Chapter 48

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I wake up from the vibration of someone's phone on the dresser. I look over to Luca who is deep in sleep. I don't want to wake him. It's been a month since that doctor's appointment. One more month and our children will be here. I'm so excited to start a family with the man I love.

I decided to spend my week's break at the house with Luca and I don't regret it. He's been very amazing for my health and my body. Constant orgasms and gentle sex, breakfast in bed and being carried around. He's always overreacting when I'm trying to walk up the stairs though.

I grab his phone and answer it. "Hello." my voice sounds groggy. "D-Del the house is on fire." I sit up so quick my stomach starts to hurt. "What do you mean the house is on fire." I shake Luca "Baby get up." he groans and opens his eyes. "Whos on the phone?"

"Mommy's house is burning." Caiden cries. "Caiden Call the police right now. Try to get out of there okay. Go outside." I panic. Luca sits up and takes the phone. "Caiden we are on our way okay." I jump up out of bed and do does Luca.

I run to put on my clothes as fast as possible. Luca just slips on his shirt and some flip flops. We both run to the car and start speeding towards Casey's house. I start to cry when Caiden calls us back. He tells us that the people with water hoses have come and that he's outside but he doesn't see his mommy.

When we pull up Luca and I get out of the car so fast. "Caiden," I call out. He runs up to me with tears in his eyes. I bend down and hug him so right. Luca runs up behind me and I let Caiden go.

He hugs Caiden even tighter than me. "I'm okay dad." he cries harder "Mommy hasn't come out yet." he sobs.

Luca starts to take his jacket off as if he's about to go inside. Before he can run off I stop him. "Luca! What the hell are you doing?" I ask "I'm going to see if I can find her" he says trying to get past me but I don't let him.

"Are you fucking crazy! We have 2 whole kids on the way what if you don't make it out." I start to cry again.

"If I don't save her Caiden will be scared forever." Luca says resting his forehead on mine. "If you go in there he will have lost 2 parents. I will lose you and I won't be able to take care of these two alone" I sob "There are firefighters here. Let them do their job. Please don't leave me." I grip onto his shirt and he sighs.

"You're right. I'm sure she will be fine." As soon as the words are out of his mouth the house collapses. All the neighbors move back and I grab Caidens hand to make sure he is okay. He's screaming for someone to save his mommy and it's breaking my heart.

Many hours later the firefighters finally have the fire down and the walks up to us. "Are you the guardian of this little boy?" the man asks Luca. "Yeah. I'm his dad." he shakes the mans hand "Can I speak with you in private." he motions to the ambulance. Luca kisses me and Caidens heads. Then he walks off with with the man.

He talks with them for 20 minutes before walking back over with tears in his eyes. Shit that's not good. "Caiden you're coming home with Del and I." Caiden looks up at me worried. "It's okay buddy. I'm right here."

I continue to hold his hand to the car. I put him inside and make sure he's buckled up. Once I close the door I turn towards Luca. "Is she..." I don't finish my sentence. "Yeah. I-What am I going to tell Caiden?" he sighs.

"We can both tell him. You don't have to do this alone." I hug him and he squeezes me as tight as my baby bump will allow.

Seconds later we both get into the car and drive home. "How did the fire start?" Luca asks Caiden. "I was trying to make some soup for mom and then the microwave exploded and there was a fire," Caiden says sadly.

He's going to think it's his fault for the rest of his life. Luca and I get out of the car and I help Caiden out. "Let's go inside buddy." I kiss the top of his head. We all go inside and Luca sits on the couch. "Go change into your pajamas and then come back down." I squeeze his hand before letting it go.

I walk over to Luca and sit next to him. "If you hadn't stopped me-" I squeeze his hand "You were acting on impulse. It's fine just don't put yourself in danger again." I kiss his hand and he rests his head in the crook of my neck.

Caiden walks back down the stairs 20 minutes later. He sits on the couch in his toy story Pjs and looks at us with puffed up eyes. My poor Caiden. I can't believe he has to go through the same heartbreak I went through with my parents.

"Caiden. Your mother-" Luca catches himself. I squeeze his shoulder and he continues. "Your mother didn't make it out of the fire. She' a better place now." Caiden looks stunned. He doesn't do anything for a while but just stares into space. "B-But I-I soup." He breaks down and Luca and I sit next to him on the other couch. We embrace a big hug around each other.

"Its okay to cry baby. We are here for you okay." I start crying with him. "M-My Fau-lt" He hiccups. "No baby it's not your fault okay. Don't ever blame yourself. Ever." I hug him tighter.

I let Caiden go so he can breathe and Luca lets Caiden cry on his lap. "I'm going to make you two some tea," I say. The time on the clock is 4:00 am. For the rest of the morning we comfort Caiden until he falls asleep.

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