Dancing in the snow?

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I Dedicate this to Rednight_rain for always having my back ❤️

"It's nowhere," I lied. Pansy kept complaining about school and how she thinks she is smarter than Granger. I pretended like I was listening. The music has finally stopped for my relief.

I walked away from her to where the chocolates were.

I put one in my mouth and turned around to a silly girl bump into me. I tried to take a better look at who she was, the girl who was stealing my attention. Well, something's wrong.

"I'm sorry," she fumbled, making me chuckle.

"Draco?" she sighed in relief.

"I see you're not enjoying our party," I stated.

"No, no, that's not it," she muttered.

"Umm.." she tried to say,

"Fancy some fresh air?" I cut her off, to which she nodded in reply.

I could see Daphne distracted with Blaise, and from the corner of my eye, I could see Pansy talking to Mrs. Blustrode.
I took her hand in mine and snuck out of the hall, fortunately. I loved that she trusted me instead of pouring questions upon my head.
I took her to the other end of our estate.
Winter breeze hit her, sending chills.

"Better?" I asked her.

"Perfect," she said, turning around to face me.
Her eyes met mine, the place was dimly lit and I noticed something on her nose, a snowflake.
She chuckled when I touched it, but then her face beamed realising that is a snow flake.

"Snowfall!" She gasped. I chuckled at how exceptionally excited she looks. It's wierd, I felt like my heart dropped.
Maybe it's because of the weather.

"You don't like dancing?" I asked her.

"No, I love dancing," she said.

"Then, you're probably a terrible dancer," I mocked.

"Hey! That's mean, and for your information, I'm a really good dancer," she pouted.

"Well, let's find out then," I smirked. The music from the hall was loud enough for us to dance, and I grabbed her waist, and started dancing. Dancing in the snow? I didn't know I could enjoy dancing very much until now.

"Mmm, not bad," I lied, she danced with grace.

"You're not a bad dancer either," she shot back. The music got slower, making us sway.

"Wait, was that an excuse to dance with me? You're not shy to ask me, are you?" She smirked. I froze, she has guts and that's very impressive.

"You wish," I smirked back.

"Let's go inside before they come searching for us or you catch a cold," I said.

"Or you," she added, making me roll my eyes.

"Okay, fine!" I laughed. She's impossible.



Wow! I can never forget that dance. It's a different kind of magic, I thought as I fell on my bed. Draco Malfoy, not as much a git. He looked good, he always does. But why did he leave Pansy and chose to dance with me? Whatever, that time was just so fabulous. Thank Merlin Daphne didn't notice my absence. Blaise keeps her so engaged.

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