Chapter 26

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I walk into work and get greeted by everyone. I'm the head doctor so I'm very popular around here. My only friends in this department are Kasey and Krissy. They are twins and a real pain in the ass.

My friend Krissy waves to me and I greet her back as I put on my scrubs. "Kasey didn't come in today?" I ask "Nope his wife just had her kids this morning." she giggles "I wanted to be there too but I have tons of work."

"Oh. I almost forgot that he was having kids."

"Yeah. But you're still young so you wouldn't understand." she teases. I roll my eyes "You're both only a year older then me."

"Still. You should really think about settling down." I want to settle down with Delaney. I couldn't deny that I was falling for her hard. I love everything about her. The thing is she doesn't know anything about me. I'm afraid if she finds out she wouldn't want anything to do with me.

After she finds out I'll give her the time she needs but I won't give her enough time to think about all the negatives.

"I guess I kinda do have someone" I say and she smiles. "She must be a lucky girl."

"I'm the Lucky one." I head for my office to take 2 surgeries. Honestly being a doctor is exhausting and I can't imagine how overworked I'm going to be once I do full time. I just hope I have Del in my life to go home to. Maybe I should stop trying to push her away. I want to tell her at her graduation but it might be too late then. She might stop wanting me.

I get out of my thoughts and get back to work.



I bite my lip as I let Daniel into my house. "Hey" he says "Hey." I reply letting him in.

"My parents are in the kitchen cooking so do you want to hang upstairs?" I ask

"Yeah sure." I lead him upstairs into my room. He sits down on my bed and I turn on the Tv and play some music. "So you invited me over to listen to some music." he laughs and I roll my eyes "Nope I invited you over for a taste of my mother's delicious lasagna." I sit on the bed next to him and open up my laptop. "I also need a few pointers on this essay" I add and he looks at my computer.

"You definitely have a lot of mistakes." He puts my computer in his lap and starts typing. Daniel is always doing good on his essays in class. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the professor.

"Did I at least do a little good?" I ask and he smiles "Yeah. It's written well just a few mistakes."

I stand up from my bed and grab us some snacks. My favorite swish rolls and potato chips. I hand him some and we start talking about a few things.

2 hours later

I walk out of my room to go see if my mother is done cooking when I bump into Luca's chest. I step back and look up at him. He didn't pick me up from school today because I left early with Luca. He has his work bag dropped around his neck and his hair still looks messy. Is he not going to do his hair?

I bite my lip and look away. He has this sad look on his face and I hate that he's looking at me like that. "Sorry, I'm just gonna go." I say about to step past him but he pushes me back into the wall ever so gently. "What are you-"

"Please don't do anything with Daniel." He lays his forhead on my shoulder and grabs my hand in his. "Luca you aren't my boyfriend so you don't have the right to tell me that." I say angrily attempting to remove my hand from his but he doesn't let it go. "Can you just wait for me Kitten?" he asks

"No Luca I'm not waiting for you to move on so I can move on." I snap. He looks up at me a seducing smile tugging his lips. "I mean wait for me to make you mine on your graduation day." he says and it catches me off guard. Did he just say what I think he did. "I'll tell you everything on that day and make you mine. For now I just want us to be friends." he smiles and I look away from him.

I hate that I was going to wait for him but I can tell that Luca is worth it. "Why should I?" I ask "You will see." he chuckled before walking away.

I sigh and watch him walk into his room before heading downstairs.


Dinner was awkward since Luca kept glaring at Daniel and my father kept glaring at Luca. After that incident the other day my dad has been especially harsh to Luca. Luca usually ignores my dad but sometimes they argue about me.

Ciara's plan to get Luca jealous went better than expected. He even decided to tell me how he feels on my graduation day. I really need to get Ciara up to speed.

Well and about Daniel. I like him a lot but what I feel with Luca is beyond what I feel for Daniel. When I kissed Daniel something just didn't feel right. I'm still going out with him on Friday but I don't know if I want to spend anymore time with him than that.

"So Daniel what college are you going to when you graduate." my mom asks and he smiles. "I don't know yet. I've decided to take over my fathers business once I graduate and take back the things he lost from being sick." Daniel says with a cold expression that causes shivers to run down my spine. "Sound to me like your planning to get the luxury life from what your father left behind." Luca smirks but it's not the same smirk he gives me. It's more colder and expressionless.

What is going on?

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