Chapter 24

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I finally found the bitch whose family fucked my dad over. My dad gave that bitches mom a lot of money to hide and what does she do with it. Runaway! Her family is living the luxury life while my dad who died last year is dead. His dying wish is to kill her parents and then torture her. I will torture her all right.

I will fuck the shit out of her in front of her bodyguard and see how she likes it. That stupid slut will bring anyone into her bed. My thoughts get interrupted by my pregnant sister who just loves to barge in. After my father died I had to turn off my feelings for my family and lover just in case they died. I need to be able to run my father's business with no one getting in the way of my feelings.

"Hey. The girl is back in town now." My sister says "Good to know but Laura, I don't think you should stay here." I start "My enemies will eventually target me and I don't want your baby to suffer." I add

"I can't Leave until Luca is dead. I loved him and he betrayed me." she sniffs. "Fine, but don't get in my way with that damn baby." I sigh

She walks out without another word. I know exactly what I will do. Invite her out and then kill her there. First though I need to kill her parents and get rid of that damn bodyguard.


I reach for the intercom. "Jerad I need you to track down a teacher from my school name Rachel and tell her to make plans with Luca"

I pick up my phone and dial her number. "Hello." I smile

"Hey. Do you need something?" she asks

"Yeah. Come out to coffee with me this Friday."

"Oh-Umm-Yeah sure but I can't stay long."

"It's fine. See you then." I say then immediately hang up. I'm tired of acting so nice!


Del and I are laying in her bed watching some kind of cheesy hallmark movie. After the trip, her parents started spending more time with her which leaves less time for me. We haven't really seen much of each other this past week so we are spending tonight together. Her parents went on a dinner date. I don't know how much time I have before they come back.

Del is loud so doing it right upstairs from her parents won't work. Luck is on my side today though. I trace my fingers along her legs and her sides. She bites her lip and I smirk. "Don't tease me like that. I haven't been able to touch you in a week and I don't trust myself." She breathed.

"You don't have to trust yourself. This is the only time we can do this so I'm taking advantage." I say grabbing her and twisting us around to where I'm on top. Her face goes red as I grind against her. Damn my dick really can't control itself.

"Take my clothes off first silly." She laughs. "I know but I couldn't help myself," I say

I sit up and throw my shirt over my head before connecting my lips with hers. I can feel her finding against me now and this time I tease her.

I unbutton her jeans and she lifts her ass off the bed so I can slide them off. Then she starts unbuttoning her own shirt. I take this time to pull off my pants. Once we have our clothes off and only our underwear on I pound against her. "Ahh," she moans. Wait till I get inside her. I rip her underwear off and then look her in the eyes.

"Do you want me, kitten?" I ask "Yes Mr. Simmons." She moans. God, I love it when she moans my last name. I'm older than her and I like to be in control because of that. I need her to know who the person giving her the best sex is and that I can do whatever I want.

"Yes, what?" I raise my eyebrow "Yes I want you, Mr Simmons. I want you inside.

At that, I slam my mouth back into hers caressing her tongue with mine. I take off my underwear and I can see her biting her lips again.

I slam into her and she arches her back as she screams my name. Once I move in and out she digs her fingers in my back. "Luca ahh Luca yes baby yes" she moans.

I bite my lip at her little baby outburst. I liked that but we need to keep those kinds of names out our mouths. "What did you just say?" I growl "I'm sorry it just slipped out." She whispers.

I turn her to the side and spank her ass hard. She chokes on a moan and I crash my lips back into hers. Her legs wrap around my waist pushing me into her more and more. I slam harder and faster and give her a few spanks every time she calls me baby.

It took 10 more thrusts before I was Cumming inside her. All my cum oozed down her leg as she took heavy deep breaths. "I'm not done, kitten," I say getting up and throwing the condom in the garbage. I lift her exhausted little body off the bed. "I haven't touched you in a week so I will make tonight worth it," I whisper.

I fucked her in the shower, in my bed, her bed, the living room, and finally, bend over the kitten counter with a sore ass. I spanked her so many times I would be surprised if she could sit down. I don't take myself out of her though. I lean over resting my head on her back. I plant a couple of kisses on her back as her breathing calmed down. "Do you want to move because I don't" she laughs.

"I don't think I can kitten." I chuckle.

She suddenly gets a phone call and the name on the screen makes me so furious."Oh-umm-Yeah sure but I can't stay long. Okay bye."

"What did you agree too?" I ask angrily "He-he just invited me to coffee." She nervously looks away from me.

"Del. Don't fucking go!" I whisper "Why?" she asks. I didn't know why I was suddenly acting like this. I just wanted Del all to myself. I wanted to touch her, to fuck her to kiss her. Not him!

"Do you want me to go fucking hang out with Rachel?" I ask.

She bites her lip "It's not my place to tell you what to do."

I stand her up and turn her towards me "Do you or not?" I ask "N-no I don't." she whispers and I smile a bit. "Then don't go kitten," I say

"Okay Luca I won't" She Reassures me

I kiss her but what I didn't realize was that her parents were standing there staring at us.


This episode may be a little rushed sorry.

10 of my episodes deleted off of dreame and I have to make them all over. I hate that I have too. I'll do it for my lovely followers though

Anyway, thanks for 2k reads guys! I'm so happy!

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