Chapter 20

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I woke up tangled in the sheets on Luca's chest. His skin was so soft that It felt like a pillow. Warm and soft. I never wanted to get up. Why am I up? I snuggle into him combing my hand through his soft hair. Sadly I know once we go back home he might go back to his ignore me attitude. It's not like we're dating but why do I keep picturing us being more than just casual sex.

He opens his eyes and looks at me "You okay?" he asks "Yeah I just had a terrible dream" I smiled "Want me to stay up with you." He pulls me closer "No ill go back to sleep now." I wrapped one of my arms on the other side of his body before falling back to sleep.

Next morning

I wasn't as sore as I usually am after we do things in the bedroom. Even though we did it in the pool this time. Last night once we got back I went straight to sleep skipping dinner. I told Luca I wasn't doing anything with him last night and I meant it. I might get more then I was expecting tonight but I'm prepared.

I get out of the shower drying off my body as I do. Then I put on a pair of shorts and a blue t-shirt. I walk out of the bathroom joining Luca and Caiden in the kitchen. To my surprise, Caiden's mother was also there.

What the hell was she doing here? She had on this nice dress and her hair was all curled up. Compared to my messy wet hair and shorts I looked terrible. She looked....beautiful. I look at Luca who isn't looking at her at all. He's looking at me with a smirk on his face. He looks my body up and down before looking me straight in the eyes. It made me kind of happy he wasn't paying any attention to her. I walked over to him and he pulled me into his chest.

"Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning." I nervously spoke.

Caiden's mother clears her voice. "As I was saying If you want Caiden for more than one week in a month then you have to move out here." Luca looks so angry it almost scared me. "You know I can't move out here, Casey."

So her name was Casey. Great. I wiggled my way out of Luca's hold and walk over to the fridge. I got out a drink for Luca and I.

I handed him his drink then got another one for Caiden who was In the living room.

"I don't care about your job or your dad's business."

"No all you care about is me getting back together with you which isn't going to happen."

Well, it's good to know he doesn't feel anything towards her but she knows more about him than I do. I don't know why I feel angry at her for knowing more about him than I do.

"If you don't then you're going to keep only seeing him for a week."

Luca sighs with his hands on his face. "Fine, I'll talk to my father about it." He says rolling his eyes. "Now could you please leave." He adds.

She crosses her arms over her chest and walks towards the door giving Caiden a kiss on the way out. Luca closes the door behind her with a heavy sigh. "When are you going to tell me about yourself, Luca?" I ask.

I wanted to know why he suddenly became my bodyguard and why he couldn't tell me more about it. I wanted to know more about him. I don't know much and he never opens up to me. We have only known each other for half a month but I need to know.

"I'll tell you when the time comes."

"I hate being left in the dark Luca," I say looking down angrily.

Why won't he tell me? Why won't my parents tell me? What good will it do for me not to know? I hate not knowing. It's driving me crazy.

"I'm sorry Del but your mother doesn't want you to know until you graduate."

I roll my eyes at him and angrily start walking back towards the bedroom but he grabs my arm. "Del" He whispers.

"No Luca until you tell me I'm done with whatever this is going on between us." I try to pull away from him but he was too strong. He pushes me against the counter and pins my hands above my head on the cabinet. "What are you doing?" I breathed.

I can't get lost in his touch right now. I need to ignore him until he tells me what I want to know. How am I supposed to get him off of me though? A good thought pops up in my head. Before I could say anything his mouth was on mine. I let him kiss me for a second before I bite his lip. He just groans into the kiss.

What the hell! Does he really like it when I bite his lip like this? I bite his lip harder but his grip just tightens around my wrists. I don't want Caiden to see this but I really need his help. If I call him in here Luca will have no choice but to let me go. As If he read my thoughts he stops kissing me. "If you really want answers ask your fucking parents." He says angrily before letting me go.

Well that wasn't what I expected

He walks into the living room joining Caiden. I know I pissed him off but it's not okay for him to keep me in the dark. If he won't talk I won't either. I start making breakfast since Luca wasn't in the mood to. I made pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausages, and my favorite grits.

I made three plates of food and Caiden couldn't wait. He rushed into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Luca didn't join us until the plates were fully made. "Thank you Del these are delicious." Caiden says "Del?" I ask.

"That's what daddy calls you." He smiles. I look over at Luca who isn't paying any attention to me. This just makes it easier to ignore him.

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