Chapter 14

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I screamed as I saw Ciara's dad throw her off the railing of the 3 story house. I closed my eyes praying that she would be okay. As if the gods heard my prayer Luca had caught her and she was safe. She was crying against his chest and I look up angrily at her father and her cowering mother.

"How could you do this to her!" I screamed, "We don't want that whore in our house anymore." Her father screamed down at us. "Luca we have to take her home with us," I told him. "Alright take her to the car. I'll be out in a minute," he says looking up at them with a blank expression.

"What are you going to do?" I ask worried "Don't worry about it just go." He commands and I leave the house with Ciara. I can't believe they tried to kill her. I help her into the backseat and help her with her seatbelt before getting into the front of the car.

It took 10 minutes before Luca came out of the house. He gets in without saying a word and pulls off. "Sorry I took so long," he says glancing at a sleeping Ciara. "I can't believe he tried to kill her," I say scared of what might have happened If Luca wasn't there.

"Thank you for saving her," I say worried about her. "It's okay I took care of those people." he smirks "What did you do?" I ask "Don't worry about it." he says pulling up to my house.

He stops the car and gets out and carries Ciara trying not to wake her. I guess having Luca around at a time like this is good. I open the door for him and he carries her up the stairs. Its really late so my parents are asleep. This situation has made me want t spend more time with them.

He sets her down on my bed and leaves us to it. I change her clothes without waking her up then I change into my pajamas. I really want to know what Luca did with her parents..

Ciara's POV

I was so scared when I went home. My father was angry at me for buying things with our family's credit card. He wanted me to die so I wouldn't be able t use any of his money ever again. Luca and Delaney saved me. She's lucky she already has a claim on him or I would have fallen in his bed after that save he did. I get up and head downstairs to get a cup of water. I'm glad Delaney let me stay here she really is a good friend. Once I get my cup I fill it up and that's when I saw a dark figure.

"Who's there," I asked scared for my life. "Relax its just me." I heard Luca say. I only just recently learned his name. I was calling him Delaney's fuck buddy.

"Why are you up so late kid." he asks with his arms crossed "I just wanted some water but since your here, I might as well asks some questions." I say sipping my water "So are you the cause of all that limping today." I ask pointing towards Delaney's room. "Why do you want to know," he asks rolling his eyes.

"Because she tells me everything but she won't tell me about the limping." I say taking another sip "Yeah I was the cause." he says with a blank face. "Well next time be more gentle with my fragile friend!" I say angrily. "I know she's a virgin and I'm trying to make up for being too rough." He says rubbing the back of his neck. "Virgin?" I laughed and he rose a brow "She's not a-" He starts "Hell no" I laughed.

He looked angry and that's when I knew I made a mistake. "Uh well yeah, I don't think you guys know anything about each other." I say "That's really troubling." I add.

He rolls his eyes while walking away "It's not your business kid."

At that, I went back upstairs to go to sleep.

A week later

I was standing in Luca's doorway watching him pack. "Can I go with you." I asked "No.," he says not bothering to look at me. "Please. It would be nice going out of the state." I begged. He sighed standing up and grabbing a pack of toothbrushes. "I said no," he says sternly. I walk over to him and sit on his bed.

His room was surprisingly nice. He decorated it a little bit but not a lot. "Luca," I whispered and he looks at me finally. "Please let me go with you." I give him my best puppy dog face. He sighs. "Fine but you need to be packed in an hour," he says packing a couple of packs of soap.

I walk back to my room pulling out my suitcase from my closet. "Where are you going," Ciara asks with a smirk. "I'm going on a vacation with Luca," I say "oo for how long?" she winks "A week," I say throwing a whole bunch of things into my suitcase. I text my parents about my trip and they say it's okay as long as I don't spend more than a week there.

"I bet you guys are going to have tons of sex." Ciara says helping me pack "Therefore you should pack some special lingerie." she teased "No he made it clear we wouldn't be doing that again. We both crossed a line." I say still packing my special underwear just in case.

I take a quick shower and fix my hair. I don't bother with my makeup. I run out of the room with my suitcase just in time. Luca opened the door and grabbed my suitcase. "Thanks," I say.

We both left the house as I said goodbye to Ciara. Honestly, this was a good opportunity to get to know Luca a lot better. I was excited to be spending a lot of alone time with him and it's not like my parents suspect anything. Once I get there I really need to take the pill.

Wait? Did we use a condom the first time we had sex in the shower?

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