21 Years Later

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"Rise and shine," Poppy the house elf announced in the large room, and the two children woke up, rubbing their eyes.

"Morning Poppy," the brunette boy yawned.

"Perrie, get up," Poppy smiled at the boy's blonde twin. "No way, I can't look like a ghost, with bags under my eyes, Poppy," she snuggled back into her silk sheets.

"Your brother didn't notice your mischief yet, run," Poppy whispered, as Nicholas Malfoy went into the bathroom. A smirk appears on her face and she ran out of the room laughing, as she heard her brother shout, "Perseph-"

The brunette Malfoy's hair turned into red. "Dad!" The boy marched into the dining room chasing his sister, where his mum, dad, and brother Scorpius were having their breakfast. Astoria, and Scorpius, burst into laughter, "your sister learnt the spell, very well," she chuckled, and turned it back into his original hair.

"Sorry love, I didn't know she'd use it on you, I thought she'd use use it on your dad," she told her second born, who was now pouting.

"It's a silly joke, brother, get over it," the youngest one reappeared, on a broom.
"Persephone Scarlet Malfoy, come here, NOW, and apologize to your brother," her mum ordered.

"Fine, sorry," she said aloud, and whispering, "for being fun," into his ear.

"Perrie-" he father chuckled.

"We have to talk about your mischief," he continued. "Dad-" she pouted. "Don't get caught" he whispered in her ear, making her chuckle, and hug him.

"And, be nice, you are a student at Hogwarts, like everybody else, not models, okay?" Astoria smiled.

"Yes mom," they said in unison.

"Scorp honey, I packed your sweets. Look after them, won't you, love?" she asked, to which the boy nodded. Draco's new obsession with muggle cars has been growing everyday.

"We are 11 mommy, we don't need a baby sitter," the blonde girl reminded. "Is grandpa Nick coming to the station?" Nicholas asked. "Yes, and you can visit papa Lucius, and gran Cissa, during the holidays," Draco answered. The family reached the King's cross station by 10:30 am. Scarlet's parents were waiting for their adopted daughter's children, better grandparents than her imprisoned father, and dead mother. They flooded Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, Nicholas Regulus Malfoy, and Persephone Scarlet Malfoy with chocolates, kisses, and love. As the family pushed through the wall, they entered the platform once again. The Malfoys walked to the Zabinis, the sisters exchanged hugs. Zelma Zabini, fifth year Gryffindor, Scorpius's favorite cousin was holding the latest broom, and Albus Potter high fived him, and shook hands with Draco. 

"Zelma, that broom's lit," he complimented.

"Thanks, uncle - wait did you just say, lit?" she raised an eyebrow, and Scorpius's face turned red.

"Dad!?" he whisper yelled.

"What? I'm trying to be a cool dad, I even learned lol, and-"

"Oh my Merlin! Geez- dad," he turned around, and walked away, embarrassed as Albus and Zelma kept laughing.

"What did I do?" Draco asked his wife, to which she chuckled, "not cool." While they were still talking, Pansy and Urquhart popped into the platform, Nicholas  winked at her daughter, and the 12 year old blushed, which didn't go unnoticed by his mother. "Do you like her?" she whispered in her son's ear. "No, mom, girls like me, but I love you," he pecked his mom's cheek. "I'll miss you three," she sighed, while Draco talked to his little girl. "I'll miss you too, will you write to us every other day?" he asked, to which she nodded. Meanwhile, Draco was having a  boyfriend talk with Perrie. "Boys are overrated, aunt Pans says so," she shrugged, recalling her godmother's statement. Astoria and Draco, kissed the twins goodbye. They found a girl in the compartment, red hair, but potter. "Hi, I'm Perrie, Perrie Malfoy," the barbie malfoy extended her hand. "Hello, I'm Lily Potter," she smiled. "I know, you are Albus's sister, very beautiful, I'm Cole Malfoy," the boy smirked. "I know you both-" Lily said quietly, her smile never leaving her face, but maybe starting to have a crush. "Let me guess, from the magazines? The Greengrass brand-" he questioned. She nodded, and didn't speak of her admiration for their mother's top clothing brand, and the train drifted away as they watched, into another magical experience, as the parents waved goodbyes.

                                                        -----THE END------

A/N: Okay, if you made it this far, you have no idea how grateful I'm for you, thank you for sticking till the very end. I love you, hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for giving me a chance to tell you a story. I'll be editing this story, so feel free to revisit, like, and comment.


Check out my other ffs :

My last year at Hogwarts - (an 8th year story)

Calming Chaos

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