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He's not going to run away now, I decided to talk to him at all costs.

"Scoot over," I pat Theo on his shoulder, and I sat in my usual place, next to Daphne, and opposite to Draco. But Draco was nowhere to be seen. Just then, the Bell girl walked in. She looked fine, but still weak. I could hear people whispering. I focused on my food, trying to block everything. From the corner of my eye, I saw Blaise nudging my sister. I looked at the entrance, he was pointing to, and I caught Draco's blonde hair, he was walking out. What bothered me most, that Potter seemed like he followed him. I quickly got up, leaving my food. Daphne was absolutely surprised, so were others. WE never waste food, it's not a good table manner. We never left food, but this is more important than any of that to me.

I quickly walked out of the hall, of course I don't want to look like a running chicken. Guess what? I lost them. Great job! Astoria. Where would I go if I were Draco? The Room of Requirement, brilliant. I ran without a second thought. This damn place never opens for me. The corridors were empty and I heard sounds from the bathroom. My heart sank as I saw Draco in a puddle of blood, Snape over him, using some counter curse. I fell next to him, panicking.

"What happened?" I cried.

"Miss. Greengrass, it's no time for explanation, give this to madam Pomfrey," Snape handed me a note, and I nodded holding a hand to my mouth. We were in the infirmary within a minute. "Oh dear, Malfoy, what's happened," she looked at him pitifully.

"Remove his shirt, dear, quickly," she said, summoning her potions. My heart raced, and I had butterflies like crazy, but his torso. I was careful not remove it, which will reveal his dark mark. It was slashed, his wounds were red, and bleeding, he was crying, it was agony all through my body. He took several cuts. Madam Pomfrey rushed with everything, and I sat on the side of the bed, holding his hand tightly, as my tears were still not dry. His wounds were wrapped, and I gave her the note Professor gave me.

"This should make him sleep, he needs rest, he lost blood, poor boy," she said. She didn't ask me to get out? Wow! I should really thank Snape for the note. He gave me permission to stay.

His eyes were staring at nothing, clearly trying to hide his pain. I sat on the chair next to his bed. His eyes closed, and he quickly fell asleep. I cast a silencing spell, so no one could hear us. I quickly changed his shirt, it's been very long since I could examine his face. It turned dull, but the charm's always present. I gasped, as I saw scars on the dark mark. Self harm, "Why are you doing this?" my voice croaked. I kissed his fingers, and if cry anymore, my eyes will pop out. "You cut yourself, you slime ball. You can't run from me now, you have to listen to me," I spoke, despite knowing he's asleep. " I want to blast that filthy scum's head off right now, but I have to tell you something. I can't if your friends come to visit you. Draco, I'm sorry. I didn't pick the outfit for Slughorn's party. My aunt sent those, I once told her you like green. I was forced to go, so I went with Jason, as friends, he's asexual. I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry for hiding things from you. The Dark Lord wanted me to spy on you, he crucioed me, he threatened to kill my family, kill you, if I didn't do that. Everything I did, is out of love for you, Draco. He knew you'd find out someday, and he wanted to separate me from you. Please take my help, Draco. I can't let you die. I'm dying Draco, please, Live for me, love. I'm destined to die, he's going to kill me once he's done with me. In the end, when he succeeds. He's using me as a pawn against my parents. I am not angry if you like Pansy, I want you to be happy, I want you to fall in love again, trust again, once I'm gone. I have always loved you, I always will." He shot up, and I was startled.

"You-I-I thought you were asleep," I said, but he pulled me into his chest, a gape escaped his lips, out of pain. "No, rest," I pushed him back slowly.

"I can't let that happen, I won't," he said, strongly.

"We can't do anything about it," I smiled sadly.

"No, you're everything that I have," he said, tears welling up. He saw my memories, and I let him.

"I won't die in vain, I'll die playing my part, in the coming war-"

"Shut up, shut up," Draco gritted. "I'm not loosing you, you are not dying, Potter has to defeat him, he must," he squeezed my hands. I smiled, I truly did, after a long time, with all my heart. I nodded hopeful. He kissed my knuckles.

"I'm sorry for everything, I tried to forget you, but nothing worked. I fancy you, Astoria. What would I not give to be with you?" he said, playing with my hair, making me blush.

"I missed you too-" I giggled, happily, and our eye contact broke, as our friends barged into the infirmary.

"Draco!" Daph, stopped, "Ria?!"

"Long story, and we are not interested," Draco stated, making me chuckle. After a little time of chitchat, madam Pomfrey started shooing everyone away.

"Looks like I'll have to go now, It's dark, I'll see you first thing in the morning," I frowned, and he rolled his eyes. As they were all out, and madam Pomfrey went to get him a potion, "I would keep you warm, if she let me," I whispered in his ear, winking. His ears turned red, and yes he blushed, I kissed his forehead, and everything fell into place, I was happy. I left the hospital wing happy. I could dance with the joy. My heart felt like the dry soil which recieved its first rain.

I might un publish the story for a while, it needs a lot of editing.

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