Chapter 44

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2 months later

The delivery man has brought the last piece of furniture into our house. Once we moved in we got to painting the house. Our room walls are a light blue color and our king size bed and dressers are white. Our room looks like heaven.

Our living room is dark red with plush gray furniture. We decorated the nursery with toy wallpaper. We decided to make the room orange since he wants a boy. We have a large house so if we decide to have more it won't be a problem.

I barely have a bump, but it's starting to form. I can tell by Luca's face he's anxious. I am too. Not only are we going to surprise Caiden with my baby but we are also picking him up. Luca told Caidens mom Casey that he's moved closer so he can see Caiden anytime. He didn't tell her about me or how I'm pregnant yet.

"You ready baby?" he asks "Yes." I take his hand in mine and we walk out locking the door behind us. "I'm so glad the house is finally finished," I say as he opens my car door. "Me too, that was a lot of fucking work."

I giggle. I didn't do too much, but I still did a lot. I bite my lip as he gets in on his side. I can't wait to tell Caiden. He might be excited to have a little sister or brother. Luca starts up the car and drives off. I turn the music up a little.

"We should start picking baby names," I say searching some up on the internet. "It's too early for baby names. We should wait until the seventh month." he says "You should search up collages instead." he adds.

I've been avoiding looking for colleges. The reason for that is because If I find one I want to go that's far from Luca we will be apart. Plus we are going to have a child together.

He said he would come with me but I don't want him to. Caiden is here and I love this place. I want to live here with my new family. I want to live here with him.

Only 20 more minutes until we are there. My hands are sweating even though I know Caiden will be so happy.

Luca grabs my hand and squeezes it.

When we pull up we sit there for a second before getting out. We walk up to her door and ring the doorbell. We are greeted by an unhappy Casey. "What are you doing here?" she asks "I came to pick up Caiden," Luca says crossing his arms.

She rolls her eyes and steps aside. "Okay, Come in." we both walk inside and she narrows her eyes at me. Great. Now I feel weird for being in her house to pick up his son. "Daddy." Caiden runs down the stairs. He looks adorable in his Toystory T-shirt and jeans.

"Hey, buddy." Luca bends down and hugs Caiden. "Why are you back so early." Luca's face falls. "I live close to you now so I can visit you at any time." He says.

"Really!" Caiden smiles wide. He looks beyond happy. "Yep. Del and I are going to take you to our house for the week," he exclaims.

Caiden jumps up and down excitedly. It warms my heart seeing Luca's with his dad. I know I'm in good hands and our baby will be loved.

"I'm going to go get packed up." Caiden hugs his dad before running upstairs. I smile at Luca who looks brighter.

"Caiden is going to have a new sibling soon," Luca says to Casey. "W-what?" she raises her eyebrow. Luca walks over to me and puts his hand over my stomach.

"You got a highschooler pregnant. A fucking little girl." She scowls. "I'm not a little girl! I'm 19 and act way more mature than you are right now." I say.

"Sleeping with men way older than you is not mature." she rolls her eyes. "She's capable of living her life the way she wants to Casey. She's not a little girl and I'm not an old man in my 60's. If you have a problem go talk to your parents. I could care less about what you think."

Caiden runs downstairs with his bag. "I'm ready dad." Luca smiles at him. "I bet she doesn't even know how to raise a kid let alone be good at it." Casey smiles smugly. "Don't disrespect me about parenting. I would never keep my child away from his capable father. I have a good support system to help me raise this child." I roll my eyes then take Caidens hand.

I walk out of the house with him. "I missed you, buddy." I smile "I missed you twoo Del. "Did you pack your toothbrush?' I ask because he packed mighty fast. "Yep, and soap and clothes." He smiles "What about deodorant?" I giggle "I'm too young for deodorant." he squinches up his face.

We both burst out into laughter. I put him into the back in the car seat we bought. Caiden hugs me and then I get into the passenger seat. Luca comes out soon after and get's into the car.

"Buddy we have something to tell you." Luca smiles "Is it that you have Candy?" He bounces. "No...Well yes, we have candy, but no that's not what I was going to say."

"So Del is pregnant." He lets out. "What's pregnant?" He asks. Luca looks at me and I answer. "What he meant to say was that your dad and I made you a sibling." Caiden looks around and I giggle.

"it's In my tummy Caiden. It's little so you can't see him right now." Caiden looks at me with wide eyes. It's adorable because he looks exactly like Luca when I throw up in the morning.

"Wow. When will I be able to see it?" He asks "In 7 months love." I smile.

I realize that Luca has been smirking at me the entire time. It's weird telling a child you're pregnant because they ask a lot of questions. Even though they don't know what you're talking about.

"Is it a boy?"

"We don't know yet. We have to wait for the doctor to tell us."

"My dad is a doctor.

"Yeah, but he has to wait too."


"The baby isn't big enough yet..."

We continue talking for the rest of the ride.

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