Sweets help you make friends

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While I was waiting, a boy waited for me, as if asking for permission if he could enter.

"Hi, I'm Astoria Greengrass," and I don't own the train, you can sit wherever.

"Hello Astoria, pleasure meeting you, I'm Drew Ross," he replied, with a small smile. After he adjusted himself, he looked at my cat.

"I see you like cats, good taste!" he appreciated, breaking the awkward silence, and looking more closely at it.

"Mine is a Persian cat, his name is Rufus, " he said smiling down at the cat. Rufus was white and he had deep blue eyes. He looked just as proud as his master.

"She is a Russian blue cat, she's always lazy," I told him, and he chuckled.

"Do you know who our professors are?" he asked, curious.

"Mmm...yeah, there's a cat woman, Dracula, the big man, ofc, madam ve-" Drew started laughing, Oh no.

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked embarrassed. That's so disgraceful.

"I meant McGonagall, Snape, Dumbledore, and Sprout," I told him.

"It's alright," he chuckled.

"How do you know?" he asked.

"Well, my sister is in her third year, so I know," I told him.

"Oh! That's nice, do you have friends?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Of course I do, you don't?"

"Umm I was homeschooled, so I only have cousins," I was homeschooled too.

"I was homeschooled too, they are my friends since my childhood, Pansy, Millicent, Blaise, and Greggory, Vincent, and um Draco?" I hesitated with the last word.

"Are they nice?" He asked.

"Oh, you'll soon know," I shook my head, rolling my eyes.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?" The trolley lady called. We both got up, and we bought chocolate frogs. He's totally qualified to be my friend.

"Hey Ross," I opened my fist, to give him our traditional Greengrass sweet. It's believed that if a Greengrass gives them a chocolate, they'll be tied up as friends forever. He seems cool, I won't mind.

"Call me Drew," he said, and put the sweet in his mouth.

I looked out of the window, and we were on a bridge, it was beautiful, until the train jerked. Everything got chilled, and creepy, my gut told me to jump out of the window, but sure I'd die falling in the pool of who knows what place. After some time, the lights came back.

"What the hell was that about?" He let go of the breath he held onto, and I shrugged, "global warming?"

"Are you both alright?" A girl ran into our compartment.

"Mmm-who are you?" Drew asked, and I nudged him with my elbow.

"We're fine," I told her, with a formal smile.

"Sorry, I'm Scarlet," she smiled, and we shook her hand.

"Nice meeting you, Scarlet. I'm Astoria Greengrass, and he's Drew Ross," I told her.

"I just wanted to check on you, two, the dementor attack is not something everyone can easily handle," she shrugged, shyly.


"Yes, but don't worry, we are safe now," she continued observing the relief on our faces and Drew's curiosity.

"A Dementor attacked Harry Potter who is sitting behind you, nobody knows the reason, but he fainted. I feel sorry for him," she said, letting out a sigh. Scarlet is a beautiful girl. Her skin was dusky and her eyes, hazel.

She slipped her hand into the right side of her robes, and pulled out chocolates from her pocket. I know I'm going to have Scarlet stuck to me for the rest of the year. Drew was so confused about why he was being offered so many chocolates. He raised an eyebrow to question but he obviously told himself it would be foolish to deny chocolate. But he managed to say a thank you and crack a wizarding joke.

I was heading towards the bathroom. Luckily I found my sister near the bathroom with Pansy Parkinson. I waved to Pansy, and Daphne gestured Pansy to leave.

"Finally, Ria. Where were you all this time? I came to check where you were, but then the lights went off." she asked.

"I made friends, Daph," I smirked. We sat in an empty compartment close to the one Daphne was sitting before.

"They are?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Drew Ross and Scarlet." She smiled but suddenly,

"Scarlet, who? "she questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know," I said matter of factly.

"Better be a pure blood or at least a half, " Daphne spat.

"Daph, stop being so pompous. She's a sweet girl. She offered me chocolate too. You know what mum says, 'sweets help you make friends,' and I offered them ours,"I said, grinning at her. I know Daphne didn't mean what she said.

"That girl must either be a Hufflepuff or, her family must run a chocolate shop." she laughed. I laughed at how obvious she sounded.

"I prefer the second one more. Who doesn't fancy a chocolate every day?" she winked, which made me giggle. We kept talking till the express reached Hogsmeade station.

"Ria, the first years must go to Hagrid, he'll take you to the castle, and I'm going to Pansy. She'll be waiting," said Daphne waving me goodbye. I caught my friends looking for her. I walked to them, and giant man, I meanHagrid started leading us. I should really stop giving people nicknames.

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