Chapter 10

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I ran up the stairs from my morning run with my mom. She always liked to get up early on the weekend and take a run on the bike trail. I couldn't endure that much so I ran home so I could take a shower. After all, I had hours of sweat on my body. After that day with me and Luca, we just decided to pretend as if nothing happened. That was okay with me since we are 6 years apart in age.

I walk up the stairs and once I reach the last step I see my teacher Mrs.Rachels step out of the bathroom with only a towel on. I was beyond angry. Maybe it was because he rejected me for her, Maybe it was because she was walking around my house naked without a care in the world.

I have no idea but I just felt angry. She looks at me shocked and afraid and I give her the dirty skank look then walk away. I need to calm down. It's not like I've been thinking about it all this time. Once I get into my room I immediately call Daniel.

"Hello." He says with a hoarse voice. "H-hey Daniel," I blurted out forgetting what I was going to say. His morning voice is so cute I honestly forgot what I called him for. I cleared my throat coming back to my senses. "Do you want to hang out today since its the weekend," I spoke softly.

I could hear him moving around on the phone. "Uh yeah I'm free today, but what about your bodyguard?" he asks. "I'll have my parents meet you so they won't worry." I smiled.

"Okay." he sighs through the phone "I'll be there in an hour." he says "Alright," I say hanging up the phone. "Time to get dressed," I say getting up and walking over to my closet.

I get out some underwear a towel and the clothes I'm going to wear for my hangout then head towards the bathroom.

I walk in and it's so steamy I can't see a thing. She must have taken a long shower. I start to strip off all my clothes. What the hell is this the mist? I walk over to the shower turning it on and I can feel someone in the process. When I turn to look Luca is combing out his hair in the mirror.

Once he notices me I flush. I'm naked! Fucking naked! Out of all the times, the universe decided to give me bad luck it had to be now. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me but it was too late. Luca had seen everything. He was smirking at me with his arms crossed.

"Nice ass you got there Del" he laughed. I don't know what was worse? The fact that he called me Del or the fact that I'm stuck in the bathroom with him. I let my eyes scan his beautiful body. He only had on a towel that clung to his Adonis belt. It took everything in me not to drool. His abs were literal speed bumps that I could just run my hands down.

I bit my lip and it once again didn't go unnoticed. "W-what are you doing here?" I asked clinging to my towel. "That's my line," he says tapping his foot. "See I was combing my hair out in this cloudy ass bathroom when suddenly you were staring at me naked," he smirks. "I-I didn't know anyone was in here," I say and it's a good thing it's cloudy because I could feel my whole face burning up.

He moves closer to me. "Or you came in here to tease me kitten." He says. He moves so closer to me I ended up backed against the door with his arm on the side of my head. "Where are you going dressed up like that?" he asks pointing to the clothes next to me on the sink counter. "I'm just going out with my friend," I say nervously looking for an escape.

I could tell he knew that I was lying. Great, why does he have to be so observant? "I told you it's dangerous to go out and about," he says rolling his eyes. "Luca you can't keep me here forever," I say breathed. I think his hand just traced down my back. I bite my lip as he moves closer to me. His lips trace up my neck. "mm" I moaned.

I can't let myself get lost in his touch. I tried to scoot off of the counter which was, of course, a bad Idea. He softly moaned as his member crashed between my legs. Why did I have to do something like that? I internally face palmed myself. I almost choked on my thoughts as I felt his thumbs trace around my inner thighs.

He bit my neck and I look at him surprised. Shit, I know what he just did. I turned around to face the mirror and there was a red mark forming. "Fuck." I groaned angrily. I did not know Luca wasn't even close to finished with me. He turned me back around and lifted me up and sets me down on the counter. He immediately gets in between my legs not giving me enough time to close them.

"Is this your way of stopping me?" I asked with my arms crossed. "Maybe." He said before his lips crashed into mine. The shower was still on so it sounded like I was taking a long shower.

"Mm Luca" I moaned trying to break away from the kiss, but my hands are running up and down his back. I can't believe my body has betrayed me like this. A knock at the door brought me back from this lustful illusion. "Hey, Luca your really taking a long shower. Do you need me to go in there and give you a round two." I hear Mrs. Rachels say through the door.

He sighed. "No, I'll meet you there." He says and I hear her footsteps walk away. Round two? So he was messing around with her in here and then decided to try to do the same to me. I've had it with him! I push him back with all my force almost causing him to slip on the damp floor. "Get the hell out," I say pushing him towards the door. "But Del." He starts "Just get out!" I yelled and at that, he left the bathroom.

I sigh and finally get into the shower. "I need to stop letting him do this to me. I'm stronger than this." I wash my hair and clean off all the spots he kissed.

Once I get out of the shower I fix up my hair and put on my makeup and clothes. I have to look presentable since this is something I have only dreamed of being able to do. Dreams really do come true! I heard the doorbell ring and got super excited. I wonder who that could be? I smiled as I headed towards the door...

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