Chapter 45

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"Wow is this my room!" Caiden runs into the room we decorated for him. His walls are blue and I made sure to add dinosaurs to it. "Yep. Del and I decorated it just for you." Luca beams. "Thank you dad. It's amazing." He starts jumping on his bed and we both laugh.

Luca's phone rings. He pulls it out of his pocket and the caller ID says father. Luca and I have avoided talking to his father. It seems that to save me from Daniel he had to ask his father for help. That resulted in a deal. He won't tell me what the deal was but I need to ask him sooner or later. "I'll be back," he tells me.

He kisses me on the cheek then leaves. "Are you and my dad going to get married?" Caiden asks "I don't know. Hopefully one day. I would really like too." I bend down to show him the toy box full of toys we got. "WOW. Is all this mine?" he asks "Yep." I smile.

"I can't believe I get to have two big rooms. That is so awesome. I can't wait to tell my friends." he says. He pulls out a couple of toys and I sit down on the floor next to him. "And soon you will have a little sister or brother to play with you." I say rubbing my stomach.

Luca walks back in and sits next to us not saying a word. "Whats in the backyard?" Caiden asks "It's empty back there for now. We plan on getting gardeners and a swing set to go back there." Luca smiles. "A big swing set and for me?" Caiden asks "Yep. A big one for you." I giggle.

I get up off the floor and dust off my hands. "I'm going to go make some lunch. You guys have fun." I wink. They both nod and I make my way downstairs.


I watch my son sadly. I was so caught up in the moment of saving Del I didn't realize what I did. That day I asked my father to help me. I said I would do anything. He didn't tell me exactly what he wanted until after I saved Del. He wanted me to tell Caiden about the family business once he turns 18.

Then he's going to give Caiden a choice of joining or not. I just don't want Caiden to be involved in my father's dirty tricks. I also don't want Del to know. She'll blame herself when it's not her fault at all. It's mind for letting her get kidnapped and not being stronger.

"Dad do you want another boy or girl?" Caiden asks "Well I want a girl. Then you will have a little sister to protect." I ruffle his hair and he giggles.

"Well, I can't wait. I'll teach her how to play baseball with me." he pretends to throw a ball and I laugh. "How about I have Del teach you how to cook so when you get older you can cook us family dinner." he scrunches up his nose and I laugh. I pick him up and take him downstairs.

Del is dancing to a song playing on our Alexa. She shakes her thighs back and forth. I don't grab them though since I have Caiden in my arms. Instead, I walk up to her and kiss her cheek. Then I place Caiden down on the counter next to her. "Caiden here wants to know all about cooking." I smile.

"I don't know too much Caiden but I can teach you the basics." she giggles. She doesn't have to worry. I for one am an amazing cook. I'll teach her everything. She starts teaching Caiden how to peel greens and shop up the meet that goes in it. I start picturing our little girl or boy next to her and Caiden. That's when I know I want to marry this girl.


For the rest of the night, I search for the best gardener and a swing set big enough for Caiden, the baby in my tummy, and many more kids we have. It has 6 swings on it and a big slide. I also need to start searching for more baby toys for our crib room. I can't have a baby shower.

I don't have friends or family. I only have Ciara. I might invite some of Luca's friends from his old gang. I would like to see more of Gabriel. Luca slides into bed next to me. "I'm going to start my job at the new hospital tomorrow. If you want to start going to college while you are pregnant it might be easier," he says.

I can't imagine having to switch between parents just because I'll be going to college for 4 years somewhere else. I turn around and snuggle into his chest. "You're right. I do want to start now. I don't want to switch back and forth for long. I also hate the idea of being away from you." I kiss him. "I'll be here the entire time waiting for you. You're my only family now. The mother of my child and the best stepmom."

I bite my lip and giggle. "You flatter me too much." my eyelids get heavy and I feel myself dazing off. "I love you, Delaney Powel." I smile "I love you, Luca Simmons."

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