The Little Secrets

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It hurt to see him desperate for acceptance. It hurt even more, to see him trust me so much. And here I am, spying and betraying, on the one I most dearly love. I pushed all those thoughts away, trying to enjoy the moment.

"Shall we read?" I asked, to which he nodded.

Hyperion Greengrass.
Hyperion Greengrass, a handsome young man, was sorted into the house of Slytherin, where the ambitious, determined, self confident, and the loyal, get into, but he had no friends, and a very few accepted him in the beginning. His French accent, was not very helpful to earn friends, but people rather considered him as an outsider. So, he was determined to learn all that he can about them. In his attempts, there was no page of the newspaper unturned, and no book about them, he refused. Being the heir of one of the ancient families, he has kept all the traditions close to his heart. His older brother Cronus, had no such difficulty making friends. His morals were not so certain as Hyperion's. Despite, Hyperion's struggles, he learned very less. No one in the school, could speak French, except for one girl, from the same house. She was generous enough to introduce herself in French. She offered him a sweet, and that's when, a friendship of lifetime has begun. Flavia Rowle, helped him make friends, with the finest of the Slytherins, but his brother, was up to no good. His jealousy boiled, as his little brother made friends with a descendant of a veela. Cronus's mischief has now crossed the invisible line. He treated women as a no match, to him. He wanted Flavia, and could go up to any lengths to get her attention, but Hyperion was a boy with great values, and discretion. He has always treated women, with great respect. Despite loving her, he gave her the free will to chose. Flavia loved Hyperion just as much, and they eventually got married, as Cronus realized his flaws.

My eyes resurfaced through second line, unable to believe what I just read.

"That's nice," he shrugged.

"I think this is the first time, I have ever read Slytherin unassociated with evil, and cunning," I stated, and he stared at me for a moment, just as surprised as myself.

"Well, at least this book doesn't misunderstand us, we are clever, as most Ravenclaws, and are very loyal, like Hufflepuffs, but all they see in us is a venomous snake," I sighed.

"We have each other's back, like the Gryffindors," he said, in low voice, thinking something.

"But, who needs their approval, they could never make into the most noble house," he smirked, to which I chuckled, agreeing. So that's how the sentiment of sweets has started, grandma. I always dressed up modestly, I believe a woman has more to offer than just looks, I remember her telling this. It has always inspired me.

"Your grandmother has traces of a Veela?" he asked.

"I didn't know, either," I admitted, and a yawn escaped my mouth. She was a very beautiful woman with blonde hair, and blue eyes, but I never knew she was related to a Veela. While we were still talking, the couch turned into a king size bed, and a really warm blanket has appeared. I blushed so hard, imagining what would happen.

"It's got pretty late, love," he said, laying himself on the bed. I fell next to him, and he extended his arms for me. Why am I so awkward? Its not like I never curled up to him, but this time I'll remember everything. I moved closer, and his heartbeat was evident. I felt the safest. His arm wrapped around my waist, and kissed my forehead. What on earth are you thinking, Ria?! Think straight, think straight. I took a moment to scan his flawless face. Chiseled cheekbones, sleek, smooth blonde hair, those deep platinum eyes, and oof those thin pale lips.

"It's rude to stare, love," he smirked, startling me.

"I thought you were asleep," I mumbled, in an innocent voice, and shut my eyes, as my face burned in embarrassment. 

Apparently he woke before I could, and was staring down at me. His grey eyes shining with life, after so long. His hair was unavoidably messy, and cute. 

"Good morning, gorgeous," he pressed a kiss to my cheek, but I snuggled into him, reluctant to get up, making him chuckle.

"What was I doing, in your dream?" he asked, in a husky voice, I know he was smirking.

"Sleeping," I grinned.

"How was your sleep?" I asked, mumbling. I haven't had any nightmares.

"I haven't slept this well, since the year has started," he admitted, and I smiled at his response.

"Well, we should leave before anyone sees us," he extended his hand, getting up.


The purple ribbon? Man! I could write an entire book on how to party like a pro, quicker than a sheet of potions essay, now. 

Dear Miss. Astoria Greengrass,

As you are a member of my Slugclub, I am overjoyed if you joined the Christmas party. It's in my office, on the 20th of December, 1996. Don't forget to get a date.

Horace Slughorn. 

Get a life, old man. I have more important things to worry about than picking an outfit for your party, I groaned.

A/N: Hey! Butterbeers and Firewhiskeys, I'm sorry for the delay. I appreciate all the love, support, and Patience.

I hope you are not exhausted.

Little surprises are in store for y'all.

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