A visit to the Malfoy Manor

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"Come in," I called, as I heard a knock on my shut door.

"Poppy brought Mistress Astoria her pointes," the little elf cried.

"Thanks Poppy, will you put them on the stool, for me?" I asked.  

"Yes, mistress," she nodded, and placed them in front of me. I put them on, using the charm. Yeah, breaking the rules of underage sorcery, of course, but now who's so interested in me? Not the ministry, for sure.

"Ready chérie?" aunt Cassie smiled, toothily. Man she's so elegant, as always,  just like mummy. Age seems to bother these twins the least. Mum wore her dark purply black cheetah print silk dress, and sat to watch us dance, and Daphne was ready with her piano.

I nodded getting up, from my place, after my stretches. The music began, and we danced  like each other's shadow. My memories resurfacing, no, no, not now, not now, Draco. Focus, Ria. The last thing you want is a broken ankle. Ouch! I clutched onto my foot. The music stopped, and Aunt Cassie came running to me. Daph, and mum, sat frozen, and slightly shocked, as it's the first time, I ever got distracted while dancing. How could I? 

"It's been an year since she practiced, Cressy, needs a little training," she stated, winking at me, as I tried. "You both leave us now, will you?" Aunt asked, and they nodded, leaving us with the door shut.

She sat down next to me, sighing, and I frowned, with all  the guilt and shame in the world. "I'm sor-" my voice cracked, as a tear rolled down my cheek. 

"Shh, don't cry, love," rubbing the tear off, "be easy on yourself, I know it's not because of the lack of practice," she whispered.

"You do?" OH! I forgot she could read minds.

"It's the boy, isn't it? Malfoy's son," to which I nodded, looking at the floor.

"I don't know, how he's doing, after his father was taken, it's been 2 days." 

"Did you write to him?" she asked, to which I nodded.

"I didn't send it yet."

"That's good, because maybe you'd want to get ready, and wear green robes, his favorite color?" she raised an eyebrow, teasily. 

"Really?" I asked amused, to which she nodded.

"How did you know, green?" I asked, blushing.

"Well, lucky guess, don't all Slytherins like green?" she said.

"We kind of do," I agreed.

"Now, come on, show me your designs," she got up, stretching her hand out to me.

"Mmm...okay," I agreed, and brought her my sketchbook.

The woman's wide eyes took in every detail, and raised from the book, to look at the nervous me. 

"How about we go to my studio, and make them?" her eye brows flashed.

"Are you serious?" I asked, placing a hand on my mouth, unable to believe it. Despite being my dear auntie, she has always been one of the most famous, and, successful, fashion designer in the entire wizarding world. 

"No, that's Narcissa's cousin," she laughed, "Of course, Ria, they are wonderful, you can beat me some day, with such talent," she winked.

"Oh! I love you, thank you so much," I hugged her tight.

"We'll redo it after your visit?" she asked, expectantly, to which I nodded. I ran up stairs, pulled out the dark green mini dress, and the white heels. The dress was elegant, and I put on a silk robe, for modesty, the purebloods value. A little bow, in my brown hair, was with what I finished. I, and mummy used the floo network, landing in the Manor.

"Narcissa," my mother hugged her. 

"Hello, Narcissa," I nodded.

"Hello Astoria," she smiled lifelessly. She's so broke, the light in her eyes, is nowhere to be found. Her nails, slightly chapped, she's suffering. It hurts to see a strong woman devastated, and still trying to keep it all together. We walked in, my mother along side, Narcissa. 

"Draco, refuses to come out of his room, it's been 2 days, since_" she said, in a cracked voice, tears threatening to roll down.

"Do you mind if I go, pay Draco a visit?" I asked, politely.

"No, go on, I believe, you know where his room is," she said, sniffing.

My mother sat next to her on the couch, attempting to comfort her , and the voices started to fade away, as I climbed the stairs, to his room. The Manor was as beautiful, and elegant as always, but missing the glory and happiness. As I made my way, slowly, I could hear, the portraits whisper, and I was startled, once I heard, someone clear their throat. I turned to my left to see, Abraxas Malfoy's portrait. Handsome man, isn't he, blue eyes? wow, but scary in a way. I curtsied, in respect.

"Nice meeting you, sir, I'm Astoria Greengrass," I told the man.

"Well, are you my grandson's friend?" he asked.

"I prefer, love," said a woman, Oh yeah, his lady love, she was just as beautiful and sophisticated.

Blush forming on my face, and took the opportunity to escape, as they started arguing. I finally made my way, to what looked like Draco's room. Mmm, not bad, Ria, you have great memory. I'm awesome. I knocked on the door, and waited for him, to open it. 

I knocked again, to receive a,  "I told you, to go away, Leave me alone," from the angry boy.

"Draco! It's me," I said, placing a palm on the door.

"Okay 'me', get your bloody self out," his mouth dripped in venom, and ignorance.

"It's me, Astoria, Draco," I tried, again, more humble, and politely, relief overtook me, as the door slightly opened. I walked into the room, shutting it behind me, to notice Draco, reading a book, and not trying to look at me.

"Draco, thank you," I said, in a soft tone.

"Why are you here?" he asked, bitter. He's so hurt, and my heart feels so not fine. He hasn't been eating since 2 days, locked himself up.

"To get even," I smirked, "I swore, remember?" I tried to lighten, and my heart fluttered, as my attempt grew a slight smirk on his face, which he still, buried in the book. I sat next to him, on the bed, removing the robe and hanging it.

"Draco," I sighed, pulling the book, slowly from his hands, which he refused to give. He closed his eyes, and his head was on the head board, refusing to look at me.

"Draco, look, at me, please," I begged, to which he opened his eyes, to look at mine. Oh no, no, his beautiful grey eyes, are blood shot, broke,and lost. A knot in my stomach, and all of me unable to see him, in such a state. Before we could realize, he was in my arms, sobbing, all I could do was let him cry , and hold onto me, as long as he wants. I felt safe, and sad at the same time.

"I'm sorry," he said, regaining himself.

"Don't be, stupid, I love you," I wiped the tears off my cheek, giggling.

"Why are you not eating?" I asked, do I sound like Narcissa now?

"You are here to get even, I suppose, not to feed me," he smirked, balancing himself on his elbow.

"Yeah, thinking, I could change your hair color, into brown?" I smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"Or green? No, perhaps red, the Weasley red," I pressed on the last part, pointing my wand at his hair.

"Oh, no,  you won't," he rolled, and in seconds, I was pinned to the bed, him on top of me.

"Ah," I heard a slight gasp, and turned to see Narcissa, and Mum, grinning. Oh no, we are not doing, what you think we are. 

"Close the door, SECURELY," Narcissa said, smirking, and my mum, was silent, resisting a laugh.

"Umm," I tried, but they left very quickly, and I could hear, mum's laughter, and Narcissa saying she knew it. Embarrassed I looked at Draco, who fell on his side and started laughing, and his laughter being contagious.

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