Chapter 16

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"It's Daddy's pwetty fwiend." Caiden jumps in excitement. He's so adorable! "Oh um, Luca is in the kitchen." I motioned for them to come in. Only Caiden walked in while his mother stood there watching me with an unreadable expression. "I just came to drop off Caiden." she says with her arms crossed.

"Oh." was all that came out of my mouth. "Can you tell Luca I need to talk to him," she added. "Yeah sure." I turned around and headed towards the kitchen.

When I get in there I see Luca holding Caiden up in the air with a smile on his face. Mm that smile could kill a girl. I bite my lip as I move closer to him. He looks at me as I step in front of him. "Caiden's mom wants to speak with you at the door," I say pointing her way. He puts Caiden down and nods.

He leaves the kitchen and I look down at Caiden. He was looking at me with puppy dog eyes. "I want a cupcake." He wines. "Let me see if your Dad has some," I say opening the fridge.

I see a small cupcake pack and Caiden starts jumping up and down. "Cupcakes cupcakes!" he yells. I giggle at him. "You can't get a cupcake until you've had dinner," I say rubbing his head. "Awe Mann"

Luca walked back into the kitchen with Caiden's bag. He looks a bit mad as he sets it down and continues cooking. "Are you okay?" I ask and he looks up at me. "Yeah." was all he said.

"Can I watch TV?" Caiden asked "Yeah let's go in the living room buddy." I say taking his hand in mine and walking to the living room. I turn to a show called Puppy Dogs which he seemed to really love. Gosh Caiden was a little angel. It's making me think about having a family of my own one day. Sitting next to my husband on the couch with our kid in the middle of us.

Not just one kid maybe 2 or 3. I sighed happily.

It took about 40 minutes before the food was ready and Luca came to get us. Caiden had fallen asleep so I had Luca wake him up while I set up the plates around the table. once he gets Caiden up and sitting at the table he starts to make the plates.

"Twis smells good daddy." He rubs his eyes as he yawns. "I'm sure it does. I'm the best cook on the planet after all." he chuckles. "Mommy cooks better than you." he teased and I laughed. "I taught mommy how to cook though Caiden," he says sitting in the seat next to mine. I don't know why what he said has bothered me so much but it has. Thinking about them cooking in the kitchen with Luca's arm wrapped around her.

She was his age and probably more capable than I am, but I was frustrated. I wanted him to teach me how to cook. I bite back my selfish thoughts and enjoy the food. "Wow this is delicious." I moaned as the taste melted into my mouth. "If you keep moaning like that I'll have to eat something else delicious." He looked at me with a smirk and I blushed.

"There's a child at the table." I rolled my eyes at his horrible unfiltered mouth. "He doesn't know what we are talking about." Luca stuffed some food into his mouth with that stupid grin of his.


I took 10 bites of my food before I was finished. Caiden had only finished half of his food before declaring he was tired. Luca was also finished so he went to go tuck Caiden in. I did a couple of dishes in the sink before Luca had come back. Once he did he had a look on his face that wasn't innocent at all. In fact he looked like he wanted to do many things to me tonight.

"I'm going to be a little busy with Caiden for the rest of the week but if you have somewhere you want to explore I can take you." he smiled. "Well are there any good places I should know about?" I ask.

"There's this one place but it's a surprise." he winked. "I don't want to come in between your time with your son." I nervously look away from him. Those sexy dark green eyes bore into me. "He likes you so I'm sure he wouldn't mind you tagging along with us," he says moving closer.

"Are you talking about Caiden or yourself." I bite my lip as I look back into his eyes. "Both," he whispered backing me up against the counter. I tried to forget about that night where he fucked me but I just couldn't. It felt so good! I loved the way he touched me, stoked me, thrust into me, fucking kissed me. He made me feel special. Like I was special to him.

"Luca." I whispered looking at his lips. "hmm kitten." He answered. "Kiss me please," I begged and I could see the corner of his lips perk up. "You want me to kiss you?" he teased. I licked my bottom lip making him aware I really wanted it.

He moved down placing his lips on mine. "Mmm" I moaned into the kiss as he snaked his arms around my waste. I felt him lift me up but my mind was only on this mind-blowing kiss. His tongue moved with mine and I felt a little growl in his chest. It was then that I had realized we were in his room.

He meant business. He threw me onto the bed while unbuttoning his shirt and I quickly pulled off mine. Ohh Oh how fun tonight was going to be. I wanted him in me again and it was going to happen. I was ready! Really ready.

He climbs on top of me crashing his lips on top of mine. He nipped and sucked on my lips until they were swollen. He then started to slowly kiss down my body. "Do you want me to rip off all your clothes and eat you kitten?" he asked "Y-yes." that was the only word I could muster.

He pops my pant buckes before pulling them off impatiently. He threw them across the room before rubbing his thumb over my clit. I arch my back stifling my moan. "Oh kitten you don't know how bad I want you to ride my face." he groans "Then suck." I say biting my lip.

He smirks taking that as an invitation to rip off my panties. "Watch me kitten." he moans before sticking his tongue inside. "Ah right there." I gripped his hair hard as my whole body tingled with pleasure. I couldn't stop myself from moving my hips with his face but he forced me down. "Stay still," he commanded.

Oh the way his tongue was moving back and forth around and around inside me made my insides bubble. I was close to my climax. I never had anyone make me feel like this. God he made me come so many times in one night. He made my body feel things they have never felt before. A sweet bliss. A sweet bliss that I never want to end.

I wanted him. So fucking bad. He was hotter than any guy I had been with. Better, taller, stronger, complicated. "I bet you like this don't you. You're so fucking wet just for me." he groaned against me and that was it for me. I completely let go. I came and he looked so satisfied.

"Luca," I said biting my lip. "I know." he pulled a condom out of the drawer letting me catch my breath before he started fucking me. I could feel my area recover very quickly at the sight of him stroking his dick. "What do you want little kitten? Tell me and I'll give it all to you," he whispered. "I-I want you," I said

"You want me to what?" he teased and I rolled my eyes. "Do you want me to put my cock inside you and ram into you until you can't feel your legs?" he said "Oh god yes!" I whimpered wanting him to hurry. I hear his belt unbuckling and it turns me on. Once he has his pants off he slides on the condom and leans over me. "Such a bad girl to want me this way." was the last thing he said before the pleasure started.

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