Chapter 8

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The next day in the car

Luca just started driving and since Ciara's house is kind of close to the school I decided to tell him once we started driving."Can you pick up one of my friends today." I say "No," he says without a second thought. I had promised her that we could now all I had to do was convince him. "I swear if you pick her up this one time I'll do anything," I begged.

He looks at me with a smug grin. "Anything?" He asks "W-well it depends on what it is." I say "Okay then no." He says with a smirk "Okay okay I'll do whatever you want" I say. I feel like I just sold my, soul, to the devil. "Hmm" He hums and I look at him with hope. "Okay fine." He says.

"Give me her address," he adds. I gave him her address and we ended up in from of her house 10 minutes later. I call her so that she can come out. "Hello." I spoke, "Hey are you outside?" She asks "Yeah its a black shiny truck." I say and she sighs. "I'll be right out." she hangs up the phone and I look over to Luca.

"Hey, Luca what's your job after you drop me off?" I ask "What do you mean?" He answered with another question. "You said that you had a job outside of being my bodyguard," I say with curiosity.

He smirks at me "I'm surprised you were listening to me that much kitten." He teases "Well I had too since I don't know much about you." I say. "I work part-time as a private doctor," He says.


I told her I worked part-time as a doctor but that was only half the truth. I'm only working part-time as a doctor until I move to another state and become a doctor full time. I wanted to be a doctor as a kid but since I work with my father and in the mafia, he hasn't given me much a choice. He lets me continue my work as long as I can carry out my missions. My only mission is to protect her until the enemy is dead.

"A doctor!" she says very excitedly. "mm." I respond "What's it like." She asks amused. "It's stressful and frightening most of the time. When the patient get's better it fills me with the hope that I will be able to save the next patient." I say smiling a bit.

Suddenly we hear the door open and her orange-haired friend gets in. This is going to be interesting. "Sorry I took so long," she says buckling her seat belt. Once its buckled I pull off. "It wasn't a problem." Delaney lies with a weary smile. "Why did you need a ride to school today?" Delaney asks. I look at the redhead through the mirror as she bites her lips nervously. I spot a bruise on her neck that looks fairly new. Domestic violence fuck. I know Delaney cares about this girl but I really don't want to get involved. "I didn't want to ride the bus today because of trey," she says rubbing her hands together nervously.

"Well, you guys did just break up last month," Delaney says leaning against the window. "How are you holding up," Delaney asks. "I'm fine. It's not like I was with him for that long." Orange head says forcing a smile. "Your right a month isn't really that long I guess," Delaney says.

"Hey! I haven't forgotten about last night when you mentioned a steamy moment. I want to know who this guy is that's finally giving my bestie the goods." Orange head says. I see Delaney blush and move around nervously in her seat. I give her my famous grin which makes her even more nervous. "Steamy moment?" I teased biting my lip as I remember how close I got last night. It seemed after I had moved away a bit she came closer wanting me to kiss her. I wouldn't mine but she's not as innocent as she looks.

"Ciara I told you it was nothing." She says embarrassed. "Okay fine, but I'm not done with this topic." Orange hair adds.

We finally reach their school. I get out to open the car for both of them. "Thank you." Orange hair says blushing before walking off. I don't understand how she can hand out with someone like that. As Delaney gets out a teacher with blonde hair comes up to me. She looks to be in her thirties. She has beautiful blue eyes and long curly hair. I haven't had anyone over in a while maybe this is my chance. "Hello sir." she says "I see you dropping my student Delaney off a lot and was wondering if I could get your number," she says twirling her hair and trying to be flirty.

I smile at her and take her phone. "Sure ma'am I'll call you in case I need anything," I say winking at her. I see Delaney looking a bit angry and it makes me want to tease her a bit more. "Manwhore," she whispers loud enough for only me to hear.


I don't know why I felt so annoyed that my teacher came up to him for his number. She's pretty and all but she's so old. How could he just except her number like that. I get he would be interested in girls around his age and that's definitely not me. Still out of all people why my teacher. I really don't want to hear her and Luca in my house only four rooms down.

It would be bad for my heart and my mind. I bite my lip and walked away annoyed. If he brings her to this house I swear I'm going to chop his manly parts off. I walk away from the flirting two and head for the building. On my way I see Daniel walking towards me. "Hey D," He says "What's with the nickname?" I ask embarrassed. This is only our second time actually having a conversation. "I think it sounds cute for you," he says with a smirk.

I turn my head towards Luca to see If he noticed but he was too busy talking to my teacher. Wait why was I looking towards him. I could care less who he was sleeping with let alone paying attention too.

"So you want to hang out after school?" he asks "I would but that guy back there in the parking lot won't let me." I sighed. "Is he like some type of spy for your parents?" he jokes. "*cough* Sure you could say that," I say nervously.

"It's fine we can sneak out of the school early and then he won't be able to stop you." Daniel smiles that beautiful smile. "Okay, we can try," I say avoiding eye contact as we reach my locker. "Do you have a favorite spot to eat? he asks with his arms crossed. I haven't really been out much these last couple of week but I do love me some donuts. "Any donut shop is fine, as long as they have killer donuts," I smirked. "Okay, I'll keep that in mind." He teases as he walks away.

I wonder why he was all of a sudden so interested in me. I hope he wasn't dared to or anything. That would be humiliating. "Bitch your driver is so hot," Ciara says walking up to me with wet hands. I guess that's why she left the car so fast to use the bathroom. "I bet it was him you were having a steamy moment with last night wasn't it," she says with her eyebrows raised. "Seriously Ciara you talk too much," I say laughing.

"He didn't seem bothered by it." she winks and I roll my eyes. "I'm hanging out with daniel after school today so I don't have time to be thinking about that manwhore," I say walking to my class. "How are you even going to get him to let you go." She asks curiously. "Sneak out of school," I say with a smug smile.

"Ooh, my girls finally going bad." she winks "I'm not going bad stop exaggerating." I laughed.

We head into class and take our seats. I was annoyed to see Mrs. Rachels the teacher Luca was flirting with standing right in front of the class. Ugh, how was I going to get through the rest of the school year knowing what was going on outside of her school life?

After class the time for Delaney to sneak out

I asked my math teacher if I could go to the bathroom. We only had 5 minutes left of class so she let me take my things. Perfect! I met up with Daniel and we both left out of the school. I only had one class left so we had to hurry just in case Luca showed up early.

Donut shop

Daniel smirks at me as he parks his car. "That was intense." he laughed "Yeah I've never known sneaking out of school would be that hard." I laughed along with him. "Well, it wasn't that hard since we made it out," he smirked as he opened his car door. He hurried to my side opening the door for me. "I could have done that myself." I smiled "I'm a gentleman.: he says as I get out. We walk into the beautiful donut shop. They had so many different types of donuts that I didn't even know existed. I could feel my mouth watering.

"They all look so good." I drooled. He chuckles at me as I rush to the counter to order my donuts. "Hello ma'am take your time to choose." The woman who works here says. "They all look so good," I repeat trying to decide which one I was going to order. "Order as many as you like." I hear Daniel say really close to my ear. The warmness of his breath really took a toll on my now weak knees. I ordered about 20 donuts for now and later. They were really cheap so it didn't bother me at all.

Daniel ordered 5 donuts and I just looked like a cow now. "Is it good?" he asks licking his bottom lip. "Mmm yes very." I teased biting my inner lip. Suddenly my phone starts to ring. It was Luca calling me. His name on my phone was lazy bodyguard. "You can answer it if you want to," he says putting some of his donut in his mouth. I decided to decline the call. He wasn't going to ruin this for me again

At that, I put my phone on silent in my purse...

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