Chapter 7

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I wake up to a soft blow to my face. When I open my eyes I see Luca looking at me with a smirk. "The movie is over," he says pointing to the TV. I look at the TV screen dumbfounded. The end titles were playing with music. Damn his chest was so comfortable I fell asleep on it. "I-I fell asleep," I say disappointingly.

"Can I go now? How long do I have to hang out with you?" He asks annoyed. "We can watch another movie. I mean its only 4 pm." I say in a cute girl's voice. "Did you even go to sleep last night?" He asks "No I had homework to do." I say nervously. "That means you should get some rest." He says. "Nope we are watching another movie and that's that," I say stubbornly.

He sighs before I feel both his arms wrap around my waist and pull me onto his lap."I'll stay for one more movie and then I'm leaving." he says resting his head back on the couch. "Here you pick a movie," I say.

He takes a while to scroll until he finds a movie. "We can watch this one." He says. "Ok." I smiled as I snuggled on his chest again. It's unbelievable how I find this normal. While watching the movie he traced one of his fingers on my thighs. "Fuck, I wish I could rip your clothes off." He whispers so low I almost couldn't hear him. "Behave yourself Luca." I say tracing my fingers over his chest in return.

"If you keep doing that I won't be able to." He whispers close to my ear. I let my hand fall and put my focus back on the movie. So does Luca. I bite my lip as I try to stay away only 23 minutes into the movie.

I ended up falling asleep again.


"Alright time to take you to your room," Luca says with me in his arms. I open my eyes as he carries me up the stairs. "D-did I fall asleep again?" I ask "Yeah you have been sleeping for two hours. I went upstairs to my room but realized you were still asleep on the couch." he says getting closer to my room. "N-no we still have a couple more hours," I say. "Haven't you spent enough time with me." He says rolling his eyes. "I planned this until 9 pm," I say hitting him in his arm. "Oww that really hurts." He says squinting his eyes. "Are you okay?" I say looking at the place he was shot on his arm. "I'm sorry I didn't mean-." I start before he interrupts me. "I was joking. It doesn't hurt little one." He smirks.

"Don't scare me like that." I sigh. "Are you worried about me?" He says opening my door. "N-no I just don't like people getting hurt because of me," I say flushed.

He smirks at me as he sets me down on my bed. "You didn't have to carry me," I announced. "I did. If I hadn't you wouldn't have gone to bed and I would be forced to spend more time with you." he teases. "Is spending time with me that bad?" I asked. "It is your kind of annoying." He chuckles "Hey! I'm so not." I laughed along with him.

Hanging out with him has its perks but he's amusing. I can tell he has things he wants to hide but I want to prove to him he can tell me anything. Even if we only just met my parents told me I can rely on him and my parents never lie. I bite my lip and his eyes scan over them.

He licks his bottom lip before bringing his eyes back up to mine. "Keep biting your lip like that and I might just have to kiss you," he whispers. "What If I want you to?" I ask looking at his lips.

He places both his hands on either side of me and moves closer. I just watch it with excitement. He's going to kiss me! Why am I so excited. My heart is racing and my whole body feels warm. Just from a little kiss.

Before he's able to put his lips on mine a ringtone suddenly brings us back to reality. I turn my head to my dresser that has my phone on it. I left it up here during the movie because I didn't want something we did to be interrupted. That's still exactly what happened. I hate you phone I turn my head back to him. He was biting his lip with one of his hands in his hair. The other one still on the other side of me.

I grab my phone and decline the call. It was my best friend Ciara but I was in the middle of something. I was about to kiss my Smokin hot bodyguard and not about to let her ruin it. I clear my throat making him look at my red face as I moved closer. He gets so close to my lips that we almost kissed until my phone started to buzz again.

I was internally crying at the universe for doing this to me. "I'll let you take your call." He says with a smirk before leaving. Damn it, Ciara, how I'm going to yell at you tomorrow. I answer the phone angrily while getting under my covers. "Hey girl can you and your hot driver take me to school tomorrow?" she asks me. I was still absolutely mad at her but If she wanted a ride I was going to give her one. "You interrupted a totally steamy moment for a car ride!" I whisper scream. "Steamy moment. Girl are you finally getting laid?" she asks me and I can tell she's smiling through the phone.

It hasn't been that long since I last had sex with my ex. We were together for about three years before he moved to a different state. We didn't even try long distance we just broke up. He moved away two months ago and it took me some time to get over him. He was my first but he wasn't any good in bed. I still loved him though.

"Never mind I was just doing something," I say. "Yeah, we can pick you up tomorrow." I add "Okay then I leave you to it." I hear her overly excited on the other end. I hang up and lay my head down on the pillow. Yeah, I've spent enough time with Luca. I have school tomorrow so sleep would be the best way to go.

Goodnight all!!!

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