Chapter 29

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We finally arrived at the foreign place. It looks like a large luxury vacation hotel but it's just that big. Luca hasn't woken up since I stopped at the gas station a while back. I had to get him pain reliever. I really wanted to take him to the hospital but he wouldn't let me. I made sure to check if he was still breathing every 5 minutes. This entire day has just been terrifying. I don't know where I am and the only person I have left is Cierra and Luca.

I pull up to the gate and there are people with guns guarding it. I pick up his phone to make sure this is the right place. Why are there people with guns here? Don't tell me Luca is also apart of the mafia.

One person hold up a hand to me while the other person walks up to the car. I shake Luca attempting to wake him but he doesn't budge. The guy taps on the window and I roll it down.

"I advise you to turn around little lady. We don't accept guests." the guy says in a scrunchy deep voice. I turn to look at Luca who is now awake. He leans towards the window and gives the guy a weary smile. "I'm dying here Sam just let the girl through." Luca coughs and Sam gasps.

"Oh right yes. Sorry, sir." The man moves away from the car and does a hand signal to the other man. They open the gate and I look over to Luca. "Where are we." I move the car again. "My father's mansion," he whispers. I roll my eyes at him. "Yet again another secret you all let from me." I sigh and he grips my thigh. "Your parents didn't want me to tell you Del. I didn't hide it on purpose." He says I look at his tired and sweaty face.

I reach my hand over and touch his head. "You have a fever." I move my hand away as he slumps back into his seat. "Yeah, I lost a lot of blood. Don't worry though I'm not going to die." he chuckled but I was too traumatized to laugh. "If you do then I won't be happy again. Ever!"

"Aww are you confessing how much you want me." He winks and I pull up in front of the house. "I don't want you Luca. I need you right now." I look over to him and his face has gone serious. I bite my lip and look away from him. I don't regret what I said. I need someone to get me through all of this. My parents told me to trust him so I will.

I feel his hand in my hair and he turns me towards him. "Del when you say shit like that it makes me like you more." I was about to reply to his little like comment when he leans over and pulls me into a passionate kiss. I return the kiss letting my hands run through his hair. Then he passed out head resting on my chest. "L-luca!" I push him upright in his seat as a girl and a younger guy walk out of the mansion. I get out of the car and the guy stops in front of me. "Are you Delaney?" he asks and I nod my head. I turn to the girl who already has Luca out of the car.

"Luca baby wake up." she says laying him on her lap. His eyes flutter open and she smiles. "What were you thinking getting shot like that?" she asks but doesn't wait for a reply. She leans over and plants a kiss on the lips that were just on mine.

I turn back towards the younger guy. "We have a room set up for you. You can stay until Luca is out of the infirmary." I nod my head and follow they guy. I don't have time to think about that right now. I need a shower and sleep.

We walk into the big mansion that's way bigger than mine. What else is he hiding from me. "So what's your name?" I ask. "Emmet," he says not turning towards me. "Oh, you're Lucas brother right?" I ask and he nods "He must really trust you if he told you about us."

"Yeah were um" I shut my mouth before I say so, etching I regret. Luca used me then told me he's done with me. There's nothing more going on. "Hes been a good person to talk to ." I blush as we walk up a flight of stairs. We reach a room and he opens it. It's large and beautiful. There's pink and blue everywhere making the room look very girly.

I walk in and the guy waves to me. "Once Luca gets better ill tell him you're staying here." Emmet says "Um can you come and tell me if he's doing okay." I ask and Emmet nods his head. "I'll take you to see him once he's stable." he walks out of the room and I take a second to look at him. He looks like a younger version of Luca. Dark black hair except longer and dirty blue eyes. He may even look better than Luca.

I open a random drawer and there's men clothes in here. "Is this a guest room or a man's room. I open another drawer with a letter in it.

I open the letter and read it.

Dear Luca,

Can you stop leaving your clothes in the guest room! What if we have a guest and they think this is a man's room. Get your shit out before you head to the Powels house.

I start laughing. Typical Luca. I dig through the drawer and pull out one of his shirts. It's a black and red plaid shirt. Then I pull out some woman's pants from the closet. I head into the bathroom and start up the shower. I grab a towel out of the bathroom drawer.

Finally, the part I really needed was getting in. Once I'm in the shower all the blood washes off of my body and the tears start up again....

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