Chapter 40

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1 month later, 3 days before graduation

I'm sitting up in bed with my baby books in my lap as Luca watches intently. "You are taking those books seriously." he smiles. For the past month, I've been able to act like a stranger to Luca when we are in class. Ciara on the other hand notices every little thing. A week after I settled into school we had the funeral for both of my parents. I cried nonstop for two weeks but Luca was there to cheer me up.

Sadly, they won't be able to see me graduate. "Of course I am. I don't want to mess up." I say holding his hand in mine. "You won't mess up Del. You're going to be a great mother." he wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head in my lap. "As long as you're there with me then I'll believe you," I say before getting back into my book.

His fingertips graze my leg. I've been busy with finals and catching up that Luca and I barely have sex anymore. I do miss his body on top of mine, but I need to focus. As soon as I graduate I'm going to need to find a job right away for the colleges I'm going to.

My parents were rich but they gave all their money to Luca's father. Now I have to work twice as hard. I feel his thumb trace over my clit. I moan just a little bit while trying to stay focused. Luca grabs me and flips us around. I'm now on top of him with my book in my hands.

"Del how about we get in some us time," he whispers. "I can't. I know it's been a month but I'm trying to focus right now." I moan when he creates friction. "You don't have to overwork yourself. I'm right here." he bites his lip as he creates friction for himself also. "I know but...what if I can't afford to go to college and take care of our baby." I set the book down. "What if I'm not a good mom."

He grips my hips. "Del I'm a doctor, I make good money. I'm not saying to rely on me to bring in all the money. I'm saying take it easy until you graduate and get the job you want." he kissed my hand. "I'm going to support you through anything."

"What if something happens to you." I fumble with my fingers. "I'm going to always be here."

I quickly start pulling off my clothes and he does also. He slowly unbuttoned my jeans as I ripped off my shirt then moving on to help him with my pants. Once my pants are off I rip off his shirt and take his jeans with it. "Don't expect me to be gentle tonight." he smiles and I lean down and place my lips on his.

I love kissing Luca so much and I know once we have our child we will be the happiest bunch. I trust him with my life and my heart and I want to give him everything. He may not be perfect but in my eyes he is.

He unclasps my bra as I pull out his manhood. I shouldn't make him wait for a month again. It seems like torture.

He takes my breast into his mouth making sure to bite and tug roughly. I bite my lip as I moan while running my fingers down his abs. "Hurry up baby. I'm becoming impatient," he growls.

I slide my panties down my leg giving him a good show before throwing them on the ground. I then take him and slide him deep inside, earning a moan from both of our mouths. "Shit, this feels amazing." I reach over and grab the cuffs I bought a few days ago. He doesn't realize that I'm buffing him and when he does he tries to get free but it's too late.

"Baby, how am I supposed to touch you like this." he groans with a smirk.

I laugh and move my body back and forth. Both of our heads roll back as I roll on top of him. "You wanna touch me don't you." I run my hand down my stomach and then trace over my boob. "Mm." he moans as his eyes grow darker. "Quit teasing me baby." he lifts himself off the bed to match my paste.

"Go faster." he groans. I pick up my paste as he hits my G-spot. I squirm as I try to stay in control. I've never had to be in control before. It's a lot of freaking work. My legs are going to be so sore in the morning.

He pushes up deep and hard and I dig my nails into his chest. I'm almost over the edge when he stops. "Uncuff me, baby." I think for a moment before doing what he says. "Letting him do the rest sounds about right." I uncuffed him and he immediately twists me around to where he on top. He takes me in and pushes back in balls deep. I almost scream in pleasure as he continues.

"More." I whimper as he takes my boob into his mouth. Our skin claps together as he moves faster. "Luca." I moan as my fingers dig into my back. "Say my name again baby." he groans as I squeeze around him.

I moan his name until we both go over the edge. He cums inside not making a move to pull out. "I almost forgot how good that was," he smirks on top of my body. "Mm." was all I could manage to say. He has me exhausted.

He squeezes my ass as he pulls out of me. "Can you bring me some water before I fall asleep?" I ask with my eyes half-open. He nods and gets out of bed and I watch his naked body as he starts to dress back up. All mine.

"I'll bring a towel to clean you up babe." he kisses my forehead before leaving the room. I roll around on the bed and get comfortable. I need to take advantage of this time before my baby bump comes. If I don't then I'm going to miss it. I start to doze off in my comfortable position...

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