Chapter 5

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After Luca left my room I let out a sigh. I'm a little disappointed that he only came here to have sex with me. I don't know why I was hoping we could actually have a conversation about each other. Its been three weeks and I still have no information about him. Well, except he's trying to get into my pants. I finish my pile of work while listening to music.

The next day

It's Sunday and I've decided to get to know Luca. My parents went out to eat and won't be back until nine which gives me nineteen hours to get to know Luca. I walk upstairs to his room and knock on his door. "Luca it's time to get up!" I yell through the door. He doesn't answer after 2 minutes so I just walk in.

He is wrapped around in his blanket and his hair is all messy. He's so cute. Ugh, what am I thinking? He's 26 years old. I walk over to him and kneel down by his face. "Luca," I whisper and he doesn't wake up. Oh well, I gave him a chance. "LUCA!" I scream pulling the covers off of him. He groans and rubs his eyes. "Why the fuck are you screaming." He glares at me. "Because today is all about getting to know each other for nineteen hours," I say opening the curtains.

"Now get up!" I say standing next to his bed with my arms crossed. He sits up in his bed and looks angry. "I don't want to get to know you!" he says. "Oh well, I won't take no for an answer." I giggle walking into his bathroom. He gets up and sighs before following after me.

He takes his toothbrush and puts toothpaste on it before brushing his teeth. "Dwo you hawf to stan der an wathh me." he says while brushing his teeth. "Yes, I do," I say watching him intently to annoy him.

Once he finishes I grab his hand and lead him downstairs. "I made breakfast." I smile sitting down at the table. "Thanks," he says sitting down next to me. "So where do you go after you drop me off at school?" I ask with my hand on my head. "I go to work," he says with a straight and boring face. "Oh really, you have a job," I say surprised. I thought his job was sleeping in my house all day and getting paid for nothing. "Yeah, you thought my job was watching over a useless rich girl." he laughs.

"Hey! I'm not useless." I roll my eyes. "Oh, really. Then how come your eighteen and don't have a job yet?" he asks "I-I'm going to get a part-time job once I'm in college and then a real job once I do my full 4 years." I say rolling my eyes.

"Yeah off of your mother and father's money!" he says putting some bacon in his mouth. "No, I'm going to make a living off of nothing. I don't need my families to help." I say crossing my arms. "I believe you." He smirks rubbing the top of my head. "Hey don't rub my head like I'm a kid," I say rolling my eyes this time. "You shouldn't try to pry into my business. You might just start hating me once you find out all the things I've done," he says with a gloomy expression. "I won't judge you, Luca," I say "I know how it feels when people judge you because of your background and the things it makes you do." I say sadly.

"There was this one girl in my sophomore year. She was so nice and kind but she wasn't as rich as all the other girls. M-my friends." I say pausing for a second. "M-my old friends had bullied her. They talked about how she got into the school because of luck. That wasn't true! She was extremely smart. too smart for those girls to be talking about her. They wanted me to join in with them. At the time, I just wanted to fit in. I talked about her along with them which only made t worse. I said so many cruel things. I talked about her family and friends."

I say as tears start to trickle down my eyes. "I was the rich girl who everyone looked up too. So I played the part. I talked shit about her every day and eventually, she stopped coming to school. I didn't know to talk about her would drive her to suicide." I sob and Luca pulls me into his chest. I cry for a few seconds before finishing my story.

"I stopped hanging out with those girls and made a new friend. They blamed her death all on me and everyone started hating me. I guess that what I deserve." I say finishing my story. "I've felt guilty ever since," I say wiping my eyes as my head is still in his chest.

He clears his throat. "My mom died when I was 15." He starts "She and my dad weren't doing good so she wanted a divorce. She wanted to take me with her but my dad still wanted to see me. I couldn't do anything about it so they fought over me. My mom decided to just leave town with me and not tell my dad. My dad is a very powerful businessman so he found out. I didn't want my mother to suffer like all my father's other clients. I tried to stop the car and told her she can live close to my father so I could live with her."

He pauses and squeezes my shirt a little. "I crashed the car into a tree. I had my seatbelt on but my mother didn't." I feel a small teardrop from his face. I move back so that I can wipe his eyes. He looks so hurt right now. His situation is worse than mine but we both feel like we killed someone. "Listen its not your fault Luca okay." I say "You thought to stop the car was the right thing to do so that your mother wouldn't get hurt by your father." I add holding his hands in mine.

"It is my fault I could have done something else anything." He says. I bring his hand up to my lips and kiss it. "You didn't know you would crash neither would anyone else. Luca If you hadn't of done anything your father would have done whatever it was you were scared of him doing." I say "I basically did his dirty work for him." He scowled.

I bite my lip. How can I make this all better? I'm glad I got to know him better but now I don't know how to take away his pain. "Luca no matter what happened your mother will always love you," I whispered.

He looks at me with an unreadable expression before kissing my nose. I feel my whole face gets hot. I didn't expect him to do that. "Say that again." He says with a smirk "Y-your mother will always love you." I repeat "One more time." He says "Your mother will always love you and someday a special someone will love you too." I say kissing his nose this time

Someday I might even come to love you...

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