The Package

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"What's that?" He asked, pointing towards the parchment papers, I put on the table.

"Potions Homework," I frowned.

"Wiggenweld, eh? Where's the potion?" He held out his hand.

"Well, I-couldn't brew it, I was so tired," I sighed.

"You couldn't brew it?" He mocked, but before I could open my mouth, he grabbed my wrist, and led me out of the dungeons. He stopped once we reached an empty class. It looked like it wasn't used in ages and there sat a cauldron and some potion ingredients.

"Where do you think I practice my potions," he smirked, looking at my surprised face.

I started brewing it, and soon, I could do a good job. He leaned on a bench, to watch me make it or pretend like reading.

"Hey Draco, can you find honey water for me? Thanks," I smiled. And I just had to wait, till it cooled down.

"Mmm, not bad," he commented.
I crossed my arms, in disbelief, to which he chuckled.

"Okay, okay, flawless!" He mimicked Snape, making me laugh. He laughed along, and collected, the concoction in a vial for me.

"Thanks, Draco," I pecked him on the cheek, making him blush. My heart raced at the act, and I walked out of the class, blushing red.



I held the vial in my hands, feeling a little nervous.

"Ria!" Drew whispered, while we were waiting for professor Snape to arrive.


"You were with us, all day long, when did you brew this?" He asked.

"Worked an extra mile, Ross," I smirked.

Snape walked straight to the front, and without wasting time, he asked us to present our potions.
He threw some dirty looks, at some Gryffindors who seemed terrible at the subject, to make their potions look blues yellows.

Snape made some remarks such as "dreadful, and acceptable," which made me feel anxious.

He walked to us, and Drew's was an "acceptable."

"Flawless," he smirked, once he looked at my vial, reminding me of Draco. I tried hard to hide the blush, but still, my face turned pink. The class was over after Snape taught us to brew a new potion.

"Hey!" Scarlet joined us, waving to her Hufflepuff friends.

"You saw that?" She asked as we three walked to the dining table.

"The Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students are arriving at 6 today," she said in excitement.

"Oh, right," We realized.

"I'm really hungry," Scarlet caressed her stomach, making us chuckle.

While Drew was talking to me about madam Pince's hair, the owls arrived. While he was busy checking his new broom, a strange eagle owl threw a parcel to me.

I thought it might have made a mistake, but on it was a tiny note saying, 'to dear Astoria'. The sender was anonymous making me curious to find out what it was, but I can check later. I don't want to be late for the class.


I deposited my bag, took a one last glimpse at my robes and hair and went down to the dungeon where Drew was waiting. The Beauxbatons arrived in a magnificent carriage pulled by palominos, and Durmstrang in a pirate ship.

"They are really elegant," Drew confessed.

"I know," I nodded.

"What else do you know about them?" He asked.

"Well, that school is in France, my parents wanted to send me there, my mother went to Beauxbatons," I told him.

"Whattt? Why?" He asked in total surprise.

"Well, my ancestors are French."

"Oh!" He nodded.

"Daph refused to go to Beauxbatons because all of her friends are here," I shook my head, making him laugh.

We had our supper and went back to our dorms.

Daphne looked very tired, and was already on the bed. I changed into my night gown and plopped onto my bed.

"We can, actually befriend them, don't you think?" asked Daph.

"The Beauxbatons?" I asked, for confirmation.

"Mhmm," she nodded, her eyes still closed.

"Yeah, because of grandfather's french lessons," I smiled.

"Yeah, shouldn't be hard," she chuckled.


I unwrapped the package, to see a peach colored leather book. On it, were letters in gold. Before I could clearly see it, someone from behind the sofa, snatched it from my hands.

"Draco!!" I yelled at him.

"Now, now, Looks like a pretty book," he watched it.

"Give it back," I ordered, to which he held it high for me to fetch.

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Mhmm, read the words written on it then," I smirked.

"What's-what's that?" He pouted.

I smirked and snatched the book, realizing we were standing awkwardly close.

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