Chapter 39

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After school I meet up with Luca down the street from my school. He insisted that I just meet him in front of the school but I don't want any rumors going around. Oh, she's dating her teacher for good grades. That would make my last month of school hard. I close the car door and he pulls off. I can't hold it in anymore. I need to tell him right now.

"Luca I have something really important to tell you." I reach for his hand and hold it in mine. "You aren't gonna break up with me are you." he smiles. "What! Of course not." I bite my lip and he turns his head slightly to look at me. "Whats up." he asks.

"W-Well I just found this out 3 days ago so don't be mad.." I pause and he gives me a reassuring squeeze. "Well remember I went to visit your son with you and you made me take a plan b." he bites his bottom lip."Not really my proudest moment but yes." my hands start to shake. Damn why is this so hard. "would you do it again?" he sighs. "No, but in my defense I didn't know you as good as I thought I did."

"Do you think you know me better now?" I ask. "Yes. He brings his hand up to his lips and kisses it. "I know you so much I'm falling hard." that puts a smile on my face.

"We had lots of sex Luca." he chuckles. "Fuck baby I remember. You make me cum a lot faster than I'm used to." I bite my lip and close my eyes. "Everytime know." I start "Fuck." he finishes. "Everytime you came in me we didn't have a condom and I wasn't on birth control." he thinks for a second. "I used protection a good amount of time. When I didn't it was because I want to feel closer to you."

We sit in silence for a moment. "You're right! I'm a doctor for fucks sake I should have been more careful." he wiggles his eyebrows. I love that my man is so playful right now. It's making this easier.

"Listen baby you are amazing in bed so I have no complaints." I sigh before just letting it all out. "Luca I'm-" we both jump up as the loud music sounds on the radio. Shit, I ended up leaning on the radio while I was trying to tell him. That's already not a good sign.

I turn the music down and shut my mouth for the rest of the ride. He looks at me from time to time with a concerning look. Once we pull up to the house he gets out of the car and helps me out. Then he has me follow him to a room in this big ass mansion. All the while never letting go of my hand. Once we are in the room I look around in awe.

There is a library on one side with a bunch of books and 3 different couches in the room. The couches are a light blue and the bean bags in front of each couch is white. There is a pool table on another side of the large room and a bar with large speakers. He sits on one of the bean bags and taps the couch next to it.

I sit down on the couch half expecting him to go down on me but he doesn't. He pulls off my shoes and socks then starts massaging my feet. I lean my head back and let out a sigh. "I love this." I close my eyes suddenly feeling tired. "You've been stressing about something." he's focused on my feet when my eyes open back up.

I sit up and loosen his tie-up. "Yeah," I whisper. "Is it about what you wanted to tell me in the car?" he asks. "Yeah," I mumble pulling off his tie and resting my head on his. "If I tell you promise you won't break up with me." he raises an eyebrow. "I'm not going to break up with you babe." he pushes me back and continues to rub my feet. "Well." I bite my lip.

"Luca, I'm pregnant!" I sit up again to look at his shocked face. He looks hurt for a second, then sad, then blank, what kind of reaction is that.

He stops running my feet and sits on the couch next to me. "I'm glad you finally told me." he frowns "S-so you knew!" I nervously view my inner cheek. "Yes I'm a doctor baby but I'm disappointed."

Oh great, this is what I was scared of. He doesn't want a baby with me. "It was hard for me to smile when you didn't even want to tell me in the first place." he looks down at his hands. "Wait what."

He looks at me again. "I was wondering if you were really pregnant or not so I asked mia! She said you were thinking about abortion and didn't want me to know about the baby because you were ashamed of me." I furrow my brows. "I would never say something like that. She told me you didn't want kids with someone as young as me so I was scared to tell you." he shifts next to me. "I told you I wanted as many kids I'm going to be blessed with especially with you." he pulls me into his chest.

"I'm happy about it but if you aren't ready-" he starts but I shush him. "I'm not ready." he frowns "but you weren't ready either and look how good you are with Caiden. I want to try with you by my side." I look up at his smiling face. He clears his throat "I planned to tease the truth out of you but that didn't go according to plan." he hugs me tight.

"Once you graduate are you planning on moving with me?" he asks "Youre the only family that I have right now. Plus we are going to be raising this baby together." I pull his lips into my and put his hand on my small baby fat. "I hope you know I'm going to be doing checkups on you every week." I giggle.

"Okay doctor. I do need some baby books though. I've never had any siblings." I smile. Ciara was more like the sister I've never had.

"Okay." He smiles "I can't wait to tell Caiden." he Beck's my lips again.

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