't really been that interesting." I smiled "What about you?" I ask.

"Well my mom died when I was little and my father just died last year. After that I took over his business." He says "Oh. I'm sorry for your loss." I say with my head down.

The waiter comes up to us and takes our orders. After that, we talked about the things we enjoyed. We ate the delicious food and by the time we left it was dark.

Back at Delaney's home

Luca was sitting on his bed with his headphones in scrolling through his playlist. He couldn't find a song to distract him from how far Delaney was from him. At school, it was different since she was safe with all those other students, but she's in a place where they could easily kill her. He couldn't ignore the feeling in his gut. He wanted to go to where she was and make sure she was okay. He sighed. He didn't know why he wanted her to be safe. Why he cared for her.

He got up and headed to the bathroom hoping that taking a shower would get her out of his head. He's been banging her teacher for a while but for some reason he can never get fucking Delaney out of his mind. Maybe one time. He thought. Maybe if he could fuck her one time this feeling would go away.

He turns the shower on cold and strips off all his clothes. Luca knew fucking her would cause problems. His dad would never let him be a doctor if he found out. He also knew Dalaney was only a high school student even if she was graduating soon. He steps into the shower and leans his head on the shower wall.

He knew he wouldn't be able to avoid this feeling for long. The best thing for him to do right now was to keep his distance.

Delaney POV

I walked up to the porch with Daniel while holding his hand. This is a dream come true, so why do I feel like something isn't right. I turn towards him while still holding his hand and he smirks at me. "This time can I give you a goodnight kiss?" He asked. I wasn't really sure I was mentally prepared for this kiss with Daniel but I wouldn't pass this up for the world.

"Yeah you can," I say swinging his hand back and forth a little. I bite my lip before both of ours connect. He put on of his hands in my hair pulling me deeper into the kiss. I wrap my arms around his waist and he tilts my head a little while moaning into the kiss. I break away from the kiss. Gosh that kiss was amazing. So why wasn't I happy about it?

"Goodnight," he says pulling away from my body. "Goodnight." I wave before opening my door.

Once I get into my house I set my purse down on the counter. My dinner date was really fun.

I had no idea that going upstairs was going to be the biggest mistake, but if I could take it all back I wouldn't.

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