Chapter 36

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Faith and I laugh as we scoop ice cream from our bowls. She took me back to her room and we did each others hair and makeup. We talked for about 2 hours before we finally made it to the kitchen. "It must suck liking someone for so long just to find out who they truly are." Fath makes a sad face. "Yeah. I had someone else by that time though." she smirks "Who my brother." I almost choke "I talk to my brother the other day and he had a lot to say about you." she winks

I can feel the red on my face. "Its okay. In return ill tell you who I'm with." I nod.

"So I'm dating one of the security guards. He's only 19 so we aren't that far apart in age." I smile "How did you two meet.?" I ask

It was cute that she was dating one of the security guards. "Oh it was the funniest story!" So I was trying to get into the building one day and he was new. He didn't know me at all. So I tried to push my way through but he grabbed my wrists trying to stop me. I spilled my coffee on him and then lost my balance making him fall on top of me and into my lips. Now let me tell you those we're the softest lips I've ever felt." I giggle at her story.

"From there though that wasn't the only kiss." she beams "What a cute love story."

I put more ice cream into my mouth. "I don't think my love story is even romantic." I sigh

"I'm sure it is. Especially since you're head over heals for my brother." I blush "Him driving me to and from school is hardly romantic." I smile "It is if he has candles." we both laugh at her joke. The guy from earlier if I remember his name...Gabriel walks in. Once he sees me he smiles.

"You're the girl that has my best friend acting like a lovesick puppy huh." he holds out his hand to me. "Best friend?" I ask "Yeah. My name is Gabriel and I think your boyfriend is shit for not telling you about me." He adds and I giggle. "We haven't really gotten to talk personal lately."

"Is it because of the whole your ex being Luca's enemy thing?" I almost choke "He isn't my Ex" I say a little too angrily "Sorry." I whisper "Nah its okay. You hate him I know."

Gabriel grabs a container of watermelon out of the fridge and starts eating it. "Have you gotten to meet everyone yet?" Gabriel asks "No not yet."

"Luca will get around to it. If you see his father though don't tell him anything about your relationship. That guy is a cold blood murderer and it would be sad to see you dead." Gabriel warns

My whole body shakes at the mention of Luca's dad. Of course he is, I mean he is a mafia boss. I hope Luca doesn't turn out like his dad.

We finish up our conversation and then it's finally time for the thing I dreaded all day. I stayed in the kitchen a little longer to avoid this conversation with Luca but it has to happen. Not telling him is a complete no. Firstly because he likes me and I don't want to break that bond by not telling him. Secondly because he is a doctor and I'm sure he'll be able to tell.

I got to say for a doctor he sure was very reckless with protection. I look around at all the doors that look alike and realize I've gotten lost. Well bummer. I take my phone out of my pocket and text Luca.

Me:So I'm kinda lost

Luca:Of course you are. You weren't paying attention to my little tour at all.

Me: Not my fault. You were so gorgeous I couldn't take my eyes away.

Luca: Haha, I'm coming to find you.

Me: Don't keep me waiting, got to get my mouth ready for later.

Luca;) Don't tease me baby or you won't have any time at all to prepare those lips.

I smile at our dirty messages. I love this. I can't just stand here so I keep walking until I see a different color door. This door is dark blue and it looks old. I open it and walk-in.

My eyes widen when I look up. Theirs an old man balls deep in a girl I assume works here. She looks about the same age as Luca.

They both grown before turning to look at me. I turn my body away in embarrassment. "Shit, sorry." I quickly run out bumping into a body. When I look up its Luca. His face is pale as if he just saw a ghost. He pulls me up and tugs me with him. "Ow, I can walk on my own you know." I growl "Why the fuck did you have to go poking your nose in the only dangerous room in this house." he growls "Well excuse me for getting lost. There was just an old an old man in there why are you so mad." I yell.

"That old man is my father!" he stops and turns towards me, anger deep in his eyes. "Well don't get mad at me about it Luca I didn't know. I don't know a god damn thing about you." I walk past him angrily and he storms after me.

"Well, maybe next time ask. Why would you walk into a random door anyway."

"I was curious so don't even." I put my finger up to shut him down. Honestly, how was I supposed to tell him I was pregnant if he was acting like this. How would he act if he found out? He grabs my arm and turns me towards him. I'm fuming.

"I'm sorry okay. I just don't want anything to happen to you because of my father." He kisses my forehead. He's not off the hook for snapping on me. "Why would he go through the trouble of hurting me after he saved me?" I ask "He owed her a favor. Now that she's- well he doesn't really care about you." he rests his head on mine. "Have you talked to him about it. I don't know maybe if he knows I'm with you it won't be a problem. I mean I have to meet him eventually." I smile up at him.

"Del I'm never introducing my father to you." he frowns "Never or you just don't want to." I push myself out of his arms. I'm okay with not meeting his dad but I at least want someone in Luca's life to know I'm his. I guess his siblings count. Gosh I wish I could meet his mother. "Both." At that he walks away and I have to follow after him so I won't get lost again.

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