Is dad a deatheater?

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Draco's 5th year :

"Daph! Can you believe this?" I fell on my sister's bed.


"I really like Scarlet's parents, they're so nice. See, I got you these sweets, I loved them," I dumped those on her bed.

"Oh god, Astoria! I can't believe, you visited muggles, and I'm letting you do this," she sighed.

"C'mon Daph, you'll love them," I giggled.

"Why me?" she groaned, dramatically, rolled her eyes.

"Here, open your mouth," I teased.

"Stop! Fine, I'll eat it, okay?" she grabbed it.

"Mmm...not bad," she said, as she ate it.

"See, I told you," I shrugged.

"Don't do this again, please, I don't think you can lie like that," she said seriously.

"Okay," I sighed.

"Are you sure, you're not a gryffindor? That was very brave," she raised her eyebrow, joking.

"Well, I am surely a Slytherin, I managed to lie, and hide it very well, just how Slytherins can kill, bury and act like nothing happened," I smirked devilishly, making her laugh.

"Good night, Daph," I fell on her bed.

"No, go off, now, you do this every time," she protested.

And she pushed me out of her room, reminding me that we have to leave tomorrow, which I never forgot.


"All set?" mum asked, with a smile.

"Yes," I and Daph nodded, having our breakfast.


"Mum, can I ask you something?" Daphne asked, politely.

"Surely, Daph," she nodded, while I watched their conversation in silence.

" know," she hesitated.


"Is dad a death eater?" she asked, as I I dropped my fork, into the plate in shock. There was a scary pause, and my mum cleared her throat.

"No," she said, trying to cover a frightened expression. 

"Oh," is all what Daphne could say, and we journeyed to the King's cross in silence.

"Daphne, Astoria," mum called, as we were starting to get on the train.

"The Greengrass family has been grey. Though, your father and I, do strongly believe in blood supremacy, he never joined, the Dark Lord. There may come time, when they'll expect us to join them, as you know we are one of the powerful families, if it's true that he has returned." she said, and gave us one last hug.

"Bye, mummy," Daphne waved, as well as I.

"Atleast, Dad is not a deatheater," I said, to which Daph nodded.

"See you," she waved, smiling, and made her way to her friends.

We got onto the train, and I made my way to find Scarlet and Drew, who already managed to find a compartment.

"Ria!" Scarlet hugged and Drew smiled.

"You're late," Drew smirked.

"Blame my sister!" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, that beautiful lady deserves her time," he said dreamily, putting an arm on his chest.

"Yeah, and you don't," I mocked.

"Oh stop, already, can't you both hug, and say hello, like normal people," Scarlet protested.

"Yeah, but look at her, she's a walking strawberry, not normal," Drew chaffed.

"And we are slytherins," he winked.

"You're a headless rooster," I continued, to which he started making weird faces.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" the Trolley lady stopped us.

I went to buy three pumpkin pasties, for each one of us.

And for the rest of the ride, we spent talking and playing.


"Who's that?" Drew asked.

"Dolores Umbridge, she worked for the Minister, don't worry, she likes slytherins," Daphne told him, from across the table.

I then noticed, the prefect badges, on Draco's and Pansy's robes.

"Congrats! Pans," I smiled.

"Thanks," she nodded.


The next  morning, I went down to the common room with the book. I found Draco, grinning proudly. 

"Good morning, prefect," I played.

"Mhmm," he tilted his head, playfully.

"Now that, I'm a prefect, I can give you detention," he smirked, walking slowly towards me.

"And, may I ask why?" I folded my arms against my chest.

"For sneaking out, during the nights, and sleeping in the common room, going up to the astronomy tower when you are supposed to be in bed," he half smirked.

"Good luck," I grinned.

"Do you think I need it?" he laughed.

"Okay, lets read it," he sat down on the couch, with the book.

"Lucius Malfoy I," I started reading.

"The first Malfoy to attend Hogwarts, happened to be slytherin, just like all his heirs. In his seventh year, he liked a beautiful girl named Albina. He grew closer to her everyday. He tried resisting his feelings, but it didn't help him, after-all, love is the greatest power, which can make or break a man. He confessed his feelings to her, through a kiss, and felt like a stone was removed from his shoulders. The poor soul, knew he wouldn't be with her for eternity, but returned the feelings. Soon, he started to avoid her, as she was a muggle born," I paused, hearing Draco gasp. And continued," He was forced into a marriage with, Daneiris after his graduation. The girl, was heartbroken, and never returned to a normal state, and he longed for the love of Albina, but it was already too late."

The story broke my heart and I, and Draco, sat in silence. He sighed and looked at me.

"It must have been hard, life without love, forced marriage," I lifted my face, to look at him, to which he nodded. 

"Ruined, not hard," he said, getting up from his place, and stretching a hand out for me, to which my eyebrows shot up. I took it, complementing,"that's gentle."  

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