Hexes and Charms

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"Ria, join us in the common room before dinner, will you?" Pansy asked.

"Okay, Pansy," I nodded, and rushed in hurry, as I was getting late. The corridor was empty as I took a shortcut.

"Wow, wow, look who we have here," I heard, and turned around to face him.

"I'm afraid, I  don't have time to waste, on you," I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"And I'm afraid, you have to," he smirked, walking to me.

"Where's your ferret? I don't see him," he mocked.

"Don't dare," I raised my wand, pointing at his face.

"Aww, your anger is so attractive," he ran his fingers through his hair, and tried coming closer to me. This is enough, he crossed his limits.

"Oops!" I smirked, turning his tongue into a horn.

"Charming skills," I heard from, behind. Startled, I turned around, and found Draco leaning on a wall smirking, and Samuels ran to the hospital wing.

"Since when were you here?" I asked, surprised

"Since he tried to flirt, and piss me off," he said, and I giggled.

"So you were eve's dropping," I raised an eyebrow, teasing.

"No, you were too busy to notice me, princess," he shrugged.

"I'm late, I'll see you," I waved, and ran to Charms class, wondering what he was doing, alone in the corridor.

"Miss. Greengrass, may I know the reason why you are late," he raised his eyebrows.

"I'm sorry sir, I had to help Samuels to the hospital wing," I told, resisting the smirk forming on my face.

"Oh, You are not usually late, come in," he slightly, smiled, and walked in.

"I guess, I heard you wrong!" Drew said, as we walked out of the class.

"No, I hexed him," I stated, casually, and Drew smirked, proudly.

"Why?!" Scarlet asked.

"He was going off, his limits," I shrugged, and they laughed.

"I have to go to the common room, Pansy has asked for me," I left Scarlet, and Drew.

I found Daph, Draco, Blaise, Pansy, and Theo, in the common room. The unusual thing was, I found Theo, scribbling seriously, on a parchment.

"Woah! Are we pranking someone?!" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Blaise blurt into a chuckle, and I looked at him, amused. I sat next to Draco, who was laying back on the comfy sofa.

"Just in time," Daph, nodded.

"We are writing a song, on Weasel bee," Pansy smirked.


"To educate him of what a wimp he makes. It's Draco's idea," she smiled, slyly.

"He cannot hold a single thing," Daph mumbled.

"Well, that should go with the rhyming," Pansy said.

"He will be sent to the hospital wing," Draco added, making us laugh. After a little while, we could complete the little rhyme.

"Weasley cannot save a thing,
He cannot block a single ring,
That's why Slytherins all sing:
Weasley is our King." Sang Daph, and we clapped.

"The batches are ready, too," Pansy, and Draco, shared a smirk. Pansy made copies of it, and we went to have our dinner.

"Draco, I wanted to ask, but I was in a hurry. What were you doing there?" I smiled, while walking to the hall.

"I was in Snape's office, taking a special class," he said, so that no one could hear.

"Oh! New potions?" I asked, my eyes wide.

"Mmm... you'll know," he said, soflty, and before I could ask, we reached the great hall.


"What are you doing?" I asked Drew, who was focused on his eggs, unamused.

"Devouring the unborn!" He said, making me roll my eyes.

"It'd be great if you payed some attention!" I gritted, "Pansy asked us, to be present in the common room, at 7:30."

"Okay," he nodded, and the owls arrived, and I received a letter.

My beloved Ria,

I am perfectly great, as always. Yes, I have come to London, for a fashion show, I visited your parents. I'm happy for Daphne, I hope she's doing great. I can't wait to visit you in the summer, dear. There are a few designs I want to show you. Take care, Ria. I miss you, and I'm so glad, your smart owl could reach me before I went back to  France. Tell Daphne, I miss her.

-love Auntie Cass

I smiled, as I read her letter, and was so glad, Pearl could reach her in time. I put it in my bag, after I finished my breakfast, and made our way to the class.

Tomorrow's quidditch, and Montague reminded all the Slytherins, to be present in the evening, in the common room.

I made my way to the common room, after fixing my hair. Pansy led everyone into singing the 'Weasley is our King' and the whole common room, sounded like choir. Hopefully, everything's ready for tomorrow's Match.

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