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Drew, and I, entered the bustling great hall, and I sat next to Blaise, and our quidditch team. My eyes caught a lock of blonde hair. Draco sat still, his breakfast in the plate undisturbed, resting his chin on his palm. It asked so much of me, to not run to him. To see him sad, and uninterested. Daphne caught my concern, and walked to sit next to Draco, and he refused to speak.

 "Astoria?" Urquhart called, breaking me from my trance.


"Are you ready for the match?" Urquhart snapped.

"Oh! sorry, yes," I nodded, breaking my eyes off Draco. He nodded, and the team started walking away. "Go on, Ross," Blaise almost commanded.

"Ri! he'll watch, give your best," Blaise put his hand around my shoulder, and a smile crossed my face, and I nodded.

"Daph!" he called her, from across the table, and she got up, and reached us.

"All the best," she greeted us, and Pansy walked in the whole cheer girl attire, except fully dressed. Oh, boy! How long is he going to take to understand. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Urquhart is gonna play well, with all this support," Daph smirked, and we howled, laughing, as she asked us to shut up, embarrassed.

"Please have your breakfast, love," I kissed his cheek, before I walked out of the hall, hoping he'd at least watch.

The match against the Ravenclaws has sarted, and the match was on fire. Whoever she is,  she knocked Drew off the broom, now I'll make her pay. I and Blaise kept chasing, and, yes "Slytherin is close to winning," I heard the commentator. Now, I flew close to the blonde who threw him off.

"Now, now, kiss the ground," I kicked her broom, and she almost fell, breaking an arm, I guess. The Slytherins erupted into cheer, and I searched for that one bloke, still on my broom. I blushed as his eyes were already on me, with a small smirk.

"Ria" a pair of hands, wrapped around me, and I turned to see Drew. Why is he not in the infirmary?

"I thought you were in the hospital wing," I raise an eyebrow.

"I have some minor injuries, luckily, that's all," he beamed.

"So you're saying, I knocked off the Ravenclaw, blondeie for nothing?" I asked, walking to the dungeons.

"Well, I felt so great, comforted. It wasn't for nothing, it was contributing factor to our win, after all,wasn't it?" he winked. I'm a Slytherin, aren't I? you mess with my family, you mess with me. I didn't kill her, I just repaid. 

"Mmm, except that Hooch hates me now," I shrugged.

"Not everyone loves a Slytherin, do they?" he asked, and everyone invited us with cheers, and partying. Too tired, I tried to search for Draco. He was nowhere to be found. I freshened myself up, quickly, and ran back to the common room. I stepped out of it, and I found a shadow, on the stairs.

"Draco?" I called, and started walking towards it.

"You did great, love," he pecked my cheek.

"Thanks," I blushed.

"Draco? Will you join me to Hogsmeade, this weekend?" I asked. He needs a break.

"I'm afraid, I cannot," he said, fixing his eyes to the ground.

"Detention with McGonagall," he paused, "I have to do it, this Saturday," he spoke.

"How?" I whispered, "not here." I followed him to his dorm.

"A cursed necklace, Opals from Borgin, it kills whoever touches it. Rosemerta is under imperius," he said, coldly, and I nodded.


"Hurry up, you three," I yelled, not wanting to be late.

"Aren't we too early?" Jace called.

"That's what you get, when you are friends with her," Drew snorted, slowly.

"I could hear you, monkey," I called, making them laugh. Potions it is. 

"Ah! Astoria, very punctual I see, Cepheus must be proud," he sang. Ah, yes, It hurts to not see my favorite professor  not teaching us potions, anymore.

"First name basis?" Jace whispered in my ear, earning a nudge. Within a moment, the classroom was filled.

"Today, let's have a little test, shall we?" he asked, exciting me.

"Draught of sneezewort," he asked, trickily. Don't these people ever read?  I raised my hand, smirking.

"Confusing concoction, sir," I answered.

"Very well, very well, now I'll want you all to brew it," he said, grinning at me. He must be pleased.

I paired up with Jace, and started brewing the potion, he passed, all the ingredients, watching carefully, and not trying to interrupt the potions mistress. Once we were done, Professor Slughorn walked to eachone, examining the cauldrons.

"Oh! you did great, but the scurvy grass was a tab extra," he remarked, to the Carrow sisters, seeming slightly pleased. He walked to ours, and examined, it, with wide eyes.

"Wonderful! Astoria, 20 points to Slytherin," he beamed, and I couldn't hide the blush. Well, I'm proud of myself, my housemates clapped, and so did the nice Hufflepuffs.

"You won the new potions professor's favor too," Scarlet chuckled.

"Well, we should face professor Snape now," I said. I'm petty excited, but I can wear a good mask, can't I? He finally gets what he desires.

"Oh girl, I'm terrified," Scarlet breathed.

"He doesn't bite," I joked, "Ria!" she said, annoyed, making me laugh.

"You are his favorite student's bestfriend," Drew shrugged.

"That I am," she teased.

"And not a Gryffindork," I snorted, after a second of silence, they erupted into laughter, reaching dungeons.

"Since when do you call them that?" She asked.

"Since they began, bothering me."

Dark creatures class was over,  and Snape eyed me, and I could feel him trying to read my mind. I blocked it right away, confused. Why was he doing that? Was he trying to know? Why me? I needed answers. No one must know, I was told. I got up, and walked out, not waiting for my friends, who quickly packed, following me.

"What's the rush?" Scarlet asked.

"I have to go to the loo," I told her, pushing through the hufflepuffs and slytherins. 

"Oh, we'll wait," she said.

"No, I need, I'll have to go to the common room," I told her.

The stressful occlumency classes all through out the summer are not just for one, now. 

A/N : I'm very sorry for this boring chapter. I promise it'll get better, and there's going to be Draco's pov  :) 

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