Chapter 21

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For the rest of the week I ignored Luca and he didn't say anything to me. Well, he didn't have a chance too since I stayed in my room with the door locked. I didn't come out unless it was time to eat. When Luca left to spend time with Caiden I would wander around the house until he came back.

Today was our last day here and I was wondering if Luca was still going to take me out to dinner. Maybe not. After all I'm the one that stopped talking to him. Sitting on the couch watching TV Luca and Caiden walked into the penthouse. Caiden immediately smiled when he saw me. "Del!" he runs over to me giving me a hug. I feel so guilty for not spending anytime for these past three day with this little guy. "Hey Caiden." I rubbed the top of his head. Luca doesn't walk over to me at all. He goes into the kitchen and takes out three popsicles.

"You've been in your room all week." he quietly says with a sad look on his face. "I'm sorry I was sick." I lie. Well I did start my period yesterday and I hate getting out of bed when I'm on. It's like a water bottle spilling all over me and soaking through my clothes. Except it's not soaking through.

I turn to the kid's channel for Caiden and he lays on my lap. Luca hands Caiden a blue popsicle and I look up at him. He wiggles the pink popsicle in his hands. "Do you want one."

I just stare at him for a second. "Yes." I reach out my hand and he moves it back biting a piece off. "Sorry but both of these are mine." he says about to walk away but I pull him down onto the couch next to me. He was off guard when I took a bite out of the pink popsicle In his hand before he smirks. "Is it good." he asks as I suck on it in my mouth.

"Mhm." I moan taking another bite. He takes a bite of his popsicle while putting mine in my hand. He's about to get up when I pull him back down towards me. He turns his head looking at me questionably. "What are you doing?" he asks. Camden's eyes were stuck on the TV so I leaned into Luca. I gave him a quick kiss before he smirks at me. "Oh so we are on kissing terms now." he says tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear. "Speaking terms." I correct him.

He looks into my eyes with a smile. "Good because I had our dinner date planned for today."

"Oh you did." I say hiding my excitement. "Yeah. I thought you weren't going to talk to me again but I wasn't going to cancel." he say rubbing the top of Caidens head. "What time are we going?" I ask

"Tonight at seven."

I look at the clock which says 5 pm. I only have 2 hours to get ready. "You could have at least told me ahead of time." I roll my eyes standing up from the couch. Now I have to rush to get ready. "Take your time." he smiles.

I walk into the room taking out a pair of clothes and heading straight for the shower. I take off all my clothes and step in the warm water. Washing my hair slowly I heard Luca walk into the bathroom. "Want me to join you?" he asks

"I'm on my period." I say nervously.

"I just want to wash your body." he takes off his shirt and unbuckles his belt.Then he pulls his pants off and locks the door. I turn towards him biting my lip as he takes off his socks. He puts one leg in the shower before stepping all the way in. He immediately takes the soap in his hands before wandering around my body. He licks my neck as his thumbs tugg and pulls at my nipples.

Every touch he gives me feels like fire going through my entire body. "God how am I supposed to keep my hands off you for the next month." he groans. "I don't want you to." I let out a soft moan. I grab ahold of his cock in my hands and squeeze it. He tilts his head to the side eyes fluttering.

"Fuck! If you keep that up I might have to bury myself inside you." he whispers in my ear. I don't know what's going on when I'm around him and I lose all my senses but I wanted him.

I continue to move my hand as his tongue glides over my now hard nipples. "Get on your knees," he commanded and I looked at him for a second before obeying his command. I slowly got on my knees and he gripped my hair in his hand pulling me forward. "Open your mouth so I can fuck it." he smirks. I open my mouth and he slides in with a groan.

His cock is so big it doesn't go all the way in. "Fuck your mouth is so tight." he moans as he starts pushing in and out. I suddenly hear my phone start ringing. I move my tongue in a swift circle before pulling him out of my mouth.

I grab my phone careful not to get it in the water and answer it. "Hello," I whisper. "Hey Delaney, Are you going to be back in town today?" Daniel asks on the other end. I feel a sudden feeling of intense pleasure as Luca pushes into me. "Ahh," I scream before covering my mouth. "Delaney, you okay?" Daniel asks worriedly.

"Yeah, I just hit my toe on the bed." Luca starts moving in and out of me. "What the hell Luca," I whisper away from the phone. "Your mine so hang upon him," he says grabbing my wrist and wrapping it behind my back. "I'll be there tomorrow but have to call you back my phone is dead," I say before hanging up.

Luca exits out of me and I turn my head. "Luca," I begged and he smirks. "Don't you want it to be Daniel in this shower with you?" he asks angrily.

"N-no," I say turning to face him. "Then beg me." he whispers "Please." I breath. "Please what kitten?" He asks "Please fuck me Luca" I cry out. "I have to punish you first kitten." He turns me back around and pushes me up against the wall and I feel a sharp pain.

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