Authors Note

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These are the names of my new characters in the book. These characters came late into the story but are very important so don't forget their names.

Charlotte Powel- Mom

Bruce Powel- Dad

Gabe Simmons- Luca's dad

Natalia Simmons- Luca's sister

Emmet Simmons- Luca's Brother

Casity Harris- Daniels sister

Daniel Harris- Enemy

Gabriel- Luca's best friend

Mel- Doctor/Rival

Gigi-To be determined

Becky-Luca's baby cousin

Rocky-mafia girl

Leo-Mafia girl

Kayla-Mafia girl

Dean-Mafia guy

Victor-Mafia guy

Zed-Mafia guy

Everyone here is and will be connected to Luca somehow. Updates are tomorrow at the earliest I publish it.

These are All the main characters now everyone. I tend to forget a lot of things so I just needed to make this for myself and everyone else who forgets some of the characters. Have fun reading the rest of my book. I tend to update On Friday.

Once I finish this book you guys can refer to other sites I can post it on. Appreciate you guys bye!

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