Chapter 17

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His cock pounded into me again and again. "Right there Luca!" I moaned loudly. "Keep it down kitten Caiden is only a couple rooms away." he pants and I cover my mouth. He moves in and out taking every part of me. His grip tightens on me as his hips slam so hard against mine.

He is fucking me with so much need and I didn't want it to stop. I wanted everything he was giving me. I only want him to have me. My body was made for him and his body was mine. "Fuck I want you so bad. I'll never get enough of this." he pants "Luca! Ah please go faster." I moan digging my nails in his back and wrapping my legs around his waist to get him deeper. I stare into his possessive dark green eyes as our moans fill the room.

My hands slide into his hair tugging and pulling with each thrust. "I love the taste of you on my tongue." his voice low and raspy. God that's hot! He applies pressure to my swollen clit. "Ahh." I moaned again not able to hold it back. He starts to leave bite marks all over my chest and I gasp. I let out a soft moan every time his teeth nip a little piece of my skin. He squeezes my ass pulling me into him more and I arch my whole body. My head tilts all the way back and he kisses my neck.

He takes one of my breasts into his mouth. His tongue moves against it as he sucks it. I rock harder into him. This feels so good. I can feel myself about to come for the third time tonight. He already made me cum while he was fucking me. "I'm coming." I moaned as he thrust into me harder and harder. My climax took over me burning me from the inside out. He gives me his release and I collapse under him. I feel him kiss my lips before I drift off to sleep.

The next morning

My body was tangled up with his and my head was rested on his chest. A smile took over my face as last night's memories flooded back over me. Damn he knocked me straight out with those skills of his. I wrapped my arms around him and he mumbles. "Mm"

"It's the morning get up," I say. He turns towards me and I feel his morning erection against me. I bite my lip as he opens his eyes. "Morning," he whispered. He places his hand on my thighs pulling me into his chest. I had other plans though. I took his hand and placed them on my breasts. His breath started to get slower as he looked at me in a possessive way. His eyes grew dark and he wet his bottom lip. He teased my breasts and I made little moan noises. Damn how can I resist?

His hands moved down towards my area which was really wet this morning. He smirked once he realized. "I might just have to keep you in bed all day little kitten," he smirked as his fingers moved over my clit. He moved them fast and skillful. It wasn't till a few minutes that I came on his finger. I was panting once again.

He turned me around to where my back was on the bed and leaned over me. "Damn your so sexy," he says before putting both of my legs on his shoulders. "You're going to do it like this?" I asked nervously. "Yeah." he breathed before the door suddenly opened. Luca slid off of me in panic and I cover myself up with the cover. Caiden had walked in with a cupcake. "I dropped the cupcakes daddy." Caiden whines. He had on some dinosaur pajamas with frosting all over his face.

Luca slides on his underwear under the covers. "Okay buddy I'll be out in a second," Luca says smirking at me but Caiden had other plans. Caiden had walked over to me. "Why are you in daddy's bed?" He asked. "I-I was scared so I spent the night in here." I lied coming up with my best excuse. Luca laughs under his breath and I glare at him.

"Owkay I'll be waiting for daddy," Caiden says leaving the room. I let out a breath and Luca is looking me up and down. "Fuck I really wanted to hear you scream my name this morning," he says kissing my forehead.

He puts on a different pair of pants and a shirt. I take his shirt from off the floor and put it on. "Don't let me see you wearing that when we are alone," he said before leaving the room.

I bite my lip and then head back to my own room. I wash off all the cum that was between my legs and the rest of my body. Once I get out I put Luca's shirt back on with a pair of my own pants. I tuck it in to make it look like it actually fits me. It smells just like him.

I know last night won't be our last night and I'm kind of scared. What if he just decided to stop having sex with me and ignores me once again. I walk out of the room with my phone in my hand. Luca was cleaning up some wasted cupcakes from off of the floor. He's such a great father. When I really think about it though I don't really know him.

I don't know why he just suddenly popped up in my life. He won't tell me anything. I walk towards Caiden and rub his head. "Good morning." I smiled "Good morning Delaney." he says hugging me.

"Daddy is taking me to a pool today." He excitedly says "Really." I say smiling at Luca "Yeah you should go to the pool with us." Caiden comments. "I didn't bring a swimsuit buddy," I sadly slumped my shoulders. "I can get you one." Luca looks at me with a playful look.

"There is a store in this hotel that sells them." he smirks "Okay but I can go alone," I say grabbing my purse off the coat rack. "No it's fine we will go with you." Luca walks up behind me.

I look up into his sexy eyes. "Are you going to be able to keep your hands off me?" I teased. "Yes." He lies.

We all walk out of the room. I took Caiden's hand as he locked the door. "Delaney?" Someone with a deep voice calls out. I turned my head to look at the voice. I felt my whole body start to shake as I realized who it was. My mouth dropped as they stood there with a confused look. "What the hell are you doing here?"....

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