Chapter 33

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I check the mirror to make sure I look perfect. After I went to the hacker room I didn't see Luca for the rest of the day. Emmet took me back to the room as soon as the sun started to set. Now I have on my lingerie with a robe over it waiting for Luca. I put on some lip gloss that I had in my purse. I haven't talked to him about my family and I intend to do that in the morning. Tonight is about claiming Luca for real this time. I won't allow him to be with any other woman. I look down at my stomach.

It really is getting rounder and it would be a good idea to get it checked out. I bite my lip shaking the possibility of being pregnant out. There's no way.

A knock at the door causes me to jump. I quickly walk to the door making sure my robe is fully closed. Once it is I open up the door to Luca wearing a normal shirt and pants. He took off his business outfit. He steps into the room grabbing the back of my neck and pulling me into his lips. He closes the door behind us.

"Someone was in a hurry." I giggle. "Of course I was. I haven't touched you in weeks." He lifts me up bridal style and I squeal. He walks over to the bed with three steps before setting me down. He stands straight up and throws off his shirt before getting on top of me. "What's under the robe Del." He purrs almost if he was expecting me to give him a special surprise. I bite my lip and open up my robe. His eyes roam up my body as he wets his lips. "My sexy kitten." He kisses my stomach. "My sexy Luca." I purr and he smirks.

He moves back up to my neck and kisses my small Adams apple. I lean my head back giving him access as I moan. "As much as I love this underwear I'm sadly going to have to rip it off." He rips the lingerie off my breasts and starts sucking on them. "Go ahead. I bought them for you anyway." I whisper as my hands dig into his back. I feel his knee in between my leg and I create friction as I move against it.

He stops and leans my body up then pulls my robe all the way off. "We'll need this later but for now it's coming off." he lays me back down and pulls his shirt off. I was about to take his pants off when a knock sounds at the door. "Luca it's me, Mia." I look at him with my eyebrows furrowed. "Why is she here?" I ask

"I have no idea." he gets up from the bed. "Why is she casually coming to your room." I repeat. "She might need to ask me something. I swear nothing is going on between us." he holds both his hands up.

Then he walks to the door. I grab my robe from the floor and wrap it around my body. "What are you doing here?" Luca asks "I was wondering if you want to help me clean the medical room and then go for dinner for old times sake."

I cross my arms and Luca looks at me with a weary face. For old times sake. Who exactly is this girl and why haven't I asked him yet. "I'm busy." he tries to close the door but she stops it with her foot. "When have you ever been to busy for se-" he clears his throat before she can finish her sentence. I walk over to the door. Not in front of it but close enough for her to see me in my robe.

"Are you going to keep me waiting forever." I give Luca a stern look and for once he looks nervous. I guess I'm really starting to get to him. "Of course not kitten." he bites his lip as his eyes trail my body again. "I'll help you with the doctor's office another day but that's all Mia. We've been done long ago." at that he closes the door.

I bite my lip and turn away from him. He moves over to me and wraps his arms around my upper body. "Are you mad." he asks "Yes." I reply

"Why" he pouts.

"I hate that you have history with all these woman." I roll my eyes. "If I met you a long time ago then I wouldn't have history with any of these woman."

He pulls my robe down my shoulders then starts making circles on them. "What is this a message?" I ask leaning my head to the side. It feels relaxing. "Yeah. Listen Delaney I like you a lot and I'm willing to give you the world. I don't care about any other woman but you." I turn around in his arms. "So you want to be mine forever?" I blush "Yes however long you want me to." he purrs. "Then I'm all yours Luca." I trace a finger down his naked chest. "Good." he lifts me up and lays me back on the bed. His lips never leaving mine as he takes off his pants. I arch my back as he kisses my chest and my neck softly then I feel him.

I bite back moans as he pushes deep inside hard and fast. He hits my g spot and my fingers dig into his neck. "Fuck. Del I can't go slow tonight." I wrap my lets around him and push him in hard. "Go as hard as you want."

He groans and picks up the past. I moan into his chest as our skin slaps together. He squeezes my chest with his hands as he pushes harder and faster.

I arch my back and move my hips with his. I want to feel this everyday. I hate being apart from him. I pull him closer but it's not close enough. He groans against me with each thrust and I follow his lead. We are so close.

I squeeze my eyes shut and moan his name as we both cum riding out our highs. We don't make any move to let each other go as he slides out of me.

"I don't know how I'm going to last the next 3 days without this." he smiles. I laugh at him and kiss his neck. "We always have your office." I bite his lip then let it go. "And the rest of the night I'm going to spend fucking you."

I shiver under him as he pulls me into his now hard dick. "Are you ever not hard."

I get pulled into another passionate kiss....

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