Chapter 49

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"Push baby Push!" Luca breaths in and out with me. "I am fucking pushing gah." I scream. I'm in the hospital room right now pushing out our two twins. It hurts like hell having to get 2 babies out on the same day.

Caiden stayed home with his grandmother . After his mother's passing and funeral, his grandmother who is also Casey's mother decided to come around for him more. Unlike Casey, she was very welcoming towards me being around Caiden and being in Luca's life. No judgemental eyes either.

Caiden hasn't stopped having nightmares so I would let him sleep in Luca and I's room from time to time.

"You almost have the first one out, ma'am." The doctor says "Ugh I wish they would just come out already." I yell and the doctors chuckle.

"Baby you did this to me." I glare at Luca "And I would do it again." he says proudly "Maybe without all the pain." he smiles wearily. I would do it all again in a heartbeat too. As long as it's Luca it doesn't matter how many times.

"Pushh" the doctor says again. I breath in and out then push again "Aghhhhh" I scream as the first one pops out. I take a few deep relieved breaths then the other one starts the pain up again. "AGHHH LUCA." I scream squeezing his hand so tightly it turns purple. "You got this Del. You're so strong for this."

After a few more minutes I finally have the other one out. "Your baby boy came out first." the doctor says handing me my baby. She hands my baby girl to Luca.

I'm still coming down from all the pain but I feel relaxed now that my baby is in my arms. He looks just like Luca but he has my light green eyes. Luca sits next to me and shows me our baby girl. She has Luca's dark green eyes. She looks like me though.

I start to cry happy tears. "Logan and Lola Simmons." I smile "I want one of them to have your last name. So your family name can be passed down." he kisses my cheek and I bite my lip. "Logan Powel and Lola Simmons." I kiss my two babies.

After an hour I finally fall asleep leaving Luca with our two beautiful babies.


I change Logan's diaper and lay him down to rest. Lola on the other hand is wide awake and laughing. My girl is going to be a hyper one. I lift her and she smiles then she starts slobbering all over her fingers. I laugh. I need to be here for Delaney now more than ever. I rock Lola hoping she will fall asleep but she just starts into a giggling fit.

It makes me laugh. I sit next to Delaney. "This is your mommy. She spent hours pushing you out so she needs her rest." I start playing with Lola for a bit. Eventually, Del wakes up again. "Mm I'm so sore." she groans "The doctor will come back with some pain reliever. Get as much rest as you need." I kiss her and she smiles. "I can't believe we had our twins finally." She giggles.

"Yeah. They are beautiful. They both look just like me." I smirk and she rolls her eyes "Lola looks like me and Logan has my eyes." she sticks her tongue out and I laugh.

"I plan to have more kids with you. I just want you to know." I wink "Not anytime soon." She gives me a stern stare and I smile. She holds her arms out for Lola and I give her to her mom.

She stares down at Lola with loving eyes. "You have so much energy." She kisses her forehead. "I wonder where she gets all that energy?" I ask. "Me of course, I used to be energetic as a kid." she smiles.

"It's too bad my parents aren't here to meet her." she adds. I grab her hand and bring it to my lips. "Well, I'll be here forever Del." I reassure her.

40 minutes later Del is back to sleep and Logan has woken back up. I walk over to the crib and lift him up.

"Hey Logan. I can't wait to take you and Lola home so you can see the nursery." I kiss his forehead and he just stares at me....

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