Chapter 37

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We need to think about this. I walk back and fourth In front of my group of people. We need a new plan. I hadn't expected Luca to block off the school with so many bodyguards nor did I expect him to have so many. It's a risk sending one of my guys in with a fake ID. Dammit why did I mess up the first time. I should have taken the bitch somewhere else.

"Boss we should just lay low! The cops are already after you and there's only so much money they will take." Henry suggests but I can't lay low. If I miss my chance again it will be too late. By the time the cops get off my case it will be a month. Time is money.

"We can't do that. If we don't act now Luca will only have time to make a plan." I say "Yeah but if we do something now their defenses will be strong. We could get caught by the cops or worse caught by them." Papi says. I sigh. They are right. If I wasn't so fucking stupid she would have been dead. Even her old house is guarded. They must have went to get the bodies.

"Alright. We will wait until they drop their defenses and then take the girl away from them." I suggest and everyone agrees with my plan. I hate having to wait, but patience is key. I dismiss everyone after assigning someone to keep an eye on Delilah at school.


Luca runs his hands through my hair. "Wake up baby." He whispers. My eyes flutter open as I catch a glimpse of him. He's on his side with one arm holding his head up. "Why are you waking me up so early?" I ask and he smiles.

"You're going to school today of course." My eyes widen in shock. "Really." I almost squeal. "Yeah." He chuckles. I jump over and hug him tight. "I love you." I mumble low enough for him not to hear me. I was 100% in love with this man.

"I love you too baby." He kisses my ear and I blush. Shit he heard me. I move back as he gets out of bed. "Now get up and get ready before we are late." course." Did he say he loved me. I watch him walk into the bathroom still dazed.

I quickly got a new pair of clothes and ran into the bathroom after him. He gets into the shower while I put toothpaste on my toothbrush and start to brush. Once I'm done I wash my face then start taking off my clothes. I step in with him and look up at him. I feel short compared to him.

"You taking a shower with me." He smiles as he washes his chest. I get on my knees and his eyes grew dark.

That's how our morning went. Blowjob that left him speechless, putting on clothes and makeup, then fixing my pulled hair. I was ready before him so I decided to leave and find the kitchen. It wasn't hard since it's close.

I made myself some coffee and toast. Once I was done Luca walked down the stairs with a suit on. I smiled and walked over to him. "Are you secretly trying to take me on a date?" I let my eyes travel up and down his body. "No but I do have a surprise. He starts walking and I follow him.

We walk out of the mansion together and get into a different car than the one he used to drive. It's smaller and only has two seats in it. I don't know anything about cars but this one looks nice.

Once he drove off I rested my eyes for a bit. I get why he woke me up so early. I almost forgot how far my house is away from this mansion. It took hours before we got to my school and I was exhausted by the time 8 hit. I slept in the car but it was very uncomfortable.

I kissed Luca's hand as we were pulling up, said goodbye and got out of the car. I checked my surroundings for Daniel to make sure he wouldn't stab me from behind. Surprisingly there were a lot of men wearing black guarding the doors and the outside area. They checked peoples IDs and finger prints. I felt safe knowing Luca did this. Then again I can't let my guard down.

I walk into the school easily because the guards led me in. They didn't check my ID or anything. Apparently they know what I look like. Ciara walked through the door stuffing her ID back into her purse. "Hey best." She yells walking over to me. "Hey." I smiled. "Do you know what's going on for them to have this many guys checking everyones ID?" I lie and shake my head.

I don't know if I can tell Ciara about my parents death since she doesn't know about Daniel. "No." we walk down the hall to our first class. "Well, this is crazy. I mean maybe someone was caught with drugs or something." I make sure to walk fast but not too fast. I don't want to be early just in case I see Daniel. I want to avoid looking into the eyes of my parents murderer.

We walk into the classroom with a lot of other students and take our seat. I open my binder and take out my papers I managed to get done before getting to class. "So how has that bodyguard of yours been treating you?" she asks and I smirk. "He told me he likes me." I smile and Ciarra gasps.

The teacher walks in and sets his binder on the desk. I'm not really paying attention since I'm getting all my late work out. "Good morning class. I'm your substitute teacher Mr. Simmons and I will be teaching your class for the rest of the month." I still don't look up but Ciara elbows me. "Girl isn't that your bodyguard." my head snaps up immediately to my sexy Luca.

So that's why he wore a suit this morning. Luca what the hell!

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