The Letters He Wrote

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"What are you three turn-ons?" 

"Being a good dancer, a good kisser and, who smells great," I said. 

"Says the one who never had a boyfriend or kissed," Theo said.

"Poor me," I sighed, making them chuckle.

It was Daph's turn and she chose Dare.

"Go to Snape's office, and ask him if he's a virgin," Theo grinned, slyly.

"What the hell!" she gasped, while we laughed, uncontrollably.

"You asked for it, Daphne," he smirked.

"You'll pay for this, Theodore Nott," she gritted, and we followed her.

We hid in the darkness, while she knocked his office door, shakily. She took a deep breath, when the door clicked open.

"What do you want, Miss. Greengrass?" he asked, and we all laughed like maniacs, watching from afar.

"Sir, I wondered, if you are a, a, vi..." she mumbled, and he slammed the door, on her face, before she could complete. She walked back to us, fuming. 

"It was great to watch Daphne Greengrass, mumble," Blaise commented, laughing.

"Shut up!" she rolled here eyes, and we walked back to the common room.

It was Pansy's turn, and she chose truth, "Dark Lord, Grindelwald, Karkaroff, or Sirius Black, who would you marry?" Draco smirked.

"And they're all single," Blaise added, and I snorted.

"Umm, Sirius Black. Grindelwald is old, Karkaroff is undesirable, at all standards..."

"We know what you think of him, Pansy. Stop wasting your time on excuses," Daph raised an eyebrow, and she pouted.

It was Daphne's turn, and she chose truth. 

"Are you a virgin?" Pansy asked.

"I am, what do you think? I'd loose it in this school?" she rolled her eyes, turning red. My jaw dropped, when I heard Blaise whisper, "Not for long." Unfortunately they noticed me, and Daph buried her face in her palms.

"Draco, truth or dare?" I smiled, and he chose Dare.

"Bring the romantic part of you, in the form of a letter, and read it out loud," I smiled, and he started writing.

It was Blaise's turn, and he chose dare. 

I felt Draco's fingers touch mine, while he was still writing. I didn't move them, and he held mine in his left hand, giving me butterflies, I wondered what he was writing, and what made him hold my hand in his, firmly. 

"Scare Filch's cat," Pansy demanded, and Blaise, Daphne, Pansy and Theo got up, to go, and Draco let loose of my hand.

"You go on, it's cold, I just want to sit here, by the fire," I lied, desperately.

Daphne gave me a look, but followed.

I fell back, exasperated, Draco smirked, and held my hand in his, and started rubbing mine with his thumb, making me blush.

"Are you done?" I smiled, looking right at him, as he put his quill away.

"Done," he looked at me. I couldn't help but smile so wide. 

"What happened?" I asked, gently.

"Nothing," he kept staring at me.

"Stop staring," I hit him playfully, with the other hand.

"Mhmm?" He said, and started tickling me, and I fell on the empty couch, we were sitting on.

"Draco," I tried but he kept tickling, and I laughed so much, that my cheeks hurt, and my eyes became wet. He stopped, and I sat up, wiping the tears off, still looking like a tomato. 

"Can I get to read it?" I asked, looking at the parchment.

"Dear love,

You are the most beautiful person, I've ever met. You are the only one, I'll ever love, with all of me. You are the only one, I'll ever want to kiss and hold, look into your beautiful soul, and say that I love you. You light me, like no one else. I can sell my soul, to have you.

Love Draco." He read, giving my stomach a death flip. I felt so jealous of the girl, whoever he loves. I wierdly felt myself blushing and thinking foolishly that I can be the one. 

"I'm jealous of her," I admitted, to which he didn't respond, but stared at me, with a sly grin.

"I couldn't imagine you, saying anything cheesy like this," I laughed.

"Me neither," he said, simply.

We were interrupted, by the gang, who came back laughing.

"He threw her off the second floor," Pansy laughed, yawning.

"Bravo! Blaise!" I cheered and they clapped.

"Yeah! Draco, mate, are you done?" Blaise asked

"Ages ago," he said, taking my hand in his, once again, and gently rubbing it, I tried as much as I can to not blush, but I knew I burned hot.

He gave them another parchment, which is different, from what he showed me, I gave him a questioning look, and he smirked.

"I love you, always! Really? I knew you were a Hopeless case," she laughed.

"What ever gets you some sleep," He rolled his eyes.

It was my turn, and I chose dare. Unfortunately, Blaise was the one to give me the task. 

"Kiss the person, next to you," he ordered, and Daphne nudged him.

"I  can't kiss Pansy!" I acted innocent.

"Uh, huh?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I'd have killed you by now, if you were not Daphne's love interest," I sneered.

"Okay, we are waiting," he said in his usual too-cool-to-care tone.

Despite only pecking on his lips, I felt sparks. Danger. 

Daphne fell asleep in Blaise's lap, and he lifted her bridal style and left the common room. Theo, and Pansy returned too, leaving us together, in the common room.

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