Chapter 6

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He suddenly gets up and puts some distance between us. "Do you guys have any junk food?" he asks. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "I'm making a smoothie my mother used to make for me when I got sad," he says.

I open up a cabinet revealing all the sweet tasty snacks that I haven't had for months. "Just what I needed." He says pulling out some ice cream, gummy worms, and sprinkles. He dumps it all into the blender leaving my gummy worm bag empty. He blends it up and I watch him in amusement.

Once he's done it looks really good. He adds ice and then blends it again making it a dark red color. He pours two glasses of the liquid he created. "Are you trying to poison me." I teased. "Oh please like I would want to poison a spoiled girl like you." He chuckles.

He puts the cup in front of me and I take a sip. "Mm," I moaned as the liquid make my mouth dance with excitement. "This is delicious," I say gulping down the rest of it. His mother was right, this does make a person feel better. "Hey slow down or you won't be able to enjoy the taste." He says sipping a little at a time.

"I want more!" I giggled and he smirks at me. I clear my throat and look away from him. Why does he have such a dirty mind? He pours me some more and I'm kinda disappointed that there wasn't really much left. "How about I buy a whole bunch of these ingredients and you can teach me how to make a bigger pitcher of this," I say excitedly.

"Sure but I won't give away my mother's secret ingredient for free." He smirks. "How about you just teach me how to make it," I say. "I can and we can make our own secret ingredient," he says finishing his drink.

"Okay good let's go," I say getting up. "Right now." he groans. "Yes now get up and stop being lazy." I giggle handing him his keys that I secretly grabbed out of his room earlier. "When did you-" he starts "Its a secret." I say walking out of the door. He sighs before following after me.


"You really are stubborn aren't you." he says rolling his eyes "Yes, that's how I always get what I want." I giggle.

We finally pull up to the store that's only a couple minutes away from my house and walk into it. "Do you know how to make other drinks?" I ask "Yeah but they are alcoholic so you won't be tasting those." He teases.

"I'm not a drinker anyway," I say rolling my eyes. The ingredients were in the back of the store so I went to get half and Luca went to get all the candy. We had to split up so that it would be faster. I had no Idea Luca sorta had a sweet side to him. Making me that smoothie to lighten the mood. It's sad that he thinks he caused his mom's death but I don't think his dad would blame him.

I'm honestly just happy he decided to open up to me since it seems like he's going to be in my life for a while. Getting to know him might be the best thing to do right now. Lost in thought I hadn't realized there were two guys who had walked in with guns. I felt someone grab me and I almost screamed.

"Ssh it's me." He whispers into my ear from behind. Even at a moment like this how was he able to make my whole body warm. "W-what are we going to do?" I ask. "You're not doing anything. Stay here I'll take care of it," he says sneaking towards a guy who has his back turned.

No, what if he gets shot. I take a deep breath as I watch him helplessly. I bite my lip praying that he will be okay. He knocks the first guy out as the second guy is putting money into his bag at the register. The guy at the register notices him and carelessly shoots. I duck down praying not to get shot. I see blood dripping down from his arm and it makes my whole body shiver.

What is this? Why am I so scared? Is it because I don't want Luca to get hurt. Tears start to run down my eyes as I think about someone in the store getting hurt. Luca grabs the gun from the guy and then knocks him out with it. How did Luca manage to take out two armed guys while being injured? Is this why they made him my bodyguard. I snap out of my thoughts and run over to him. "What the hell were you thinking trying to take out two armed guys," I say angrily looking at his bleeding arm.

"I'm your bodyguard." He says wiping my eyes. "Even so you don't have to die trying to protect me." I hear my voice shaking with each sentence. "Your trembling." He says putting his hand over mine. "Yeah, you idiot. I thought you were going to die." I say wiping the blood off his arm with a wipe. "T-thank you, sir, for saving us. I called the cops so they should be here any minute. All the stuff you came for today is on me." The cashier says. "No problem we will be on our way now," Luca says picking the things he dropped off the floor. "What a nice boyfriend you have young lady." the man smirks.

"Uh, uhh-he's not my boyfriend." I say blushing "Hey take your time Luca I'm going to wait in the car." I say walking out of the store. Me and Luca date! Impossible! He only wants me for sex and I'm younger than him. Luca gets into the car as the police pull up and drive off.


We walk into the house with 15 hours left until my parent's come home so I set up some popcorn and a movie in the living room. Luca went to go treat his small but bloody cut and I was still shaking. I finish putting the cups of liquid he made earlier and sit on the couch waiting for him. Once he comes down he sits next to me. "What movie are we watching?" He says as I put the cover over myself.

"What's your favorite genre?" I ask "Action." he chuckles. I turn to the action movies and click on one that looks interesting. He takes some popcorn out of the bowl and puts it into his mouth. I just noticed my body is still shaking but I don't want him to know that. He scoots closer and looks at me. "Are you still scared." He asks "A-a little." I say with my head down. I suddenly feel his strong arm scoop me up into his lap.

"H-hey Luca!" I say embarrassed. "This will make you feel better." He whispers. I try to focus on the movie but being in his lap is too distracting for me. "Oh look this is my favorite part of the movie," I say trying to distract myself. That was until they both ended up in bed together. Moans and groans! "Your favorite part hmm" He teases. I clear my throat then turn my head towards him. "A-actually I never watched this movie before," I say flushed. He brings his face lower and I just stare at his lips.

"Why are you staring at my lips little one." He teases. "Just wondering what would happen if I bite them." I teased back. "You wanna try." He says wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to his chest. Holy crap his member is hard! I lay my head on his chest and divert my focus back to the movie. "Nope, I just want to finish this movie." I teased.

We both went quiet again focusing on the movie. I couldn't keep my heart from racing at this big lump that won't go away.

Eventually, though I got used to it and fell asleep.

Luca's P.O.V

Honestly, she's one of a kind. Teasing me like that without knowing what she's doing to me. I wouldn't have put her on my lap if I had known that guy down there wouldn't behave. She fell asleep so she must be fine with it. Gosh, she's so cute when she sleeps especially on me. She looks so comfortable. Earlier today those guys were just regular burglars, not the guys that were after her so I was able to take them down easily. I got a little graze from the bullet that seemed to have scared her. Luckily it wasn't her.

Maybe I'm letting her get too close to me. Once this mission is over I'm going to be assigned to protect someone in a different city or state. I'm only going to be protecting her for 1 year and 2 months. If she sees me as a close friend in the future she's going to be devastated once I disappear into thin air.

I put my focus back on this weird but interesting action movie...

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