Rules Are Meant To Be Broken

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"We couldn't find you at Zonko's, so we decided to leave," said, Drew, who was finishing up the homework, sitting on a desk, in the common room.

"I went to the three broomsticks, later," I smiled, taking the seat opposite to him.

"Professor Babbling has high hopes, care to join me to the library?" I asked.

"Yes, I should finish the ancient runes essay, too, get your books, I'll wait," he said.

"Just a moment," I ran into the dorm, collected my parchments, and quills.

"And I'll send an owl to Scarlet," he started scribbling. As I came back, to the common room, I and Drew, made our way to the great hall, where we waited for Scarlet, to join us. AS soon as she arrived, we made our way to the library.

"How did you two enjoy?" I asked them.

"She brought some quills, and we had some coffee, nothing so special," he said, casually, to which Scarlet nodded.

"What about you?" Scarlet asked.

"Well, yeah, honeydukes, Zonko's and three broomsticks," I told them, grinning.We entered the library and as soon as the homework was done, we walked out, and it was evening.


As I fell on the bed, Daphne sat on her bed, facing me.

"How was your day?" she asked.

"It was great, and yours?"

"Good too," she smiled, taking the bag into her hands, which had the sugar quills and hiccough sweets.

"Zonko's products eh?" she grinned mischievously.I turned to look at her, with a smug face.

"Just be careful, will you? Umbridge is a pain," she told.

"Ugh! yeah," I nodded.

"She likes me, Pansy, Blaise, and very specially, Draco," she said, which reminded me of the morning. My cheeks turned red, and I tried to hide the smile that was forming.


I looked around, but there was no sign of Draco anywhere in the common room, so I walked to where I usually sit and found a note, "Common room at midnight."

And I knew who it was from. So decided to practice transfiguring the teapot into tortoise for a while, before the day started.

The owls arrived, and I received a letter, and a pack of sweets from mum, saying she's so happy with my class performance and grades, and dad's proud of my potions skills.After having our breakfast, I and Drew started for the Transfigurations class. We were the first to enter the class, and I started feeling nervous, as she told us, there is going to be a small test.

The class filled up within minutes, and she started speaking, "Good morning, students. As discussed earlier, I would like to see each one of you, transform your teapot into a tortoise."

Drew went first, transfiguring his pot into a perfect tortoise. I did just the same, and mine too, completely transfigured into a tortoise. The corners of my mouth turned upwards, watching it crawl. I looked around to see, some still struggling to even get the spell right and some could transfigure partly.

"Well, I see that Mr. Ross, and Miss. Greengrass could work on it. Well done, I award 3 points each, to both of you," she said and turned away, to teach us to turn mice to snuffboxes. _____

I went downstairs, to find Draco, staring at the fire. He turned around, becoming aware of my presence.He smiled and came closer to me.

"Astronomy tower?" He asked.

"Is it not considered as RULE breaking, prefect?" I half smirked. He came closer to me, and bent slightly, reaching my ear.

"Rules are meant to be broken," he whispered. I couldn't help but chuckle. My eyes widened to see, his Nimbus 2001.

"Your broomstick," I said smiling.

"Just didn't take it back to my dorm, after today's practice," he said.

"I think I'll come for the tryouts this year, I've heard we need a new beater and a chaser," I told him.

"Well, let's see how you fly," he half smirked.Without wasting any time, he grabbed my wrist and led me out of the dungeon.

"Draco," I tried, but he shushed me.Once we were out on the grounds, we walked the grounds.

"What if Filch catches us?" I whispered.

"It will be fine," he rolled his eyes.

His hands clutched onto mine, which held the broom. As we flew higher, Draco took control, wrapping an arm around my waist and holding onto the broom with another. He has no idea, what he has been doing to me, lately.


As we flew higher and faster, I held her closer. Her brown locks, which smelled like Vanilla, stroke my face, which I pushed off gently. Her giggle reminded me of my rides with my father. Those days, when I started to learn flying.

"Draco," she called, interrupting my thoughts, and we flew down to the ground.

"Not a bad flyer, eh?" I half smirked.

"What did you think?" she turned around, grinning, as we snuck back into the common room.

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