Chapter 43

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Two weeks later.

I open my eyes to some bright lights. "I love you del please wake up." I feel Luca holding my hand. "What are you talking about. I'm not dead." I giggle instantly regretting it from the pain.

He quickly stands up. "Doctor she's awake." He calls out. I open my eyes to look at him. He looks tired and helpless. I feel someone poke me with a needle. It's the doctor. "Do you remember what happened?" I look at Luca. "A car accident." I whisper.

"Mmkay so your gums and face will be swollen for a few weeks. Other than bad migraines for the maybe for the rest of your life you should be fine. I advise you to come back in a few days so we can prescribe some medicine." I nod then almost jump up. "What about my baby?" I start to get nervous when the doctor looks at Luca. "Your baby is fine." I smile.

The doctors leaves Luca and I alone. "This is all my fault." Tears fall down Lucas face. He told me he loves me. "No. It's not don't ever feel that way. Daniel was after my family and I before you even came." I grab his hand and squeeze. "If you weren't here with me I would have died with my parents."

I pull his lips to mine which was a bad idea. "Shit. I forgot my mouth was swollen." I put my hands over my lip. "Daniel is dead baby." Luca says and it was like a weight lifted off my chest.

"I killed him." He whispers. "In self defense. He would have killed us both if you hadn't." I hug him.

"How long have I been in here?" I ask. "Two weeks." he frowns "When you weren't waking up in the car I assumed the worse. I immediately brought you to the hospital." his hands start shaking. I wrap my arms around him and hold him close to me. I could only imagine how scared he was. I experienced it myself when he was in the car with a bullet in his side.

"The doctor said you can get out tomorrow. I want to start looking for a house immediately. I don't want you anywhere near what my father does anymore." he whispers. "Ok." I trace his jaw since I can't kiss him.

I let him go and lay back on the bed. "I think I just made my body more sore than it was." I let my eyelids sink. "I'm gonna get some shut eyes babe." he holds my hand tight.

"Okay." he rests his head on my arm and I doze off.

Three weeks later

I walk down the stairs as Brandon puts my last box into the moving truck. I know what you're thinking. What the hell do I have to even move? Well now that Daniel is gone I can go back to my parents house. Everything is trashed but I still managed to get the important things.

It was hard to walk in on the dry stain of blood on the white carpet. I cried for what felt like 2 hours before moving on to pack. I got my clothes, my small lamps, my bed sheets and my parents. I don't want to leave anything behind. I got all of our pictures and anything with meaning.

Luca had to move the boxes because of my bad migrants. After we left the hospital the doctor said they hit my head so hard but luckily my skull stayed intact. Other than bad migrants for the rest of my life, I should be fine.

"Is that everything?" he asks "Yeah." I smile. We both get into the moving truck and drive to our new home. We got a home that's close to where Caiden and his mother are living. It's a 4 bedroom house with 3 bathrooms and a basement and also a pool in the back.

We decided on something big so that we have room for our little child that's coming and a bedroom for when Caiden visits. We are picking him up once we finally settle in. I can't wait to get into a mom role. Caiden is the cutest little munchkin and I can't wait to treat him like my own.

The house

We walk into the empty house and I smile. I love the smell of a new house and how empty it is. I can put whatever I want anywhere. I trace my fingers over the walls. "What color do you think we should paint it?" I ask. He walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"We should paint it red." he kisses my neck. "We need to go furniture shopping soon." I trace his face. My mouth is still sore so I can't kiss him for a while.

He turns me towards him and presses me to the wall. I moan when he nips at my neck. "Yeah the floor will have to do for now." he lifts me and I giggle once my legs wrap around his body. He slowly lowers us to the floor.

Then he pins my hands above my head and tastes all over my neck and exposed chest. Ripping my clothes off once he gets his fair share. I arch my back as he licks my belly button. I let my hands wander and tug at his clothes until he pulls them off.

"Fuck. Never thought I would be having sex on the floor of our future living room." he kisses my forehead. "I wouldn't have it any other way." I bite my lip and thrust my panties down my leg.

"Make me cum Mr. Simmons." I moan as he thrust all inches of him inside. We breathe together, moan together, move together, whisper each others name together.

"Luca. I love you." I yell "Love you too Del." he groans as waves and waves of our orgasm come through us.

He lays limp on top of me resting his head on my chest. "Now let's get those boxes inside."

He helps me to my feet and I scoop up my clothes.

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