Chapter 32

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I fumble with my fingers as I muster up the courage to tell him my thoughts. "I can't be with a next in line mafia leader. I need to think about my safety before love."

He looks at me, eyes dark expressionless face. "Fine, I'll leave."

I look at him with a brow raised. Does he mean he'll leave me? "I'll leave the mafia."

I smile at him. I can't believe he's willing to give up his whole family business for me. "I can't leave until we capture Daniel and make sure he can't hurt you anymore." he looks back down at his computer screen. I understand that and I'm glad he's willing to start a life with me.

"Okay. I-I also wants to go back to school. It's my last month and I want to graduate." I add.

"That's not a problem. We need to make sure Daniel gets the message to not come." He looks up at me again.

"No offense del but your stomach is getting rounder." he says "You okay." concern was laced in his voice. "Yeah, I've just been eating a lot lately." I lie. I haven't been eating right at all. I had no idea why my stomach was getting a little round.

"Come to the infirmary tomorrow so I can give you a checkup."

"Luca I'm fine." I smile. He might find out I haven't been eating if he looks at me so close. He sighs and then nods. "Ok del."

"How often will I get to see you?" I ask "I'm going to be very busy. I took time off at the hospital but I have business work I'm behind on. You can come to my office but I won't have much free time." he looks up at my sad face. I wanted to see him a lot more now. When did I get so connected to him? Ever since I got here I haven't seen much of him and it made me feel lonely. "I wanna see you everyday." I mumble and he grins.

"Then move into my room." I look up at him a blush on my face. "I guess I could," I say nervously.

"You can also be my personal assistant."

These were good opportunities to spend more time with him. "Okay." I look down and he smiles at me. "Cmon del I'll show you around." he gets up from his seat and holds his hand out to me. "Are you sure you wanna leave all that work just to show me around?" I ask "Yes del. I want to spend some time with you." he replies kissing me on the forehead.


I tried to keep up with Luca as he named the 16th bedroom in his father's large mansion. I got confused on the 13th door. It seems Luca realizes because he starts laughing. "You aren't even listening are you." he chuckled and I look away embarrassed. "Sorry, it's just this house is large. I'm not used to houses this big."

"It's fine. The rooms you really need are my bedroom, the bathroom, and the kitchen," he smirks. "Don't forget the office." I wink.

"I'll come and get you the first few days so you don't get lost."

Three people open a door and walk out of one of many rooms. 2 guys and a girl. One of the guys looks badly hurt. He has bloody cuts on his face and there is blood soaking through his shirt. I look away from the bloody guy already traumatized enough. "Hey, Luca." the guy with blonde hair and dark blue eyes says patting him on the back.

"Hey, what happened Gabriel?" Luca raises a brow. "Dean got shot at Fredricks. They lead us into a trap. Leo had to go in to save him." The guy named Gabriel said. Luca turns to me and I look up at him. "I'm going to have Leo show you to our entertainment room." he kisses my forehead before nodding to Leo.

"Okay. If you don't come to my room tonight I'll be mad Luca." I whisper in his ear. He smiles at me and nods towards Leo who instructs me to follow her.

Once we are far enough away from Luca I start talking. "So is Luca the boss of everyone in this building or does he just work here?" I ask "It's a little bit of both. He gets as much work as everyone else but he does a lot of his fathers work too."

"It seems that he's very busy." I bite my inner lip. I won't be able to spend as much time with him as I want to. "He makes time for nurse Mel. He really likes doctor work with her." I internally sigh as I think about him together with someone like her. I never got to ask him about that kiss. I also need to make sure he knows who he belongs too.

I guess I can do both tonight.

After a long walk, we stopped into a room. There was a girl sitting at a computer typing very fast on a computer. As we got closer I realized that she wasn't typing words. There were many numbers on the screen moving up fast. I realized that she's a hacker.....


"How the fuck did you let him get away." I angrily yell at dean. I sent him and Gabriel out to take down a guy name Scar at Fredrick. A mafia bar that he goes to a lot. Scar was the key to catching Daniel if that's even his real name. As soon as I had some free time I started doing my research on him and there wasn't much about him. The little that I do know helped. He's apart of the geovano mafia. Their leader died years ago and his son took over. That was as much information I could get. I already knew all the rest but I need to know where to attack and when.

I was going to kill Daniel with my bare hands and I was going to make it hurt. He hurt my kitten and shot me so I was going to make him suffer.

"I'm sorry boss," Dean says with his head down. I'm not mad at Dean, I'm just mad I'm no closer to catching Daniel.

"I'll have Gigi get more information. In the meantime, you and Gabriel get everyone ready. I don't know Daniels next move and we need to be prepared"
Updates update update!

Just want to say thank you for 6k reads on this story! It's not really that successful so I might drop it on this app.

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