Chapter 13

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I cover my mouth as Luca sucks my area. "Little kitten your moaning is going to wake up your fucking parents." he teased as he looks up at me. "I can't control it." I breathed as I orgasmed for the 5th time tonight.

He fingered me, fucked me, sucked me, rubbed me, I was exhausted.

I didn't know I would be doing this with Luca. It's 12 am and I really need to get some sleep. "Luca its time for me to leave." I say "Alright kitten." he says kissing my head and then laying on his bed. I get up searching his room for all my clothes. "Leave them, just take the towel," he says with a smirk. "Okay," I say wrapping myself in a towel and then leaving his room.

The next day

I was very sore this morning from what happened last night I was literally limping. My mother had asked me if I was making weird noises last night. Luca told her that it was his TV. After that my mother didn't ask any more questions. Luca helped me to the car since it was his fault for being so rough with me. I liked it but I don't like the aftermath.

The car ride to school was awkward but I made it.


"Hey," Daniel says walking up to me as I get out of the car with Luca's help. "Hey," I say with a weary smile. "What happened to you." he looks at my leg because I'm limping. "I just hit my foot against a wall." I smiled. "Do you need help?" Daniel asks "Mhm." I say and he took my arm and wrapped it around his shoulder.

"Thank you, Dan," I say walking with him into the school.

"Hey girl what's wrong with you?" Ciara asks "I just hit my foot against a wall." I say moving my arms away from Daniel. "Mhm," Ciara says not buying it. "I'll see you later." Daniel waves as he heads towards his locker.

"So you and Daniel did some of the dirty last night huh. He must be good if he got you sore like that." she smirks "N-no daniel and I did not do anything last night." I say rolling my eyes. I forgot I called her before my date to ask her for some advice. "Then who did you have sex with?" she asks "No one," I say limping to my locker. "MMhm," she says rolling my eyes.

"Hey, do you want to go to the mall after school?" I ask Cierra. "Yeah sure but you will have to deal with my driver." I joked. She smirks and I knew damn well what that smirk meant. "Sorry, but he's already dating Mrs. Rachels." I roll my eyes at the thought of them together forever.

"Well I wouldn't pass up the chance to hang out with your hot driver." she winks "I'll catch a ride with you after school," she adds walking off. I take my stuff and head to class.

After school

So I told Luca that I wanted to go to the mall and surprisingly he didn't protest. I didn't tell him I was bringing a friend but he seemed really mad about escorting her to the mall with me.

Our car ride was weird and I couldn't talk to Luca about last night at all. Once we got to the mall I went to my favorite store. "Pink!" Ciara and I say in unison. Luca rolls his eyes at both of us as we go into the store. He follows us. Ciara and I split up into different sections losing Luca on the way.

Oh well, he will find me eventually. I pick up some perfume and spray it in the air not realizing I had sprayed Luca. "Oh wow trying to blind me?" he joked "S-sorry," I say closing the lid and setting the perfume down. He smirks at me with his arms crossed.

"Umn about last night." I say nervously "It was a mistake." He says and my heart drops "That doesn't mean I regret it though." he smirks and I look away from him. "I won't be taking you again but that doesn't mean I'll stop everything else," he says moving towards me. He wraps one hand around my waist. "I can't let that guy swoop in and take you," he says before our lips connect.

I had my head bent upward and I was standing on my tippy toes. He had bent down do kiss me and to anyone around us, we looked like a normal couple except we weren't. I put my hand on the side of his face but then broke away quickly as I saw Ciara smirking at us. "Hmm," she hummed.

I moved away and turned around to hide my blush. What was I doing? Just because we slept together doesn't mean he's mine to just kiss. I cough as I pick up some perfume. I spray it around and smell it. "I should buy this be right Ciara," I asked and she walked over to me with a bunch of things in her hand.

"Aye aye I'm not done with you," she says but I walk away looking for an escape route.

In front of Ciara's house

Ciara had just said goodbye and left out of the car but Luca didn't drive off. Instead, he stood there lost in thought for a second. "What's wrong?" I ask "I'm going out of town next week so It's going to be a different person watching over you." He says combing his hands through his hair. "Why?" I ask.

"I don't want to talk about it," he says. I was going to ask more questions before we both heard a scream. "L-Luca," I say concerned. "Stay in the car. I'm going to go check it out." he says "No! I'm going with you." I protested. He rolled his eyes and let me go with him.

We open her gate when we had heard another scream. Luca and I run-up to her house. I was about to knock on the door when it suddenly creaked open. It wasn't closed? Luca when in first and what we both saw was horrible.

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