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I kept my patience as I watched Millicent Blustrode ogle at Draco, having her food. It's usual that girls want to be noticed by him, but it drove me mad to watch her gaze fixed on him.

"Hey Blustrode, you are drooling," Daphne scoffed, and I was thankful, it broke her stare. Creep. But she quickly finished her meal, and plopped next to Draco, pushing Greggory away.

"Hey Drachoe!" Did Blustrode just call him a hoe?

"I heard you're single," she touched his bicep, was I jealous? I could send her to the hospital in a match box.

"We shouldn't touch what isn't ours, Blustrode," I spat, before Draco could throw an insult.

"Jealous of me, Greengrass?" she asked, smirking.

"You? I can never sink that low, Millie, don't embarrass yourself spilling your fantasies out," I smirked. She opened her mouth to say something, but I won't let her.

"Oh! did the middle of my sentence, cut the beginning of yours? He's not interested in whatever you had to offer him," I flipped my hair, and I could see Draco smirk proudly too.

He silently got up from his seat, and I got up to join him. He snaked his arm around my waist, causing me to flinch little. "You just burnt trash," he snickered looking down sideways, loud enough for her to hear. "I had to," I laughed. We walked out of the hall, knowing most of the students were eyeing us. It gave me butterflies, and we reached the room of requirements.

"It never opened for me," I pouted.

"Maybe because you never really required something from it," he said, and I hmmed. We walked into a room filled with books, and a couch to sit on, by the fire place. It's so cozy and perfect. The child in me squealed.

"This room is the most magical thing, I've ever experienced!" I grinned, in awe.

"Indeed," he smiled back. He removed his blazer and threw it on an end. He rolled up the sleeves of his black satin shirt, revealing his dark mark and unbuttoned the first two buttons. Hot. I bet he knows what he's doing. I obviously tried to hide my blush, but argghhh! he smirked.

"I have to study for a test, darling," he said, sitting with his legs laying along the length of the sofa.

I had nothing to do as all my homework was already done. So I decided to read a book. It had many books, most of them left or hidden by students. Some spines looked very worn out, dirty. My hand reached for a black book, with the title in gold. I opened to realize it was a diary bewitched to look like a book. I tossed it back into the shelf not so interested. Well, my life has enough drama, which is currently exhausting me. Why would I want to make it more dramatic empathizing for whoever that diary belongs to? How could Blustrode do that? And why did she touch his arm, did he like it? What if he really liked it? We never did something like that. Geez, I should stop, I shook myself out of the trance, and walked to him. Without any hesitation, I sat in his lap, which is really bold. He was startled for a moment, but soon returned to reading his book. Bad idea, I was blushing so bad, and biting my lower lip, but I managed to calm down. My eyes fell on his rings, I always loved them. I mindlessly played and slipped it onto my finger, definitely larger than my fingers. He charmed it to my size, and I smiled brightly as the snake was gorgeous.

"Not much help there," he sighed, as I drew patterns on his palm. How weird, his palms are tickly. I didn't want to disturb him, so I left his palm, and rather started stroking his platinum blonde hair. His cologne was hitting my nose, and I realized how close we were. He looked flawless, he always does. 

"Blustrode really got into your head, eh?" he chuckled, closing his book. I snapped back into reality, realizing I was pepper kissing his dark mark. Embarrassed, I rose up, but he pulled me back into his lap, forcing me to look into his eyes. My heart obviously skipped several beats.

"I didn't like the way she- um, touched you," I told him, my voice low and shy. This boy makes me do crazy things. "Of course, you didn't," He smirked, and his eyes were so mischievous. Soft music started playing the background, and the lights got fairly dim.

"May I have this dance, my lady?" he asked, kissing my knuckles, and why would I say no? I curtsied, he's such a good dancer, we swayed in sync, shame we never got to dance publicly. Spinning, and twirling me, his eyes never left mine. "You bewitch me, Astoria," he whispered into my neck, holding my waist firmly, and obviously loving the power. He lifted me in the air, and put me down as the music got slower. Our eyes closed, and our foreheads rested against each others'. 

"I'm selfish," I whispered.

"I'm all yours, darling," he said, in a hushed tone, making my insides melt. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and his around my waist. Everything was just perfect in those moments. To my surprise, he lifted me bridal style and spun me, until I giggled spreading my arms open.


Me :           Cringes at every couple

Also Me:  Writes cheesy chapters at 3 in the morning

help me, lol!

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