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4 Years later.

"Mommy so pwetty." Lola says jumping up and down. "She is beautiful isn't she," Ciara says hugging me.

"Yesh!" She smiles up at me. "You look pretty too, baby. So do you Ciara." I say to my flower girl and bridesmaid.

Luca proposed to me last year and I was so happy. I wanted to have a summer wedding so we waited a year before planning our wedding. Now it's the wedding day and I'm nervous. I stare at myself in the mirror. "I'm getting married to the man I love!" I smile.

"You sure are!" Natalie squeals. Natalie and I have been friends for 4 years and along that time I also met Trinity and Vicki.

Luca and I decided to get a bigger house away from where we lived once I had the twins. I didn't want to be apart from him anymore so I offered to do online college. He wasn't having it though. He had no reason to stay in that town anymore so we moved closer to my college. Now we live in a 4 bedroom house. Enough room for everyone.

The first year of having 3 kids was hard. I had school and Luca worked 24/7 in the hospital. I hated that I couldn't spend anytime with him. We would go months without sex and it was the worst not being able to touch my man. Our schedules were horrible so we had to hire a babysitter.

She was a nice girl name Jane and took really good care of them. The second year we made time for our kids. We would come home for 5 hours of the day and spend time with them. Sometimes Luca couldn't get out of work so I would spend more time with them.

They are amazing kids. They never complained or gave me trouble. Christmas and their birthdays were my favorite. I would always take those days off and give them everything on their lists. Luca would take those days off too but we still couldn't touch. We made those days about the kids.

During our third year of having twins it got easier since they were toddlers. I took the twins to preschool and Luca took Caiden to elementary. Everyday he got bigger I would write his height on the kitchen wall.

Everyday on his mother's death day we would visit her grave. He would cry for two day and then say how much he loves us.

That's why after the wedding will be very special for me and him. Our fourth year we had sex like animals. I graduated and Luca changed his scedual to where he's home for half the day. During those 3 hours we would be upstairs. For the rest of those hours he would spend them with our kids. I turned out to be an amazing mother.

I bake with my kids every night. They would get excited when they got to give daddy some of their cake. He loved their desert and he especially loved mine. I would tell the kids stories about my parents and we would visit their grave every month.

Life has been perfect and I couldn't ask for more.

Luca proposed to me under this big oak tree in the middle of a park he decorated. The kids had been in on it. I cried for hours because of how happy I was. I started up my own company and it's been going great.

"They need to hurry this process up, I'm trying to eat some food." Trinity jokes trying to shake my nerves. "I'm so nervous ladies. What if I fall down the isle." I say "You're not going to fall. You practiced this moment for 2 weeks." Vicki smiles "You got this!" They all say at once and I start laughing.

"You ladies are right. I've got this."


I fix my tie as my man of honor Gabriel calms my nerves. "Once you get married she'll be yours forever man. You can have 100 more kids and I'll still be lonely as hell." He pats my back. "I'll definitely be trying but not for 100." I shake my head. "I'm happy with 2 siblings." My 9 year old son Caiden says while holding my 4 year old son Logan.

"Good because we aren't giving you another one anytime soon." I'm already flooded with work. These past 4 years have been rough. I've made time for my family though by cutting my schedule between different people.

"It's time dad!" Caiden says excitedly." I take a deep breath. "Okay Son!" I smile.


I walk down the Aisle with Emmet on my arm. Luca gazes at me with a nervous smile. I'm sure we are about the same amount of nervous. I mean this is it! Bound to each other for life, but I wouldn't ask to be with anyone else. All our friends and his family are watching us from their seats. We decided to have a beach wedding that's light blue and white. There are about 50 guests who came.

As I get closer to my fiancee I start to sweat. Great, I'm sweating out my makeup before I even get up there. "You got this." Emmet smiles. "Thanks, Emmet!" I smile and take a deep breath. My flower girl Lola gives me a thumbs up and I laugh.

Once I make it up too Luca he turns towards me. "You've taken my breath away! Fuck look at you." he bites his bottom lip and I blush. "Look at you! You're handsome." I fidget with my fingers. "Are you as nervous as me?" I ask "Yeah but well get through this together." he smiles.

The priest clears his throat and starts saying his words. Everyone in the room listens to him. "Welcome family, friends and loved ones. We are gathered today to celebrate the union of Luca and Delaney." He starts.

By the end of his beautiful speech, my nerves are gone. I want this man with all my heart. "Do you Luca take Deleaney to be your Wife." the priest asks "I do!" he doesn't hesitate. "Do you Deleaney take Luca to be your husband?"

I take a deep breath and smile "Yes. I do!" I giggle.

The priest gives us the sign to say our vows. "Del...I love you. I will love you today, tomorrow, and a million years from now. Without you, I won't be complete so I plan to keep you forever. You're stuck with me until we die. I won't let you go. You are the mother of my children and beautiful. I can't wait to continue my life with you as my wife!" the crowd claps and I see my best friend Ciara start to cry.

"Luca I also love you with all my heart. You became a part of my the first time you made me fall for you. The first time you kissed me in that car was when I knew I wanted to be with you forever. I'm not letting you go either, you're mine." I wink "I hope you haven't ruled out more kids because I might be pregnant! My parents may not be here but they would have loved to know how much you've changed my life for the better. I look forward to getting old and gray with you." He smiles.

My son Logan walks up to us with the rings. I kiss his forehead and take them with tears in my eyes. "Thank you, baby!" I smile. Caiden...one of Lucas's best men starts getting teary behind him.

My sweet baby. I can't wait to show him our surprise.

The priest tells us to ring each other and we do. Tears drop from Lucas's eyes as he does and it's one of the happiest moments of my life.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Luca lifts my vail and possessively pulls me in for a long passionate kiss. Blue and with confetti flys around everywhere as we do and we both laugh. "Are you ready to party Mrs.Simmons?" Luca asks "Of course Mr. Simmons." he kisses me one more time before we make our way down to other family members.....

The end

The next chapter will contain after the wedding and the surprise they have for Caiden! Stay tuned. They will be bonus chapters that are important to the story.

If you want to read Caidens story subscribe to my patron! If you want more of my stories follow me on inkitt! I will be making Lola and Logan stories also!

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Comment down below how you feel about the story! Goodbye everyone.

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