Chapter 27

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"Omg it is." I whisper back to her. He looks directly at me and runs his hand through his hair with a smile. "I'm going to go through attendance so please say here when I get to you." He takes his eyes off me and sits down at the desk. He puts on some glasses which makes him look extremely sexy. I have to force my eyes off of him.

"Wow girl didn't think you would be dating a teacher." I elbow her and she giggles. "Ari Frazier?" He looks up to scan the room. "Here!" She raises her hand. "Caleb Knight?" He scans the room again "Right here." Caleb says.

He continues to go through the names but when he gets to mine. "Delaney Powel." He runs his thumb over his lips when he looks up at me. "H-Here." I bite my lip and look down at my papers. "You have quiet the absences. Do you need to turn in any work right now?" He asks "Yes sir." Something dark sparks in his eyes when I call him sir.

I grab my papers and get up from my seat. The students around me are talking to each other so that can't see the blush on my face. He holds out his hands for the papers and I give it to him. His finger tips graze my hand and I bite my lip. Calm down girl. This man has seen and kissed every part of your body. No need to get embarrassed. I walk away as fast as I can. Then he continues on with the names.

Halfway through the class luca decides to pull up a slide show. "Now that I have assigned all the assignments and taken in late work I'm going to show you my about me slides. You all will graduate soon but ill still be your teacher for a month."

He pulls up a slide with him in doctor scrubs. "Before I came here I was a doctor at Bayview Hospitaljust a few minutes from here." Someone raises their hand and he nods at them. "Yes chad?" he asks "How come you came to work at a school then?"

Luca smiles "I wanted a change before I became a full time doctors."

Another student raises their hand and he nods. "Do they over work you?" she asks "Its a lot of work and sometimes I have to stay over time."

He scrolls to the next slide. It's a bunch of photos of him and Caiden. Some from the beach, a carnival, a pool, and a bunch of baby pictures. I bite my lip as I think about the pictures he'll take with our child. He'll be the best father to him or her. Crap I forgot I haven't told him yet.

"This is my Son Caiden." everyone in the class gushes over how cute Caiden is. "Can I take your son and keep him for myself." a girl asks. "No no my girlfriend has already taken him for herself." he smiles before moving on to the next slide.

By the time we get to the next slide class is over. I take a little longer to pack my bags while everyone leaves the class. "Ill catch you later." Ciara gives me that knowing smirk.

Once everyone is gone I head up to Luca who is making the papers neat. He looks up at me with a smile. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to be working here?" I ask. "Well we both had a little secret didn't we." he looks back down at the papers gathering them up in his hands. "Follow me into my office."

I do as he says and follow him into his office. He holds the door open for me then closes and locks it.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask "Is there anything your not telling me?" he raises an eyebrow with a faint smirk. "N-no" I couldn't possibly tell him in a place like this.

He walks closer to me before pulling me into his body. One arm on my waist and the other reached behind me putting the papers on his desk. "Okay baby." his lips graze my neck. "Do you know how many times I've had a fantasy like this. Bending you over a desk while you scream Mr. Simmons" he whispers.

"Like a million." I look up at him with innocent eyes. "More than a million." he moves up to my ear then bites it. How nice it would be to make his fantasy a reality but we could get caught. "We can make that fantasy real in the bedroom Mr. Simmons but right now I need to get to my next class." I peck his lips before moving away.

"Is that a promise?" he asks and I nod. "Yes. It's a promise." he moves towards the door then opens it. As I walk Mrs Rachels looks at me shocked. "Oh Mr. Simmons I didn't know you had your relative in here I would have come back later." she smiles but I frown. It's the teacher who he slept with. I look at him and he gives me a reassuring smile.

I don't fully trust Luca after everything that's happened but I know he won't cheat on me with her. I nod before leaving out of the classroom and heading to my class.

I search around to make sure I'm safe and that I don't see Daniel. I need to be very careful. Who know what he could be planning. To my relief there are guards in the hallways and standing outside of classes. How many guards does he even have....

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