Chapter 28

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Back then my mother and Daniels father were in love. The truth was it wasn't love. He manipulated her to feel like she was in love. After a while, my mother got tired of being manipulated and stayed in a loveless relationship. She didn't have any money so she couldn't move far away from him. Wherever she went he would always find her.

One day she met my father who worked for Daniels father and they fell in love. They kept their relationship in secret. That was around the time Daniels father got sick. My mother decided to run away with my father but she needed money for that. She decided to take some of Daniels father money since he was a billionaire.

After she ran away Daniels's dad suffered because of his money loss and ended up with only a couple thousand dollars. Daniels's dad then died years later with the wish of wanting my mother dead and myself dead.

They have been after my family for years but with my mother rich and his father in debt, they couldn't find us. I felt bad for Daniel having to find out why his dad died like this. I still can't except that he wants to kill us over a grudge. How could I not have noticed how crazy he is.

After the story Luca continues. He tells me how my mother slept with his father and led him on 3 years before I was born. That's why he was assigned to protect me and not my mother and father.

Luca groans in pain and I grab one of his hands in mine. "Luca you need to go to the hospital." I cry out but he shakes his head. "If we go then we're going to be killed. The place we're going to has a hospital." he groans as we pull up into the driveway. He opens his car door and I jump out and round the car to make sure he's okay.

"I'm okay Del. Go tell your parent we have to go." he leans on the car as I rush inside.

I open the front door and walk into the living room. My body immediately goes limp as I fall into a big puddle of blood on the floor. "Mom, dad no," I scream as I pick up my mom's head and set it in my lap. Tears fall down my eyes again as I try to get them to wake up. My mother has six bullet wounds in her front side. My father only has two.

He opens his eyes and I rush over to him as he coughs up blood. My whole body is shaking and I feel like I might pass out any second. This can't be real. It has to be a dream. Luca suddenly enters the house clutching his side. His eyes immediately go wide as he looks from me to my parents. A look of anger washes over him.

"Delaney sweetie." my father breathes "Yes dad?" I sob

"You need to get out of here with Luca okay. He's a good man and no matter what he's going to protect you."

"I can't just leave you dad. Your leading and-and mom is."

"If you don't get out of here you going to die. It seems that Luca needs medical help so stop wasting time. If you die then I won't forgive you Del. Grow up and have a family of your own." my father pushed me away as he crawls over to my mom. He takes his last breath before he died.

I start screaming letting all my anger at Daniel out. How could he get so close to me just to kill my only precious things in this world? I feel Luca wrap his big arms around me. His heartbeat is getting slower. "we need to get out of here Del." I shake my head as we both get up. Looking at my parents one last time I leave the house.

The only house I've ever really loved. My memories and heart. Most of all my parents. I get in the car and continue crying none stop. My face is probably a wet mess. My hands are shaking with my parent's blood on them. Lucas's breathing is getting heavier. I don't want him to leave me too. Once he starts driving my eyelids get heavy. I eventually fall asleep.


I wake up and Luca is sweating like crazy. The car is pulled over to the side of the road and its night out. He has his head leaned against the seat head. "Luca are you okay?" I ask and he bites his lip. "I need to get this bullet out. My wound is infected." He huffs. I unbuckle my seat belt and get out of the car. I go around to his side and open his door. I lift his heavy body up with all my strength. It takes me 5 minutes to get him to the other side of the car and into the passenger seat.

I get into the driver's seat. "Where are we going?" I ask and he looks at me.

"You can drive?" He raises an eyebrow and I nod. "I'm 18, not 15" I start driving down the road and he hands me his phone. The blood on my hands has dried up and I try to ignore the anger deep inside and concentrate on the dark road. "Don't leave me too Luca." I say and he smiles "Wouldn't dream of it, babe."

I look at the address on the phone and we are only 3 hours away from our destination. We aren't very far from my house which means Luca has been like this for a couple of hours. I set the phone on the phone holder and make my way to the destination.

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