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"Yes, it is!" Daphne yelled in annoyance

"Are you sure, Hogwarts sent you letters once you turned, eleven?" I asked them.

Thank Merlin, they're atleast silenced.
"You two fight like, what? Five," I educated them.

"Ugh! No, I think Snape is going to be our new Dark arts teacher. Apparently, Blaise disagrees." She pouted.

"I hope he gets it this this time, he's always wanted that," Pansy said.

"I think there are better things to talk about," Theodore raised an eyebrow.
"The tournament?" He continued.

We nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I've been told that the students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons are invited," Theo spoke.

Daphne whispered something into Pansy's ear and they got up and walked out.

"Father, actually considered sending me to Durmstrang rather than Hogwarts you know, he knows the headmaster, you see.Dumbledore's such a mudblood lover.Durmstrang doesn't admit such riffraff. But mum thought it's too far. They teach better stuff, they teach Dark arts, not just the defence,"
Filthy mudbloods, they should learn to respect their superiors. Shame how Dumbledore loves them. What a pathetic headmaster.

Pansy came in saying, "Pothead is in the next compartment."

"Lunch!" Blustrode walked in with some cakes.

Once I enjoyed them, Pansy closed the gap between me and Blaise. He got up to sit next to Daphne.

"You better know where your eyes are, Blustrode. You don't want to turn blind, do you?" Pansy warned, holding onto my arm.

I knew Millicent liked me, infact I'm the most admired in the whole school.
I decided to torment the fools next to our compartment as I was bored.
I heard Weasle fantasizing Krum and boasting about being in the top box. Crabbe and followed me.

"For the first and the last time in your life, Weasley," I reminded him.
I still remember his face, when father told him how high he was.

Oohooho "what is that?" I asked him. My hands were on the rag.

"Look at this," I showed the lacy robes to Crabbe and Goyle.

Very fashionable, but in the 1890s. Oh weasles poverty is so well displayed. His family can't even afford dress robes for the dance. I couldn't help but laugh when he snatched that from me. He is not really thinking of wearing them, is he?
I shifted my eyes to Potter. He must of thinking to enter, such a gloat. Famous Harry Potter.

"You are entering, aren't you?" I asked him.
All three looked at me, as if they don't know what I was talking about.

"You have your father and brother in the ministry, and you don't know?" I asked Weasley.

My God, father told me about it ages ago. He associates only with the top people in the ministry. He heard it from Cornelius Fudge. I couldn't talk to these fools anymore, so I left.
We reached Hogwarts, and Weasley was drenched by a balloon of water, making us laugh.
Peeves is of some use after all.

*Madeye Moody*

"The dark arts teacher's seat is still empty," Zabini signalled.
After a long waste of time ceremony, I am happy there's food on the table.

"Oh my god!" I heard Tracey gasp.

"Mad eye Moody, retired auror. Isn't he?" Pansy asked.

He's scary and grumpy. I don't have a good feeling about him. Dumbledore announced him as our new Defence against Dark arts, teacher.

"Told you, Daph," Blaise smirked.

"Okay, fine," groaned Daphne.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Astoria chatting to Drew. Reminding me of the dance. Well, I think I can ask her for dance, the next time. She is more interesting than Pansy, but something didn't feel so right. Her rosy skin looked rather dark, a shade slightly closer to blue.

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