Drapple and Obsessions

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I pulled my wand out, from my leather boot, and with one flick, parted the fruity privacy hedge. I beamed at Draco, taking his palm in mine, to walk in together. The clear water seeped and snaked through rocks, beneath. The mountains stood silently in the background, the fog above the river, resembling the clouds. We stood there for a while, absorbing the enchanting beauty.

"Enjoying the view?" I asked, turning to face Draco, who was still studying the nature.

"Like never before," His eyes sparked, making me happy.

"C'mon," I nodded, and he followed.

The canoe standing there, made him smirk. He got on, extending his hand. I took his, and slowly made my way. The water under the boat was transparent, and I bent down to watch the little fish and rocks.

"What is this place?" He asked, amazement written all over his face.

"I wish I knew," I shrugged.

"Do muggles come here?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No, they don't, it's a private area, belongs to the Greengrass heirs, but unfortunately, I don't know where it's located," I shrugged.

"Beautiful," he sighed.

"Yup, mum and dad had their first date here," I grinned, pulling out a green apple from my pocket.

"Apple?" his eyes widened.

"Getting all excited for one apple?" I teased, as he tried to reach for it.

"Me or the apple?" I smirked.

"Too desirable," he pouted, I held the apple behind my back.

"Ouch!" I said, annoyed with his unclear answer, laughing as he tried tickling.

"I love you," he mumbled into my hair, munching on the apple.

"Jerk!" I said, in his embrace.

"Mmm," he agreed, and started tickling me again, and successfully causing us fall out of the canoe.

"I swear to Salazar, I'm coming after that pretty face of yours while you are asleep," I yelled, and chased after my laughing maniac boyfriend, dripping wet.


"Pans, you can't lie to me, I bet you remember it," Daph retorted.

"I don't remember anything," she rolled her eyes.

"Uh huh, Okay let me sing it for you," I smirked, and unfolded the crumbled paper. My eyebrow cocked up at what looked like a 4 year old's scribblings.

"Urquhart, you stole my heart, every part,

You are too smart to make me sno__," she closed my mouth with her palm, as I burst into laughter.

"Okay! Fine, I like him," she admitted, not helping our laughter, as Blaise, Draco, and Theo plopped onto the sofa.

"Mind enlightening us?" asked Theo.

"Girl talk," I winked to Pans.

"How was your sleep?" I asked Daph.

"It was dark, apparently, my boyfriend didn't carry me, to his bed," she smirked. Oh shit! But how? My jaw dropped, but I quickly recovered.

"Mmm," I looked at Draco, for help, but this jerk kept smirking, and is that a blush.

"Are you sure, Tori? What does he do except obsessing over Potter, and Apples?" Pans asked, shooting Draco a smirk, making us all laugh.

"I hate Potter," he muttered.

"Aww, Drakie poo can't admit the truth," their banter was very entertaining.

"If people were paid for guessing correctly, you'd be poorer than the redheads," he spat.

"Surprisingly, he never speaks of Potter," I said, in realization.

"Scared Potter?" "Shove off Malfoy" Blaise, and Theo, made impressions, of Draco and Potter, to annoy him more.

"I'm gonna burn this place to the ground," he mumbled.

"Unfortunately, we're under the ground,Genius," Daph snorted, and cheeks hurt after the loaded laughter.

"C'mon mate, we can have some fun, after all," Blaise calmed Draco down.

"Okay, boys, time for impressions," Pansy clapped, and we all turned to Theo, and everyone's attention turned back to hating Potter and his minions.

A/N : Sorry y'all it's short because it's a filler.

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