Sunshine and Storm

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It was time to go back to Hogwarts. My mother dropped us off at the station, and I didn't even try saying her goodbye. I got on the train, to find my friends. Thankfully, Scarlet saved me the energy, by shutting the door of a compartment, soon she found me.

"Ria! You are late, I was worrying you couldn't make it, h-" she spoke, but was interrupted as I threw myself at her.

"I missed you," I whispered.

"I missed you too," She chuckled, recovering from the surprise.

"How was your holiday?" I asked, as she lead me to our compartment.

"It was good," she smiled, "and yours?"

"Umm, exceptionally different," I chose my words carefully.

"Oh, that's wonderful!"

"The boys are in there, I'll join," she said, walking towards the lavatory. I was hugged, and I fell next to Drew. It was good to see these wingmen after so long.

"Did you miss me?" Drew nudged my elbow, playfully.

"Let me think...meh, no," I teased, making Jace chuckle. Scarlet propped next to Jace, and started searching for something.

"What are you looking for, Scar?" I asked.

"My purse, "she started summoning it with her wand, but her attempts were futile.

"You can't loose it like that," all of us started searching.

"Drew," Scarlet crossed her arms against her chest, and glared at him, narrow eyed. Oh, so he hid it.

"Where's it boys?" She asked, and they started laughing.

"What's inside, anyway?" Drew asked, pulling something from under the seat.

"Chocolates," she said, filling my heart. My eyes lit up, with joy.

"Here, have it," she gave us all, reminding me of the first time, everything has changed since then. But the chocolate melted the same, Ugh! my loyalty lies within you, chocolate. Trust me. Suddenly, I needed an excuse to see Draco, I stood up, "Daphne," I shrugged, and slipped out. Suddenly, someone ran into me, and tripped.

"I'm sorry," I said, extending my hand for the boy to take it. He was wearing Slytherin robes.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking," he said. He is cute. "Are you a first year?" I asked, he was a little frightened. He nodded.

"I'm Percy, Percy Miller," he said, extending his hand for a shake.

"Hello, I'm Astoria Greengrass, nice meeting you, Percy," I smiled, shaking his hand.

"Is something bothering you?" I asked, and he nodded, and turned his head slowly back, pointing to the corner.

"Theo?!" I asked, shaking my head.

"You know them?" he asked.

"Blaise, Theo, give those kids a break," I said, observing they went back to bullying the first years.

"They won't bother you, anymore, Percy, you can go now, I'll tell them," I smiled, and he went back, thanking me. I walked to Blaise, and Theo who were still there. "We didn't find much Gryffindors or other house kids," Blaise shrugged.

"So you start playing with these?"

"We're booored," Theo sang, childishly.

"Where are the others?" I asked, and they followed me to their seat. I stopped in my tracks as my heart broke into a million pieces. Draco's head was in Pansy's lap. He noticed me, and sat up, quickly. I turned around, and ran, pushing past Blaise, and Daphne followed me. But I locked myself in the bathroom. I wiped away every tear that rolled out. How could he? Does he think my love's fake? Or is he trying to make me jealous? Moving on from me, is easier than I thought it'd be. He's hurt Ria, yes. Maybe, he's finally finding comfort, a little light in the darkness. I want him to be happy, I smiled, and washed my face. Daphne was waiting outside, and hugged me, as soon as I walked out.

"I'm fine, Daph. Something fell in my eyes," I chuckled.

"No, don't lie to yourself. How long, Ria? When will you stop wearing that mask?" She spoke into my hair.

"He's happy," I smiled sadly, hiding the pain in my throat. I deserve it.

"I wanted to bite his head off, but I didn't want to involve in your love life, since you told me it's about you and not him. Blaise was pissed off to see them, so I sent them away. He might have even created chaos, by now." she sadly chuckled.

"It's okay Daph, I can handle it myself," I assured. I wished Draco followed me, but he didn't, why would he? I went back to sit with my friends. I shouldn't have gone there. How quickly my weather changed from sunshine, to storm.


It's been a while, since I started having breakfast away from the gang, I don't blame Pansy for this, she didn't know we were serious about us. Nor do I blame him. I had my meals with the Carrow twins, and Drew. I told him I got into a fight with them, and he stuck with me as always. I sent out a letter to Father, writing about Draco. His poisoned mead attempt failed, as I thought. Ron Weasley was almost killed, thankfully not dead. Draco would carry the guilt all his life. Dumbledore must be aware by now that these attempts are to kill him, after all, he's Dumbledore. I don't know if he fixed the cabinet yet, there's no way to know.

A/N: Thank you so much for the 10k. Love you all, I feel so grateful.

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