Chapter 3

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When we arrived at the house, I ignored the tingling feeling in my gut from Luca. I needed answers from my parents, so I need to get my mind out of the gutter. I went into the living room where both my parents sat talking to each other with concern on their faces. I sit on a small couch that's placed next to the long couch. "Mom, father! Could you both explain to me why I need a bodyguard?" I asked, and I heard him scoff in the corner.

I turn my head towards him, giving him a cold glare. "There are some things you need not know right now." My father says.

"Listen, sweetheart. When the time comes Luca will tell you everything. I trust him more than anyone." My mother announced.

"If something were to happen to us I want you to stay with Luca. Don't run away from him, he's the only person you can trust." My mother adds.

"Mom, you're scaring me! Nothing will happen to you guys." I said worriedly. "I know baby but if something happens, I want you to stay with Luca. No matter how much you may not like him." she says, "Promise me!" she adds.

"I-I promise," I say, biting my lip. Why did they want me to stay with a guy like him? Who does whatever he wants? I turn to look at his beautiful face that's entranced in his phone. He catches me staring with a smirk and I turn away quickly. "Is he going to be staying here?" I asked hesitantly. I didn't want to think about him in the guest room only 3 doors away from mine. "Yes, he will stay here a while." my mother says standing up. "I will go cook dinner." with that she walks away.

"Why don't you show Luca to the guest room." My father says before walking over to get the TV remote. "Sure," I say heading up the stairs with Luca following close behind. He's still engulfed in his phone as we near the guest room. "Well, here we are," I say nervously. He finally looks up from his phone and his eyes bore into mine. I bite my lip nervously as memories from earlier flood into my mind. I felt myself getting wet just remembering how he placed little kisses down my neck.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue." He smirks, moving towards me. "N-no." I flushed, looking at the floor. He once again pushed me against the wall, this time with a devilish smirk. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that I turn you on little kitten." His lips are so close to mine I can taste them as my lips part open. My nipples become hard and his smirk only got wider. "I-'m not turned on!" I lied.

His head moves lower as he kisses a trail down my neck and across the soft flesh of my cleavage. He pulls my shirt down, revealing my bare chest. I'm glad I didn't wear a bra today. He takes my boob in his mouth gently sucking, teasing my nipples, circling it with his tongue. Shivers ran through my body as he cupped the other one.

I was so wet, wanting his fingers inside me made my gut tremble. "Luca." I let out a throaty moan. "You want my fingers inside you?" he asks. I shake my head, unsure if we should. "I want to hear you say it," he whispers. I bite my lip with pleasure. Fuck, he's such a tease. "P-Please." I whimpered with lust in my eyes. He sticks his hand down my jeans and I unbutton them so it can be easier for him. He suddenly stops when we hear footsteps getting close to the staircase. He quickly moves away and I pull my shirt back up and button up my pants.

It was my mother walking back into the living room with my father. I sighed, relieved she didn't catch me almost getting finger fucked by my bodyguard. "I-I should head back downstairs," I say biting my lip before disappearing down the stairs. Oh gosh, what was I just about to let him do to me. We just met like 10 hours ago.


A few minutes later dinner was ready. My mother came to get me, and Luca was already downstairs with my father. When I walked downstairs, my mother had my favorite dishes set on the table. I didn't realize how hungry I am until I saw them. I walk to the table sitting across from Luca, his eyes not glued to his phone for once.

"This looks delicious mom!" I say ready to dig in. She sits down next to my father and they both eat. "So where are you from?" I ask Luca and my parents look shocked like I did something wrong. "I'm from London," he says putting some food into his mouth. "Really but you don't have an accent," I say starting to eat this delicious food.

"I was born and raised there for only a year before moving to America," he says looking up at me with his cute green eyes. "So how did you become a bodyguard?" I asked, getting a little too comfortable. He goes silent and doesn't answer my question. "You ask a lot of questions." He says angrily. "I'm just curious about who my family wants to trust my life with," I say stuffing more food in my mouth.

"As long as I'm protecting you it shouldn't matter." He scowls. Oh great, he's back to his normal self. "So honey, how was your day?" My mom cuts in. "It was great. Daniel asked me If I wanted a ride home." I smiled. "Honey, that's great." She smirks.

My mom has known my crush for Daniel since the 8th grade. I always told her how badly I wanted him to talk to me, even if it's just once. Sadly, this asshole next to me ruined that for me. "Yeah but this ass next to me told him he can't," I say angrily.

My mother gets quiet again and fumbles with her food. "Face it, Delaney, he only wants to get into your pants." He laughs. He was so wrong. He's the only person who wants to get into my pants. I can't let my parents know that, so I bite my lip to hold it back. "At least he can, unlike someone else I know," I whisper low enough for only him to hear. He glares at me and I bite my inner lip.

Maybe I shouldn't have said that. He might think I will just let anyone I like into my bed. I quickly stand up after finishing my food. "I will take off mom," I announced.

"Okay, goodnight sweetheart." she waves to me. I glare at a smirking Luca before leaving the dining room.

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