Chapter 35

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I finally pee in the cup. I take it back out to her and she's careful not to spill it. I sit back down and wait for her and when she comes back out she has a look of confusion on her face. "I have good news and maybe bad news depending on how you take it." I nod my head slowly my brows raised.

"Well bad new is you're pregnant. Good news is you won't be experiencing morning sickness for a while." I look at her in horror. I didn't want to think about the possibility because I didn't want to. I'm only 18 and still have to finish high school. I still have to go to college. I don't even have a job yet. Honestly I'm scared. I'm way too young and I don't even have my mother to confide in.

Daniel is after me what if he kills it and Luca oh gosh Luca. How will he even take this. "H-how many weeks?" I ask. "You're like five weeks." She looks at her monitor. "Hasn't your mother ever taught you about being safe." She jokes. My brain stops at the sound of my mother. She was never going to be able to meet my kid.

"I Advise you not to tell Luca if it's his." She clears her throat. "I honestly don't think he wants kids." I stand up my head all fuzzy."

"Thanks for the appointment." I leave the nurse office and stumble into the hallway. I walk down some and then give up on the search to the room. I slide down the wall and put my hands in my head. This is such a mess. I'm not ready for a kid. Luca and I aren't even officially dating yet and I've only known him for two in a half months. I know he wants more kids but what if I'm not the one he wants kids with.

I feel someone tap my shoulder. When I look up I see Luca's sister Faith standing there with a smile. "You okay? She asks "Um yeah I just got lost." I lie

"You know you're always hanging around in your room. Want to hang out with me." She asks. I force a smile. "Sure." Maybe hanging out with someone will do me good. I stand up and follow Faith. I fish out my phone and text him.


Luca:Hey you okay.

Delaney:Yeah. She said I'm fine but I got some news.

Luca: it's not bad is it.

Delaney: I don't really know if it's bad yet I have to tell you first. I don't know how you'll take it.

Luca: I'm sure I can take it.

Delaney: Yeah.

I frown and pay attention to where we are headed.


I already know what she wants to talk about. She didn't notice but I checked her stomach this morning and she is indeed pregnant. Her stomach is only getting rounder early because it's her first pregnancy if it's not because of that than it's because she's having twins.I don't want to think about that possibility.

I open my phone and look at her message again. 'I don't know how you'll take it' I won't be able to contain my smile when I see her. I'm happy that she is but I don't think she is. After losing her parents a pregnancy isn't the best thing right now.

A knock sounds on my door and I shout to come in. Gabriel my best friend walks in. "Hey." he steps in with his arms crossed. "Whose the girl who brought you in nearly dead?" he asks "Her names Deleney." I announce.

I'm finally almost done with my work for the week. This mafia shit gets annoying. "You were kissing her in the hallway. She one of your girls?" he asked "Something like that." I smile to myself.

My girl.

That's exactly what I want Del to be. I just need her to decide whether or not she wants me as much as I do. "You gonna give me the deets?" he sits in the office chair in front of my desk. "Well. Let's just say I like her but she hasn't given me a proper answer yet."

"You actually like someone." Gabriel breaks out laughing and I roll my eyes at him. "Yes I like someone you asswhole." I raise my brow and lean back in my seat. "Wow I need to have a talk with this chick who got you pussywhipped." he continues to laugh. "Its not funny Gabe it's called life."

His laughter finally settles down. "So when did you know she was the one for you?" He beams "It depends...there we're multiple times. I guess everytime I wake up next to her." I sigh like a lovesick puppy.

"Oh. You're in love." I smile at his comment. "If I wasn't before I sure am now that she's pregnant." Gabriel looks at me with shock in his eyes. "Oh shit man you got her fucking pregnant."

I nod "Yeah pretty sure 95% of the time we had sex I didn't wear a condom."

"That fucking good." he chuckles "Even better than good, " I laugh with him....

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