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I went down to the common room, and waited for Draco, as I sat on the couch. My attention shifted from my book, to Draco, as I heard footsteps. His beautiful platinum blonde hair, combed back neatly. Oh, Damn! Why does he have to look so good all the time?

"Thanks," he smirked, slightly blushing. Startled, my eyes widened, wondering, if I said that out loud. I shifted, blushing.

"Siberius Malfoy," 

"Siberius Malfoy, was a brunette boy, with sharp looks, whom many admired, but no one, like Diana Rochester. Miss Rochester, was a beautiful blonde girl, with green eyes. A kind, forgiving, and a welcoming soul, of Hufflepuff. She never fell in love, despite being nice to everyone around, until she met Siberius. She sent him letters without a name, and  he hardly noticed her. She started sending him, the letters with her name on it, and was so happy to receive, a reply. He didn't love her back, despite her unwavering commitment, to keep trying. Siberius Malfoy, has always displayed, hate and anger, despite his forbidden love for her. Siberius knew, his family would never accept Diana, as they were blood supremacits, who'd never accept a muggleborn witvh. Siberius' parents, arranged him a marriage, and he fell in love with his to be wed wife. Later, when the word reached Diana, it broke her heart, to watch Siberius, in love with another girl. Diana Rochester, later married Marcius Edwin, but her heart hurt every time,  she heard Siberius' name."

"Hadriana Malfoy."

Hadriana Malfoy, was Siberius' sister. She had long, blonde hair, and blue eyes. She resembled a veela. Hogwarts fancied her for her beauty. The brightest among her brothers. She was as powerful as every Malfoy, but was never in love, with any man. Her husbands had surprisingly died, after 2 months of marriage.

"That's Zabini's mother!" I joked, laughing.

"At least, they last longer," he laughed along. Hadriana Malfoy, reminded me Blaise's mom, a very beautiful, and sweet woman. She has always been nice to us, and loved Blaise very much. Blaise never talks of his late father, or anybody his mother dates. 

I couldn't wait for the day to begin. The thought of results, excited me, equally making me nervous.


"I'm so scared," Scarlet bit her nails.
"You did great, don't worry, Scar," Drew pat her, as we were waiting for professor Flitwick. 

"So, you are a pianist!?" asked Drew, trying to distract us.

"Yeah," Scarlet shrugged, smiling.

"It's awesome, don't you think?" I added.

"C'mon Ria, you act like you can't sing,  dance, paint, and on top of it be a ballerina," she raised her eyebrows.

"Yet, I don't play a piano," I shrugged.

"A ballet dancer!!" He raised his eyebrows, and I nodded.

"When did you learn, Ria?"

"My grandfather, tried to put as much tradition in us, as possible. And, you know, he's from France," I said, matter-of-factly.

"Sensible," he nodded, and professor arrived.

The class ended, as I recieved the highest. I rushed to the library, once I finished writing to Mum, my scores, which I was proud of.

"He's got swag," Drew motioned, and I saw Draco sit opposite to us.

"Haha, he's taken, Drew" I joked.

"Shut up," he nudged, offended.

"Ahh! Wait, you said he's taken, by who?" He smirked, suspecting.

"Since when has, The Drew Ross, take interest in the Draco Malfoy?" I teased, and he slapped his palm, to his forehead. I enjoyed annoying him.

"Apologies!" I threw my arms into the air.

"He's still pissed off, isn't he?" He said.

"Yeah, I know, it's because of the match," I nodded, looking at him.

"Nah, not exactly, it's because of Potter," he joked, and I chuckled.

"I still hate that we lost," he sighed.

"I told you not to call me that," I heard Draco sigh frustrated, at Pansy.

"Sod off, Draco," she spat, and I couldn't help, but laugh.

"This place is nasty," he spat, and dragged himself out of the room.

"Now, now, why so grim?" I asked, cheerily, and he smiled back.

"How were your scores?" He asked.

"Straight O(s)," I grinned, slightly blushing.

"Congrats, I'm going to attend Snape's class, um...see you around?" he smiled.

"Okay, but promise me your weekend, I have a surprise," I grinned.

"All yours, m'lady," he bowed, making me chuckle, and made his way, to Snape's office.

The most awaited weekend has arrived, and I couldn't wait to surprise Draco.

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